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Show 38 Comments


  1. It was me, I tell ya! I took it, and I made into a pair of :undies:. 😈

  2. Duker

    Vindication at last!! I knew I wasn’t that drunk when a cow on a bike blew by me mooing & ringing her damn bell! 😀

  3. 😀 Thank you Esther and Duker for making me spew pop all over my computer!

  4. Kinky Kirk

    Father Davezilla, forgive me for it has been almost a year since my last confession……….(much-much later with some poking of Davezilla to wake him up)…..and I promise I will never do that to a cow again! Amen!

  5. Kinky Kirk

    p.s. – But I can’t help it ….. the cow really does like riding on the handlebars….

  6. Cherish

    *takes a bow*


    man, that mouseover was so absurdly unexpected and beautiful…I laughed, I cried, I peed in my pants ’til the cows came home… 😀

  7. JohnK

    No use crying over missing milk.
    Now the aliens can have their cows and milk them too.
    Milk gone bad.
    One did fly over the cuckos nest.
    Over hill over dale our cows will never flail.
    Cows last seen flapping in the wind.
    Teat for Tat. Cows – 0 Aliens – 1
    It doesn’t matter how you dress them up a cow is still a cow.
    Mad Farmer Disease is spreading.
    Just when you thought is was safe to go out in the pasture…

  8. Anna

    I don’t know who did it and …. really …. I didn’t do anything with it.

  9. mitch

    It’s like God has a giant vacuum cleaner and all of a sudden got really, really hungry. The only other thing stolen around here is when sassy Fran stole my heart. But she can keep it.

  10. Spud

    I know who did it, I know where they are, I am on to them.

  11. John K

    Who stole it, and what did you do with it?

    ….like my clean comment submitted at 4:37am this morning. 😕

    It was comment # 5…see trackback URI

  12. John K

    Gee now its number 7……missing time 😮

  13. bhamm

    I did it! As far as what I did with it… let me just say, you may not want it back. 😈

  14. Craig

    I told you guys yesterday that since i thought he was “on to me”, i went and stole it back from the guy i sold it to so i could return it to the guy i originally stole it from. Keep up mofo”s!

  15. Ziggy

    …it’s how dubya keeps coming up with more bullshit…he’s harvesting bullshit, I tell ya!

  16. I don’t know the answer to either of those questions, but this did get me thinking.

    I have a question.

    If you had a cow for a waitress would it be rude to give them a good tip?

  17. it was me and Natalie might get mad if you go looking for it. :undies:

  18. Jilly

    I did it and I liked it! Quite frankly if you are keeping score, I plan to do it again…and again…and again…until I can’t do it anymore. Then and only then will I even consider giving it back unless of course I can auction it off. Of course taking a picture of it to post on ebay might be a challenge…I am flexible but not that flexible. Jeez, Dave did you have to make it so big.

  19. Patrick

    I didn’t do it. I wasn’t there. I’ve got an alibi.
    And if I did do it, I didn’t mean to do it.
    If I meant to do it, I was forced to do it. I’ve been oppressed by society. I’m not to blame.
    Okay, I did it. But I was young and needed the money. 👿

  20. Bjorn Freeh

    I swear… it was consensual !

  21. Da Popster

    The Devil Made Me Do it !!! 👿

  22. Duke

    Hey, it’s a lost cause. E.T. is now enjoying his new bike.

  23. Logan

    it was brooke sky she wanted to use it in farm animal fucking 101

  24. JFLY

    maybe the aliens like cow-tipping? why should WE have all the fun? 😛

  25. Bubbles

    I didn’t steal it, I just borrowed it for awhile, and when I’m done I’ll sterilize it and give it back.

    That link… close encounters of the moo kind. Star Cows: Episode II – Revenge of the Milked!

  26. MrDoug

    {insert dragnet theme here…}
    Knock Knock….
    I’m Detective Friday LAPD
    Mr Zilla? We have an update on your Bike and Cow that went missing…They were taken by a strange alien/bicycle/cow cult in West Hollywood.
    What went on the house is not exactly clear at this time, but I have to tell you I have never seen a person shoved intact seated on a bicycle into the rectum of a bovine before.
    …Uh no Mr. Zilla you can not invite your readers to participate. No you can not have Niki take pictures of you on a bicycle inside the rectum of the cow. We have to be going I am sorry for your loss.
    And so ends another successful case for the LAPD…Crap some crazy lady just stole our police car…..

  27. Natalie Cruz

    I strongly feel bad for the missing cows. I hope their not being mistreated. Overall it’s a sad situation, and I hope they don’t put anything in my milk. 🙁

  28. Ace

    It was ME! Muha ha ha ha! I can’t go into the details of my brilliant plan very much but siffice it to say that a hot dog vendor was involved as well as a sock, a balloon, and a bow and arrow. Like taking candy from a baby! The cow was just an innocent by stander and I decided to steal her as well! I have confessed, however, I regret Mr. Zilla that you will get nothing back, including the cow!

  29. Steppenwolf

    Hey, diddle, diddle,
    The cat and the fiddle,
    🙄 😮

  30. Peaches

    Great, Steppenwolf………… 😆

  31. Steppenwolf

    Thanks Peaches.
    ‘The Mother Goose Prophesies’ ?

  32. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #26309 will be quoted here]

    My hat is doffed.

  33. Patrick

    Camouflage cows WTF!?
    And of course the disappearances occurred in CA, the land of fruits and nuts. Present company excluded of course.

  34. Steppenwolf

    John Bobbit:
    Loreana stole it and I made a ‘career’ out of it.
    :limp: :wang:

  35. Steppenwolf

    Damn typos! 😳

  36. Susanne

    I confess, i stole it. But i made sure that it will be put to good use :wang:

  37. Timmmy

    That explains the odd looking missing person picture on my milk carton, the one that says, name:Elsy dob:06/01/03 Ht:4’9″ Wt:789lb.

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