Google has some interesting autofill suggestions

Ever noticed how Google will start to autofill suggestions as you type? This can lead to some pretty weird suggestions (which means all of us are typing in some really weird things numerous times). This is what I got by typing in “what are these s” and waiting for it to suggest something.


Some other fun ones to try:

  1. what are these p; 4th result is, “What are these purple boxes in trees?”
  2. what are these t; 6th result is, “What are these things on my face?”
  3. why did you a; 3rd result is, “Why did you apply methylene blue to the slide with your cheek cells?”
  4. why did you p; 5th result is, “Why did you plaster over the hole I punched in the door?” (Bare Naked Ladies lyric?), 7th result is, “Why did you pour ink on my head?”
  5. why did you t; 7th result is, “Why did you think a giant bubble?”
  6. why did you s; 1st result is, “Why did you stop at a red light and let me hit you doing 80?”
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  1. fruf

    what are you…doing with that thing so close to my face?
    why am I…stapling your *ss cheeks together
    why did you…swim in the bad end of the gene pool

  2. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”635814″]what are you…doing with that thing so close to my face?
    why am I…stapling your *ss cheeks together
    why did you…swim in the bad end of the gene pool[/quote]
    “Bad End” of the gene pool ? You mean to say there is a safe end and it’s OK to swim ? Better check and see if this “pool” has steeply sloped sides and there is a handle involved in it’s rapid filling and flush, er, um, I mean emptying.

  3. What is that guy… talking about scranton is not lame. scranton is the cool fun branch. we are.
    What in the hell… is wrong with me?
    What is your… poo telling you?
    When do you… eat king cake?
    Why are… men so stupid?
    Why are you… a troll priest?

  4. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”635825″]What is that guy… talking about scranton is not lame. scranton is the cool fun branch. we are.
    What in the hell… is wrong with me?
    What is your… poo telling you?
    When do you… eat king cake?
    Why are… men so stupid?
    Why are you… a troll priest?[/quote]
    Where is AnnieB?
    Where is Mandy?
    Why is that Indian riding on a cow?
    What is Potrizebie?
    What, me worry?
    Whatever happened to Hillary? GeeDubya? 8) 😮 ❓ :wtf:

  5. Spud

    What are theses bumps on my face?
    Where are these ants coming from?
    Why are these concepts important to United States society?
    When are the Jonas Brothers coming to Australia?
    Could there be life on Venus?

  6. anon

    I like p:
    “i like people and i like them to like me but i wear my heart where god put it on the inside.”

  7. anon

    I like f:
    i like flawed characters because somewhere in them i see more of the truth

  8. anon

    I want a e:
    “I want a emo boyfriend”

  9. Sammy

    wow i

    …wow i pitied the fool

    That just made my day. Thx! I never realized Google had such a feature. ‘Thought we had to enable autofill through our browsers. So cool:

    how to delete the i

    …how to delete the internet

    Interesting…so many possibilities

  10. junkman

    i typed in “why do i have” and got:
    why do i have no friends
    why do i have green pop
    why do i have 4 nipples
    why do i have so much gas
    why do i have dark circles under my eyes
    why do i have to pee so much
    why do i have so much discharge
    why do i have diarrhea
    why do i have bags under my eyes
    -i think a homerism is in order here……”alcohol…the cause of… and solution to… all of life’s problems!”

  11. I can see your… dirty pillows.
    I can see your… aura and it’s ugly.
    I can see your… underwear.
    I can… vibrate my eyes.
    I can… eat a knob at night.
    I can… kill you with my brain.
    I can… fart on command.

  12. i know i know.
    why isn’t mandy naked?
    why isn’t meagan showing her bewbs?
    why isn’t annieb giving me head?
    you boys are getting predictable 😛

  13. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”635906″]i know i know.
    why isn’t mandy naked?
    why isn’t meagan showing her bewbs?
    why isn’t annieb giving me head?
    you boys are getting predictable :P[/quote]
    Haven’t we always been? :wang:

  14. junkman

    [quote comment=”635925″][quote comment=”635906″]i know i know.
    why isn’t mandy naked?
    why isn’t meagan showing her bewbs?
    why isn’t annieb giving me head?
    you boys are getting predictable :P[/quote]
    Haven’t we always been? :wang:[/quote]

    yep. by the way we’re all over here in the other room with the candles. the massage tables are set up, the veuve cliquot is chilled, the home made sushi is in the fridge at the ready. we wrote some poetry and the music is on. i know…….predictable……. :love:

  15. Jeff

    the Purple the boxes in trees sounds crazy but lately i have seen them a lot in the area

  16. julesOdeNile

    can’t make these things up: i put in “why” and it filled in “…did chris brown feat rihanna”

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