Caption Time #280

Caption Time #280

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  1. Spud

    Great Scott! look at the size of those…

  2. janeeto

    I think this is from one of my favorite series growing up, “The Thunderbirds”. I actually bought a couple of seasons on DVD for my brother. I need to borrow them from him….

  3. Spud

    “Pull my finger!”

  4. Spud

    “Goodbye Jeff!”

  5. Little is known about Alicia Silverstone’s mother and the Los Angeles shelter for abandoned marionettes that she opened in the sixties.

  6. Craigaroonie

    Captain, I think Davidson’s been into the steroids again.

    Asteroids? Where?

    Oh, forget it.

  7. I wonder if the larger one is anatomically correct?

  8. juleOdeNile

    mother ship, mother aliens…yes? no? eeeer, didn’t think i had anything either. 😛

  9. Bec

    Come on…this one is too easy…
    She looks like…

  10. junkman

    [quote comment=”631087″]I wonder if the larger one is anatomically correct?[/quote]
    well it does have an abnormally large porthole 😉

  11. fruf

    first 60″s LSD experiments

  12. junkman

    why is her “mini-me” masturbating beside her? 😕

  13. Bec

    [quote comment=”631102″]why is her “mini-me” masturbating beside her? :?[/quote]
    I normally use both hands…

  14. Margaret

    The original Cougar.

  15. Drusky

    She’s the Thunderbirds biggest fan!

  16. Patrick

    [quote comment=”631081″]Captain, I think Davidson’s been into the steroids again.

    Asteroids? Where?

    Oh, forget it.[/quote]
    Captain, I peeked under her skirt. Those aren’t hemorrhoids, they’re asteroids!

  17. Craigaroonie

    For Christ’s sake Man, DON’T PULL HER FINGER!!!!!!!!!
    She scorched out my nasal hairs last time!.

    Won’t be a problem much longer, Captain, she’s eaten all the food.
    And yet she still looks hungry. Aaaaaaarrrrgggggh

  18. John

    Thunderbirds are GAMS!!

  19. rem1967

    “Don’t worry, Captain! We’ll save you from the alien’s clutches!”

    “No, liuetenant. I don’t think that will be necessary… Now, how about a little wine, my glandular goddess?”

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