Complete this sentence #26, Poetry Edition

I’ve never seen a purple ________.
and hope I never see one.
But with the ________ we’ve got today
there certainly must be one!

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Show 34 Comments


  1. I’ve never seen a purple toupee.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the dolts we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

  2. I’ve never seen a purple tit, per-se.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the skanks we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

    – or –

    I’ve never seen a purple chick lay.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the porn we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

    OK, I’m done.

  3. Anna

    Aha, but the original goes:

    I never saw a purple cow,
    I never hope to see one.
    But I can tell you anyhow,
    I’d rather see than be one.

    (or did everybody know that already?)

  4. Rhyme schmyme:

    I’ve never seen a purple nipple.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the freaks we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

  5. I’ve never seen a purple dick.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the camel-toes we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!


  6. frisko

    I’ve never seen a purple ganerple*.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the rotten chicken wings we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

    *Ganerple is what my family calls the yuckie connective tissue in chicken wings

  7. frisko

    fix the post clock Zilla

  8. mckuyver

    I’ve never seen a purple president,
    and I hope I never see one,
    but with the idiot we’ve got today,
    the change would be a good one!

  9. Mandy

    I’ve seen a few purple :wang:s, Minnie. Depends how hard you grab them 😛

  10. The original in the US is a tad different, Anna (as to be expected).

    I’ve never seen a purple cow,
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the milk we get today,
    there certainly must be one. :wtf:

  11. Anna

    Sorry, Dave, but it isn’t. It’s from this little book of funny rhymes (mid ’70’s)

    I eat my peas with honey,
    I’ve done it all my life.
    They do taste kind of funny,
    but it keeps them on the knife.

    As I was standing in the street,
    as quiet as can be.
    A great, big man came up to me
    and tied his horse to me.

    etc. etc. etc.

  12. Anna

    Well, that sure tells the community that I’m over the hill :limp::limp:

  13. BillP

    Someday, the Dutch will have a sense of humor. That day is not yet here.

  14. BillP

    Uh, Davezilla is “over the hill” too, IIRC. 😐

  15. Paige

    Ive never seen a purple dinosaur and I hope I never see one. But with all the merchandising we have today im sure there must be one:-?

  16. I’ve never seen a purple Bush.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the lying scumbags we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

    sorry. basically got nothin’

  17. We see that, Rust 🙄

    I’ve NEVER seen a Honest Prez
    the biggest liar WAS Bubba
    But now my pappy proudly sez
    Only 2 more years of Dubya.

    Sorry Rust… I got nothing either.

  18. And here is the sequel to the original, also written by Gellett Burgess, the author of The Purple Cow:

    Ah, yes, I wrote “The Purple Cow.”
    I’m sorry now I wrote it.
    But I can tell you anyhow
    I’ll kill you if you quote it.

  19. I’ve never seen a purple dick.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the tight pussy we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

    There, it has been said and done. And I am ashamed it was me that said it.

  20. Christall

    I’ve never seen a purple RAIN.
    and hope i never see one!
    but, with all the DISASTERS today
    there certainly must be one.

    OMG–Prince and Purple Rain, now that’s
    a halloween treat!!! enjoy everyone!

  21. ive never seen a purple camel toad
    i hope to never see one
    with all the S.T.D.’s we have today
    there certainly must be one

  22. Indyup?

    Ive never seen a purple Az’ole I hope to never see one But w/all these :limp: I’m sure that I won’t be one!

  23. I’ve never seen a purple people-eater
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the people we’ve got today
    I’m all for it.

  24. Lace Valentine

    I’ve never seen a purple birth control pill
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the sluts we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!


  25. Stephanie

    I’ve never seen a purple gallon of milk,
    and I hope I never see one.
    But with cow-teat-sucking machines we’ve got these days,
    there certainly must be one.

  26. Stephanie

    I’ve never seen a purple Power Ranger,
    and I hope I never see one.
    But with all those Power Ranger costumes that for some reason they keep making year after year,
    there certainly must be one.

  27. I’ve never seen a purple turd.
    and hope I never see one.
    But with the bad cooking we’ve got today
    there certainly must be one!

    P.S. Notice the nice classical music that plays in the cow milking video. Yes, I watched the whole thing. I feel so dirty :dead:.

  28. Sondi

    U know, that link brings back all kinds of crazy memories of my :boobs: :boobs: pumping days. 😕

  29. mitch smith

    I’ve never seen a purple spot on a my lungs
    And I hope never to see one
    But with all the shit I’ve smoked
    There certainly must be one.

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