More People We Dislike #24

  1. Brake tappers.
  2. Coffee drinkers who put perform an ongoing series of sugar modifications to their drinks, as if testing them for glucose tolerance.
  3. Couples in matching sweaters.
  4. Joggers who actually just walk, but pretend to run as soon as another pedestrian approaches, then promptly resume trudging along as soon as they pass them.
  5. Customers in restaurants who make so many substitutions to an item, that it becomes an entirely different menu item, but when this is pointed out to them, will argue that their substitutions are clearly superior.
  6. Businesspeople who think spinning text in their Powerpoint presentations makes them edgy. And worse, that it improves the presentation. Sorry, but until Powerpointless becomes SecondLife, it ain’t gonna be entertaining. At all. Just stop before Edward Tufte head butts you.
  7. People who refuse to drink draft Guinness in the US because it was, “so much better in Ireland, that I can barely tolerate it here,” but then proceed to drink cat-piss like Coors or Miller.
  8. The coworker who sings to herself all day. Loudly.
  9. The person who just took the last whatever-it-is-you-desperately-needed right in front of you.
  10. Kanye West

Who do you dislike this week?

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  1. Bigwavdave

    Your waiting for someone to leave a parking spot in the full lot. They check the trunk, adjust the windows, A/C, seats, (weren’t the seats OK when they arrived?), talk to the kids, adjust the seat belts, pick their noses, adjust the mirror, pick up the trash and go find a trash can, check the mirror, yell at the kids again, make sure grandma is OK, start the car and TRY to back out taking only three tries. Never mind – The movie has started already.

  2. [quote comment=”637088″]Your waiting for someone to leave a parking spot in the full lot. They check the trunk, adjust the windows, A/C, seats, (weren’t the seats OK when they arrived?), talk to the kids, adjust the seat belts, pick their noses, adjust the mirror, pick up the trash and go find a trash can, check the mirror, yell at the kids again, make sure grandma is OK, start the car and TRY to back out taking only three tries. Never mind – The movie has started already.[/quote]
    Good one.

  3. fruf

    little old ladies in the check out negotiating about the coupons that they took 15 minutes to find and then find out that they are 2 years out of date.Then after all this it takes her 10 minutes to get her change purse out find and count her change twice then refuse to move until she gets everything in her purse. This in the express line

  4. DaPopster

    Brake tappers ?? How about the female driver smoking a cigarette, applying eye make up, on the cell phone and holding a coffee. Things you see in the rear view mirror of your motorcycle, stopped at a red light, wondering if it’s the last thing you’ll see.

  5. Tony

    Someone liked Kanye before the VMAs?

  6. [quote comment=”637093″]Someone liked Kanye before the VMAs?[/quote]
    Apparently. Wasn’t me. :dead:

  7. Young guys from small towns who are given their mother’s tiny old car when she buys a new one and proceed to tune it into something worthy of a Transformers movie. They then install a music system that’s approximately 50% more powerful than the actual engine and spend entire Sunday afternoons screeching this glorified rollerskate around the center of the village playing trash metal so loud that it rattles windows.

    Spanish girls who squeeze the blackheads on their fat boyfriends’ backs while lying on a public beach. (quite common, I’m not kidding)

    Miserable co-workers who sigh out loud every 90 seconds.

    Davezilla commentators who post what I wanted to say before I do. Smartass bastards.

  8. [quote comment=”637101″]Davezilla commentators who post what I wanted to say before I do. Smartass bastards.[/quote]

    Damn! I was gonna say that!

    In addition to brake tappers, those who ride their brakes constantly.
    Parents who can’t control their kids.
    Pet owners who can’t control their pets.
    Husbands who can’t control their wives.
    That last one was just a joke to see who was reading. 😯

    Pet owners who drive with their dog on their lap. I’m sorry, but a bumper tap plus an airbag is going to drive Muffy into your spine.

  9. junkman

    -anyone who says “make no mistake”
    -anyone who says “nancy pelosi” or “janet napolitano”
    -people who arrive at a 2 way stop first and then start signalling for you to go ahead first
    -those same people who, as you pass them, seem to want some recognition that they let you go first. I DID NOT ASK FOR THIS FAVOUR. JUST OBEY THE FUCKING LAW FUCKHEAD! I DON’T OWE YOU SHIT!
    -engineers that specify fabrication of items that don’t exist and can’t be made with materials that don’t exist and can’t be made.

  10. The non turn signal using bastard who thinks it’s ok to cut me off and then slows down to 15 MPH under the speed limit.


  11. SavageHuntress

    The ass clown that has his bumper up my ass following me in the parking lot while walking out of the store to my parked vehicle – Yes I am the BITCH that will sit there and adjust my mirrior, make a phone call and balance my checkbook while you are still waiting for that spot – GET OFF MY ASS and go find your own open spot you lazy bastard!!

    The old lady in the sore pushing her cart aginst you while in the check out line – as if thats going to make the check out go any faster – Wanna see how long it takes for me to wrirte a check do ya?

  12. junkman

    savage huntress wrote “the old lady in the sore”. hee hee hee hee

    – i hate all those positive fuckers that write self help or inspirational quotes on facebook or blogs like we should all live by these words of wisdom. STOP WRITING THIS SHIT. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE BY THOSE FUCKING WORDS GO AND DO IT SILENTLY FUCKTARD. I MEAN “FRIEND”.

  13. Any news organization that is still talking about Dickhead West. Stop giving this douchebag air time. Like yesterday’s bowel movement, he should be flushed and forgotten.
    Any news organization that attaches the term “gate” to the day’s latest pseudo scandal.

  14. Coley

    1. Anyone who combines the names of a couple to make one name (e.g. Brangelina, Bennifer, etc). Is that supposed to be cute? :puke:

    2. People who say “LOL” in conversation. First of all Resudo, I’m right here. I don’t need the play-by-play, if you were “LOL’ing” I’d be able to tell. Secondly, YOU’RE NOT EVEN LAUGHING.

    3. The lady that stands at the end of the grocery line, just close enough so you can’t proceed with your order and checks each item on her arm length receipt against what’s in her cart. Do that shit at home, or pay attention when they’re ringing your stuff up in the first place! If you seriously can’t handle one of those options then at least get the hell out of the way.

    4. The person who comes to an abrupt stop in the middle of a 50mph road with no indication of why and then they throw their signal light on as they’re turning. The purpose of the light is to warn others that you’re considering turning. If you’re already turning at the time, the light is rendered useless and you’re a moron.

    5. “The coworker who sings to herself all day. Loudly.”
    Or there’s the one that mumbles/hums to themselves in a monotone voice all day. It’s like listening to a swarm of bees or flies in the next cubicle. I really want to squash you with a giant newspaper.

  15. Timm

    Yesterday I consciously avoided being a ‘brake tapper’ or (otherwise) person who seems to be afraid of driving. It was the first time I was behind the wheel since last october, of which the last seconds involved going backwards(unintentionally), with an airbag in my face and glass in my hair. I did fine.

  16. Sherri

    ~Slow people in the fast lane
    ~Slow people in general
    ~A group of people who take up the entire hallway when you are trying to pass in the opposite direction
    ~Idiots who don’t know how to park and take up 2 spaces so you end up parking on the top level of the parking garage

  17. Vinnie

    [quote comment=”637092″]Brake tappers ?? How about the female driver smoking a cigarette, applying eye make up, on the cell phone and holding a coffee. Things you see in the rear view mirror of your motorcycle, stopped at a red light, wondering if it’s the last thing you’ll see.[/quote]
    I could not have said it any better.But you forgot texting also, that is one more thing,in a car, done by stupid A$$holes, I hate seeing while on the Motorcycle…

  18. Anonymous

    [quote comment=”637097″]Boston sports fans. No explanation required.[/quote]
    Hey! I’m one of those. Leave the Sox outta this, please :dead:

  19. This is a fantastic post, I am still laughing. My contribution:

    People who give you their entire resume when you ask what they do for a living

  20. Kim

    People who block the aisles with there carts oblivious to anyone else around them. This includes the ginormous crowd gathered to sample that tiny 1 inch piece pizza and the sample girl putting out only 6 samples at a time.

    Waiting for every last thing to be rung up before pulling out the old fashioned checkbook, writing a check, showing ID, giving a phone number while 6 of us are in line behind you.! (For craps sake the banks now have Debit cards??) Could you not have had the check filled out while waiting in line?

    My Number 1 Peeve?? Animal Abusers! Hang them by there toes, cover them in honey and leave them in the sun until they die! Better yet lock them in a cage not big enough to turn around in with no food or water and forget that they are there.

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