I prefer the cellphone scented oil, myself

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Show 23 Comments


  1. frisko

    Wow, it must smell like my 1986 Pontiac Parisian.
    For sale $400 bucks, needs 2 tires.

  2. I hope it’s new car smell and doesn’t smell like somebody’s car whose been transporting their wet dog home from swimming in the stagnant pond.

  3. JFLY

    Nothing like the smell of burning oil and noxious fumes emitted from a bad exhaust system combined with stale cigarette smoke, paint thinner, and Slim Jim wrappers…

    Wait…that’s my husband’s car 😛

    Mine smells like cheap coconut air freshener…lol.

  4. Spud

    I hate to throw a spanner in the works, but it kinda looks like something you put on your ear…


  5. Helps you feel better about all the greenhouse gases you’re SUV is spewing when you can imagine that greenhouse being full of pretty scented flowers. Just think of Kew Gardens with four-wheel drive.

  6. Craig

    Carbon Monoxide, Anyone?

  7. Lisa

    I wonder if it might be that catalytic converter smell???

  8. bob

    I hope it helps speed up global warming, I’m rooting for it, it’s cold here

  9. unfortunately, my last car smelled of ASS.

  10. Mikel

    i wonder if they have the new car that has been submerged under water in new orleans for a week smell yet!

  11. Christall

    The last time i smelled a new car was??? well a long time and if it doesn’t smell like McDonalds food and stale coffee. Then I must be in the wrong car.

    antifreeze smell is option #2

  12. Mandy

    Could be so much worse. Could be skanky :undies: or sweaty :boxers: :wtf:

  13. Coley

    Anyone whose ever worked in food service can back me up on this…Have you ever left your smock or apron in your car over the weekend in the summer. Let’s hope it doesn’t smell like THAT :dead:

  14. simoon

    Okay… so what does the top right actually say? It looks like it *should* say “Clip on unit” but it looks like it *actually* says “Clip on cunt.”

    Ummmm…. so, what are we trying to change the smell of???

  15. Chris

    If it smells so good, how come the guy has the roof down?

  16. Themrdoug

    Now is this worn over your nose and mouth or is it to be used as a protective cup? And what the hell is the deal with the finger? With the noxious fumes coming from it, I am going with “Pull my finger”

  17. Lace Valentine

    “Drove my Chevy to the Levy
    but the levy was dry–

    Oil that is…
    Texas tea
    Glade air fresheners… :dead:

  18. Lizzie

    I can certainly back you up Coley!!Also thanks ’cause that just reminded me to go get my apron out of my car:lol:

  19. dougieace

    smells like stinky finger:undies:

  20. …was venting, that is. And I seem to be going through a bad “spell”

  21. jayray

    my car usually smells like:boobs::boobs: and ass, so i’ll pass on the air freshener period!!

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