
Apologies for the down time yesterday. It wasn’t the server. For some reason (that is still not resolved) the company that I purchased the domain from assumed my ownership had expired, when in fact it expires next year in 2011.

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  1. Lake Effect

    Just in time!! I was standing on the bridgezilla, about to jump, and thought I’d try the site one last time.

    Boy that was close. 😳

  2. Yay!! You’re back! :kiss: :wang:

    I’m with you on that Lake … a day without without Dave and all you guys sucks! :limp:

  3. Mjaz

    Maaaaaaaaaan. I was starting to worry that my puter was broken. I tried it on my game puter, and my laptop, and even my husbands setup. HEY! Did you know you have a wiki page? (Yeah – I googled davezilla in case I screwed something up). Anyway – I am like.. ya know… totally honored to be allowed to post on a CELEBRITY’S blog.


    Welcome back!!

  4. The great and powerful Zilla has returned ! Now I can put down the shotgun and wiskey…well the shotgun anyway .

    No shit dude I was about to have a conniption fit thinking you had been kidnaped by the amish and we would never have laughter in Zillaland again…OK that and the fear of never seeing the Zillagirs again .

  5. pookazilla

    Whew…I reinstalled Internet Explorer, then XP, then upgraded to Vista, then trashed my router, changed ISPs and finally bought a MAC. Whatever I did finally seems to have worked. Great to have you back. 😆

  6. Comments for this post will be closed on 20 June 2008.

    Alright! Maybe I’ll think of something funny by then! 😛

    Good to see the site back, Dave!

  7. Geeze, man! I was doing DIGs and TRACEROUTEs and WHOISesez, chewin’ my nails down to thuh nubs. Figgers it was JOKER. Couldn’t you do business maybe with MIMEhosts or cL0WNw3b?

    Dammit, I almost thought it was my employer blocking access. Like they just started doing with my “new” (and soon to be ex-)hosting company.

  8. Drusky

    Dave, I have MY internet bill automatically payed from the debit card so there’s NO service interruption…

    I’m just saying… 😀

  9. Spud

    I also have domain fees paid automatically, but that still doesn’t stop the buggers taking down a site I do nearly every other year. It’s so bloody frustrating but everyone is sooooooo nice about it and after a few days everything returns to normal.

    IT is an apt metaphor for ‘A Shrubbery’

    That maybe a bit cryptic, but hey, what the hell, it’s Friday night, 3 JD’s & coke into relaxing, I’ll let it fly.


  10. Well you know the old joke Dave:

    What do you get if you cross Windows NT with a nun?
    A domain that won’t go down on you. (Cha Chang!)

  11. Chris S.

    Maybe they saw that dude in a thong pic from your last entry and decided enough is enough. :puke:

    Seriously, I’m starting to worry about you man. 😛

    On a serious note, I’m glad to see the site back up and running. It caused quite a panic here in Zillaland. I was so depressed about it that I called one of those suicide hotlines. As would be expected I got connected to a call center in the Middle East someplace. The first thing they asked me was if I could drive a truck… :wtf:

  12. [Comment ID #231078 will appear here]

    And went down again this morning….

  13. As I was futilly trying to access my daily dose of Zilla goodness, I kept getting an error message that said,

    ” there has been an error, and your last transmission was either rejected by the satellite, missed, or ignored entirely. try again later.”

    I just figured the Navy shot down the wron piece of shit in the sky and you were the casulty.

    Glad you’re back! 🙂

  14. [Comment ID #231162 will appear here]

    It’s always hard to get a Zillagirl UP … too many yummy :wang: around here! 😈 😛

  15. Bigwavdave

    Well, the technical difficulties beyond your control did give me a chance to find several other outlets for the Zilla creative energy – Nice photos & links (although some of those links eventually took me places we don’t talk about at cocktail parties).

  16. junkman

    i took my shoes off and ran around in the snow with my cat strapped to my head cursing the eclipsed moon from the day before in my turquoise lululemon bodysuit. i wrapped my hands in baggies and electrical tape and i fired a blunderbuss at the powerlines then climbed atop a neighbors shed and waited for the spell to work. i am not surprised to see you back. let me know if you evar need more jou jou.

  17. Oh thank God! I was going through such a bad withdrawl that I barely made a hilarious or kinky quip all day yesterday! Now that you’re back, I need my fix.

    Who wants to be spanked first? 😈

  18. Ronica

    I thought that my boss figured out that I spend my days laughing at the zilla shit and put up a firewall ~ I was looking for ways to disable the f-ing thing!! THANKS FOR COMING HOME :wang:

  19. Shit happens, glad you made it back. Can you immagine this bunch of pervs running loose unsupervised and nothing to keep their attetion. One day was almost too much.

  20. [Comment ID #231341 will appear here]

    That sounded a little insulting Pablo. Did you mean for it to?

  21. Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #231398 will appear here]

    Well! I resemble that damn remark!

  22. Lake Effect

    Ooops…I meant I resemble Pablo’s damn complement…er I mean insult! 😈

  23. Drusky

    [Comment ID #231341 will appear here]
    You were unsupervised, Pablo? I’ll have you know the only thing loose around here might be the Zilla Girls…

  24. [Comment ID #231341 will appear here]

    [Comment ID #231398 will appear here]

    Just a pot calling the kettle black.

  25. [Comment ID #231184 will appear here]

    Pardon me for interjeculating here: that damn is up and down like a yo-yo AGAIN this morning!

    I barely have the strength to run around like an unsupervised perv the rest of the weekend… but somebody has to do it! :wang:

  26. [Comment ID #231742 will appear here]

    And do it, and do it, and do it … and I’m with you all the way! 😛 :wang: :kiss:

  27. we missed you dave!!!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    [Comment ID #231742 will appear here]
    hey, is there a dave? if not you need to make one and we can send you naughty photos. :boobs: :boobs:

  28. boc the rocker

    Thought of trying GoDaddy? it’s who I use. Totally worth it. 😎 check it out!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. [Comment ID #233293 will appear here]

    Nope, I refuse to use American registrars as they only lease you URLs; you don’t own them. European registrars sell you the URL.

  30. CATS

    :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :
    wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :puke: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang:

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