MacGyver Hair

MacGyver Hair

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Show 17 Comments


  1. janeeto

    Dang it! There are people who still dig the mullet!! Wonder what they use in lieu of shears to carve this ‘do…. Banging two sharp rocks together? What next? The Michael Knight hair dresser or Michael Knight Leather Shop?

  2. Spud

    I’m kinda dubious about a hairdresser who advertises as ‘MacGyver Hairdresser’

    I mean what happens exactly? do you get in the chair and then this guy proceeds to cut your hair with whatever is lying about the shop?

    MacGyver would be able to cut your hair with a pair of scissors he made out of rusty razor blades found in the bin fastened to two slightly used chopsticks held together with rubber bands, but that’s MacGyver, not some punk kid in a Dhaka barber shop.


  3. :wtf: Ooooooooo! I really wanted A-Team hair for my high school reunion! That Faceman was soooooooooo dreamy!!! 😛

  4. Bjorn Freeh

    Crud. I was hoping we’d learn how to defuse a nuclear bomb using nothing but Mac’s hair (it can be done, you know).

    Imagine my disappointment.

  5. Chris S

    Well at least this guy will be ready when Richard Dean Anderson drops by this particularly delapidated street in No Kin Find Mie, Asia.

  6. A well-prepared man never leaves home without a Swiss Army knife and duct tape, though I suspect most men would use them to clean their fingernails and in lieu of hurricane shutters. 😀

  7. DaPopster

    Wel-com? Not even gonna stick my head in to cap on them for that one. Guess it takes awhile for syndicated reruns to make their way around the world ….. there’s one for you to explore, Dave. :wtf:

  8. Drusky

    “The mullet is still alive and well! Come on down and see at the MacGyver Hair Dressers. We’re convienently located in between The Fonz Dating Service and The Knight Rider Driving School and across from the A-Team Public Relations Firm.”

  9. Finally, something MacGyver truly would have been able to fix with a hair pin!

  10. Flash Gordon

    Mullets and leisure suits complement each other well. Candidate Guiliani would look
    great in that combo. :puke: :wtf: 🙄

  11. Hey! I did a MacGyver post a few days ago:) LOL I like to think I inspired this one:) 😀

  12. Lake Effect

    That address…23/B Zigatola…What a co-inky-dinky! Isn’t Dave’z neighborhood Starbucks at 23/C Zigatola??? :java: :wtf: ❗ 😳 :java:

  13. So where do I go to get my Jem haircut? Ya know, something truly, truly, truly outrageous? 😛

  14. [Comment ID #223257 will appear here]

    A manly man like you wouldn’t be caught dead with a mullet, would ya babe? (Do you even have any hair left?) 😛

    You seem grouchier than usual today. Everything all right in your world? Been sleeping okay? Staying on your medication?

    Hey Lake … good one. 😆

  15. TimM

    The sign underneath the “MacGyver” sign translates to, “Formerly The Don King Hairdresser.”

  16. [Comment ID #223344 will appear here]

    No, it was sent in anonymously.

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