Friday Question #5


What’s your least favorite sandwich filling?


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  1. Craigaroonie

    Hello? The Shit Sandwich! No-one wants a Shit Sandwich.

    That aside, because I’m sure that’s not what you meant, anything damp or juicy.
    Anything that makes the bread soggy.
    Like urine.

  2. tsml

    I’m gonna have to go with knuckle sandwich….

  3. Roadkill Skunk Asshole Spread – a little gamey…

  4. Bear

    Somebody had a sick mind to come up with these

  5. Memphisbandman

    re: Beer Bottle Dominoes

    And I thought MY neighbor was loud!

    Worst sandwich I’ve had: Horse. No lie.

  6. PAM

    Peanut butter & olives :wtf:

  7. Fruf

    jam and sardines
    Kentuckey fried rat

  8. Bigwavdave

    Smegma on rye

  9. Patrick

    Toe nail clippings and callous shavings- saw it on some cartoon on Nick yesterday. Craigaroonie said he doesn’t like shit sandwiches. That’s true, he told me he doesn’t even like bread. 😈 👿
    Here’s what I really don’t like on a sandwich-someone else’s bite marks. Getcha own damn sammich!

  10. junkman

    flat butt nuggets
    swan vomit & moleskin cookie mash
    bugger cheese
    hair ball spread
    vegemite/parsnip toss
    crotch cricket patty
    sweaty nutella
    frozen mitt
    smashed pill bottles
    wrinkled sack
    burnt green giant creamed pea cake

  11. zinta

    Nobody… well.. no normal guy… wants a cock meat sandwich..LOL

  12. Bigwavdave

    Well that was all pretty disgusting.

    Now, let’s consider a triple-decker with Astryd, Mandy, and AnnieB – Yes, I’m feeling better now :wang:

  13. gerber's

    spoiled soy milk baby formula and avacado

  14. DaPopster

    Limburger cheese & onion sandwich. Someone brought one to work once and microwaved it. ONCE !!! :puke:

  15. junkman

    i don’t believe i have ever been in MH. how do you know you are in MH when you are there? obviously we all need moderation but why does it occur? :geek:

  16. Zymurgyst

    A Wish Sandwich. A Wish Sandwich is 2 slices of bread and you wish you had some meat! BaBowBow!!!
    Thank you Elwood Blues

    Hi y’all. First time poster, long time lurker. Can I come in and play?

  17. Spud

    Asparagus and Vegemite – quite possibly a concoction from hell and one that my wife enjoys. :puke:

  18. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”626735″]i don’t believe i have ever been in MH. how do you know you are in MH when you are there? obviously we all need moderation but why does it occur? :geek:[/quote]
    OH, you’ll know – It’s like taking LSD for the first time – “How will I know?” – Trust me, you’ll know. :wtf: 😉

  19. Bigwavdave

    :wtf: First my avatar disappeared, then my furious scribbling ❓

  20. Bigwavdave

    AND – NOW I”M IN M.H. :wtf: ❓

  21. Bigwavdave

    TWICE!! :wtf:

  22. [quote comment=”626735″]i don’t believe i have ever been in MH. how do you know you are in MH when you are there? obviously we all need moderation but why does it occur? :geek:[/quote]

    Moderation? We don’t need no stinking moderation! In life, a little moderation is good but in Zillaland, over exuberance is better! :wang:

    Junkman, when you finally reach MH, you’ll know it. It’s kinda like puberty or a wet dream in that respect.

  23. Fuck! My comment about MH is in MH. Fuck me gently!

  24. Now, that’s ironic – I say ‘fuck’ and it’s not in MH, but I talk about MH and it’s in MH.

    Does that mean that MH is like fight club?

  25. Green Bologna and Furry Cheese, served up with a slightly blue glass of milk.


    Blown Chunks on Rye with Snot Sauce.

  26. chainstay

    Out of curiosity I wonder if a person could get by if they said: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits?

  27. [quote comment=”626725″]Nobody… well.. no normal guy… wants a cock meat sandwich..LOL[/quote]
    Think of cock meat with ass cheek buns… :wang: or :boob: :wang: :boob: …or lips.

  28. [quote comment=”626782″]Out of curiosity I wonder if a person could get by if they said: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits?[/quote]

    Or moderation?

  29. Let’s see if I can quote it and avoid MH ….

    “Moderation? We don’t need no stinking moderation! In life, a little moderation is good but in Zillaland, over exuberance is better! :wang:

    Junkman, when you finally reach MH, you’ll know it. It’s kinda like puberty or a wet dream in that respect.”

  30. Well, there you have it folks, MH is a temperamental bitch. You may never know what you said or why you were banished to MH, but she knows and that’s what’s important.

    To MH :wang: those who have been held hostage in your Silence Of The Lambs-esque cells salute you.

  31. You’re right, Stevie, there doesn’t seem to be any (apparent) rhyme or reason AND you’re stuck there until Master Zilla deems he will allow his lowly zillazens to be heard.

    That is to say when he has time to fool with us idiots… 😛

    P. S. There’s SEVEN comments in MH as I speak!

  32. chainstay

    I guess I didn’t to MH because tits is such a friendly word.

  33. Chris S.

    Cream of Sum Yung Gai

  34. The normal public can’t see my comment because it’s in moderation but it’s there when I log in. LOL. I was kinda hurt when I couldn’t see it. I thought how come Steve can get it in but I can’t? 😳 😛 😉

  35. [quote comment=”626735″]i don’t believe i have ever been in MH. how do you know you are in MH when you are there? obviously we all need moderation but why does it occur? :geek:[/quote]
    What is MH? Moderation Hell?

    It happens when you:
    1) Are not logged in
    2) Use spammy words
    3) Have an IP address or email that has been used by spammers from time to time (i.e., your friends sent you angry emails that they are getting spam sent from your email address)
    4) Are a spammer

  36. [quote comment=”626832″]The normal public can’t see my comment because it’s in moderation but it’s there when I log in. LOL. I was kinda hurt when I couldn’t see it. I thought how come Steve can get it in but I can’t? 😳 😛 ;-)[/quote]

    I would love to get it in :boob: :wang: :boob:

  37. Drusky

    “Use spammy words…”

    Can you give a example list of ‘spammy words’ and will you go to MH for giving it? 😀

  38. [quote comment=”626852″]“Use spammy words…”

    Can you give a example list of ‘spammy words’ and will you go to MH for giving it? :D[/quote]
    1) The prescription names of any “male enhancement” drugs
    2) Body parts (hence the icons, which I guess we need more of. Made them originally to get around the spam filtering)
    3) Any gambling terms

    So sex, drugs and gambling. Basically, all the fun in life.

  39. I’ve been in MH a number of times myself. Gee, I wonder why? Ass, fuck, boobies, shit, bitch! Sorry, my Tourette’s just kicked in. 😈

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