Friday Question #13


What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you while driving?

I ask because while driving home from the airport yesterday, a large Wolf Spider jumped off my visor and landed on my forearm

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  1. Hawiboy

    I had a 5-6 inch centipede drop down into my lap while driving home from work. :wtf:

  2. jdn

    being laid off since november and the first week you find some work at less then half your normal pay you get a ticket that cost more than you made that week for not wearing your seatbelt. what have you no faith god’s resurection

  3. [quote comment=”634900″]I had a 5-6 inch centipede drop down into my lap while driving home from work.

    Eep! I hope you live in Peru.

  4. [quote comment=”634901″]being laid off since november and the first week you find some work at less then half your normal pay you get a ticket that cost more than you made that week for not wearing your seatbelt. what have you no faith god’s resurection[/quote]
    Ummm… moving on… 😯

  5. My car was side-swiped by a dump truck and dragged 225 feet before coming to a stop.

  6. Several years ago, I was commuting 120 miles a day and one morning I fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a guardrail. I was fine but totaled the car. When they pulled me out they sat me down into a fire ant mound. Not a good day… πŸ˜›

  7. I was in college and I had a motorcycle. On night, while riding back from a friends house, I had the wind screen on my visor up and a HUGE moth hit me just right so that it was in between the helmet cushion and my face. Now, this isn’t a bad thing…. if the impact had killed the moth. Noooooooooooo… Good old Mothra craweled farther back into my helmet to escape the wind and then it found my ear canal! I was going nuts at 45 mph on a 2 wheeled vehicle with a freaking moth in my ear! Not a good evening.

  8. AlexBallew

    Best thing was a blowjob. Compared to that, all is bad.

  9. Bigwavdave

    VW Bug. Arizona. Interstate, slow lane. Hail Storm. Late afternoon. About 35 mph. Big rig – Fast lane. About 60 mph. Sucked me in, spun me around 360 across 2 lanes and into the nice wide (thank God) dirt (read mud) median. We stopped at the first little town, got a cold beer and started shaking.

  10. leahfu

    aww I had wolf spiders who lived in my doorway infront of my apartment. They were awesome.

    Anyways once I was driving and saw a palmetto bug on my dashboard(palmetto bugs are also known as giant flying roaches). anyways, I started saying “no…No…NO…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”. The scream was when it flew right on my shirt. So here I am driving down the road screaming and shaking the front of my shirt trying to get this thing off. I’m lucky I didn’t cause an accident.

  11. Lung the Younger

    Dropping my hipflask of Wild Turkey after only having finished half of it.

  12. Flash Gordon

    While driving my Studebaker Commander several years back with the windows down,
    in April, a two foot long pelican flew in my window, hit the doorpost on the other
    side and died. After I stopped and tossed him, or her, out I took off my pants and
    shook them out. Luckily I was wearing no underwear. Now I never drive with the
    windows down

  13. Kristi

    Um…I hit a squirrel once…

  14. Meshie

    08-New BMW – First day out-
    Midnight drive home after taking my friends out – Neighbors not so smart teen and his bb gun. DING in my door!!!

    09-New S2000 – Third day out-
    Mr. BIG ROCK hit my door then popped up and hit the windshield. DING AND CRACK! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  15. Nicholle

    Bee flew in the open window….bounced off my cheek and fell down my shirt.

    Major freak-out, but I managed to pull over pretty quickly, jumped out and held the bottom of my shirt out and the bee fell out the bottom.

    No stings, thankfully.

    And I didn’t hesitate to stomp on it once it hit the ground.

  16. One time when I was a kid, my mom was driving and a bee flew in her window, hit the passenger side window and died. We swerved a little bit and stopped to make sure the bee was dead.

  17. Brandon

    [quote comment=”634900″]I had a 5-6 inch centipede drop down into my lap while driving home from work.


    Are you sure that was a centipede and not a taunting reminder of that night with 2 strippers and no condoms?

  18. Brandon

    My buddy and I were driving on the highway and hit a deer in his 3/4 pickup. Minus a few dents the truck (and us) were fine. We stopped to make sure the deer was dead. It was in the middle of the left lane on a divided highway and it was dead but other vehicles kept running over it. So me and him grab it by the legs and try to pull it off the side of the road. The fucking legs ripped off it and guts spewed out.

    It was kind of gross.

  19. tina beans

    i sneezed and totally peed myself…. :limp:

  20. nina

    My tire came completely off two minutes after leaving a les schwab while I was sitting at a stop light. It rolled into the other lane of traffic and caused a 5 car pile-up.

  21. Timm

    I don’t want to go into it but I’ll just say that it required that titanium wire, screws and a ‘plate’ be surgically implanted into my arm. The DR. had to split tendons, and pull the muscle out in order to get to the spinters of bone so he could put them together like the pieces of a puzzle then sew the muscle back in, blah, blah, blah. :puke: πŸ™„ πŸ˜€

  22. Timm

    ^”spinters” should be splinters^

  23. There was that one time about twelve years ago in Paris when I grazed that speeding Mercedes in the Pont d’Alma tunnel.
    Luckily nothing came of it.

  24. [quote comment=”634984″]There was that one time about twelve years ago in Paris when I grazed that speeding Mercedes in the Pont d’Alma tunnel.
    Luckily nothing came of it.[/quote]

    I think this incident could best be summed up by the great Sir Paul McCartney’s song “Live And Let Die”… πŸ˜›

  25. junkman

    had a shopping bag full of mushrooms and a baby food jar full of honey oil in the back seat and a cop hit the siren and put the cherries on behind me. as i was pulling over and contemplating where i might run to he pulled out around me and roared off. a little bit of worst/best that day. 😐

  26. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”634920″]Best thing was a blowjob. Compared to that, all is bad.[/quote]
    I heartily agree !!! :wang: :wang: Outside of the time a bee crawled up my pants leg whilst on the interstate, fun and wonderment at 65mph . . . :wtf:

  27. Bigwavdave

    Junkman – Mushrooms & honey oil? Apparently not on your way to a gourmet cooking class. πŸ˜‰

  28. junkman

    [quote comment=”634994″]Junkman – Mushrooms & honey oil? Apparently not on your way to a gourmet cooking class. ;-)[/quote]

    -that scare was enough to keep me from ever “supplying bulk ingredients” to “gourmet cooking class” again! ❗ πŸ™„

  29. Coley7367

    One night on my way home from work, a deer hit my car. Not in the obvious sense, but rather in the sense that I was at damn near a complete stop. There was a lady in the oncoming lane that didn’t see the deer as quickly as I did it. I slammed on my brakes and was pretty much completely stopped. She hit the deer with her PT Cruiser and the deer ricocheted (for lack of a better term) into the front quarter panel driver’s side of my car. It was the biggest deer I’d ever seen. It nearly totaled my little Mazda Protege. I must’ve been in shock because the cop who arrived on the scene said later that I kept saying “but I stopped, I didn’t hit it” and shaking my head.

  30. I was rear-ended and I didn’t even enjoy it!
    Always hated buying new cars…
    2004 Pontiac Sunfire, white, pending ground effects installation. New stop light in town. First day functioning. I made my stop. Craig Tire truck behind me didn’t. Car had been in my possession for 6 months and I was $11000 in the hole. Car totalled.
    Craig Tire truck driver-DWI client of mine with suspended license. Lived πŸ™
    New car-salvaged 2002 Buick Century. Paid in full. πŸ˜‰

  31. Barry Carolus

    After a four day ice storm the weather started warming, and as I was on the interstate traveling behind a tractor trailer I noticed ice starting to come off top of the trailer, and then all of a sudden this great big sheet of ice breaks off, flys off and comes crashing down on to the hood of my pickup and into the windshield… 70 miles per hour…….and the first two words out of my mouth were _ _ _ _ _ _ !!!

  32. Timm

    I forgot to put this in my post:

    ……and I now know what an airbag tastes like.

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