Friday Question #14


Where did you hide it?


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  1. Sammy

    In my pants πŸ˜€

  2. Brandon

    In your wife’s pants

  3. Linda

    Neener neener I’ll never tell… πŸ˜•

  4. Patrick

    Okay, back when I was much less sophisticated and suave, the catch phrase was, “If it was up your ass you’d know”!
    But, today being my 54th birthday I’ll just say, “Man I can’t frickin’ remember. Wait, what was the question?”

  5. moonhawk69


  6. [quote comment=”631226″]Okay, back when I was much less sophisticated and suave, the catch phrase was, “If it was up your ass you’d know”!
    But, today being my 54th birthday I’ll just say, “Man I can’t frickin’ remember. Wait, what was the question?”[/quote]
    happy birthday!!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    it’s hidden in that place where we did that thing on that day with those guys, you know.

  7. In a box marked:

    Dave’s Lost Odd Socks
    Sequestered by Government Operatives from Laundry Basket/Washing Machine
    Row 5, Shelf NΒΊ. 9.
    Hangar 18
    Area 51
    Nevada Desert

  8. Spud

    Over there ——–>

  9. Bigwavdave

    Under Astryd’s garter belt…and I’m on my way over there to get it…

  10. junkman

    in waldo1013.

    p.s. hilarious link. so many good lines but i like this one. “It can accommodate a single Fundamentalist female weighing up to 600 pounds”

  11. squeaker

    In the looking glass.

  12. junkman

    between the girls! :boob: :wang: :boob:

  13. tomorrow

    Damn! StevieC, you said what I thought.

    Well, the standard in our house, when someone poses the question, where did I put _____?

    “Up your butt?”

  14. tina beans

    in your moms birthday wig…………….. :knickers: :wang: πŸ˜‰

  15. Margaret

    Over there under the whatchamacallit.

  16. fruf

    it’s in my hand bit I forgot about it

  17. pam

    In an old purse in my closet. :wang:

  18. In the parlour behind the bookcase… wait, you are asking about the murder weapon, right?

  19. [quote comment=”631226″]Okay, back when I was much less sophisticated and suave, the catch phrase was, “If it was up your ass you’d know”!
    But, today being my 54th birthday I’ll just say, “Man I can’t frickin’ remember. Wait, what was the question?”[/quote]

    Here comes birthday spank number one! SPANK! πŸ˜›

  20. SavageHuntress

    In your mouth :wtf:

  21. chainstay

    It’s vacuum packed and in a can of coffee so that I can get through customs without getting busted.

  22. junkman

    in the cindy bin :geek:

  23. Bec

    Come on Stevie, you know that you hid it in between me and Astryd (and you had a lot of fun)

  24. [quote comment=”631251″]Come on Stevie, you know that you hid it in between me and Astryd (and you had a lot of fun)[/quote]

    Best Hiding Place Ever!

  25. Bec

    [quote comment=”631252″][quote comment=”631251″]Come on Stevie, you know that you hid it in between me and Astryd (and you had a lot of fun)[/quote]

    Best Hiding Place Ever![/quote]
    Glad it was worth it…that is what I am here for…

  26. [quote comment=”631253″]
    Glad it was worth it…that is what I am here for…[/quote]

    You had me at ‘the girls‘ :wang:

  27. Bec

    :boob: :wang: :boob: They were in between…weren’t they?

  28. Don

    Ask the cat, he’s the only witness and I’m not telln

  29. In Stevie’s pants! Time to go pocket fishing!!!!!!!!

  30. Flash Gordon

    Where the sun don’t shine. :knickers: :wtf: πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰

  31. Don

    Only Liz knows for sure πŸ˜‰

  32. luna

    some place dark and soft

  33. Sherri

    Hide it?! Never! I’ve got nothing to hide πŸ˜€

    Happy Birthday Patrick!!

  34. AlexBallew

    never got it never had it

  35. freckleface

    Uhhhhh, hide what eh? πŸ˜†

    Bonnes fetes Patrick!

  36. Patrick

    Many thanks and God bless you one and all; my friends, my family, my freaks! Oh yeah, I still can’t remember where I put it. Come to think of it, what was I looking for? Early onset Alzheimer’s is such a bitch.

  37. J

    Well it’s been said already -but in my pants,sideways in my bikini underwear so that I can feel huge

  38. juleOdeNile

    The last place you’ll ever think to look for it! πŸ™„

    Furaha na fanaka kwa siku yako ya kuzaliwa! Patrick (authentic Swahili for Happiness and Luck on your day of birth! Patrick)

    yeah, Patrick is the same in Swahili

  39. The last place you’ll ever think to look for it!

    Furaha na fanaka kwa siku yako ya kuzaliwa! Patrick (authentic Swahili for Happiness and Luck on your day of birth! Patrick)

    yeah, Patrick is the same in Swahili

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