Curses! Foiled again

Curses! Foiled again

Someone I work with really hates tinfoil, so his coworkers tried to help him alleviate his fears…

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Show 27 Comments


  1. Craig

    No death rays for me!

  2. Cherish

    no government intrusion either. 😀

  3. Coleman

    so what did you do with his red stapler?

  4. Ace

    That’s what my kitchen looks like when I bring home leftovers from the Olive Garden.
    What did the tin foil ever do to your coworker? It’s a one of the greatest creations ever! It keeps your stuff cool OR hot. It can do both, both! You can stick it in the oven and it won’t burn you, how cool is that?! And, most importantly, it’s shiny.

  5. Spud

    The light ….. the light …… it burns us it does…..


  6. kenny

    The foil was a great gig,but I love the lite-brite link !!! It was the coolest thing i had when i was a kid. great flash-backs……..THANKS!!!

  7. Driver

    Ace you crack me up , do you do stand up on open mike night somewhere ?

    Digital Lite-Brite is soooo cool and you dont have to worry about losing any parts ! 💡

  8. Driver

    Hey is it just me or do all the lite-brite lites have little happy faces in them ? 😆

  9. I watched a recent episode of the new “I’ve Got A Secret” on GSN where someone did this exact same thing as a prank on his friend…he tinfoiled everything inside the house…the sink…the fridge…the furniture….each and every CD and book in the book case….

    Dave, that pic isn’t from that house, is it?………..

  10. Damn it! I don’t have enough patience for the Lite Brite thing. 😕

  11. Patrick

    Damned CIA isn’t going to listen to my brain and steal the plans for the invasion of Earth by my brother Martians! And I’ll tell you something else, IF (and that’s a big if) I have to go outside I’ll wear my aluminum beanie and they won’t be able to read my thoughts then either. Intrusive sons of bitches! Ooooh, listen. I can hear the breeze blowing through the windmills of my mind. Pretty. :wtf:

  12. Paige

    Looks like a Friday night party at the crack house. Had a lot of fun with the lite-brite. and Yes I made a smiley face. 😀

  13. Meagan

    I hear if you put scrunched up tin foil in the microwave it’ll spark. Now that would be cool! 😛

  14. cbatdux

    So Dave, did the therapy work? Is your co-worked cured? (by the way, I hate A. Jolie – can you help me with that???)

  15. Ace

    Driver, you are much too kind!
    No, I don’t do open mike, I’d probably wet myself. I just like to ramble on about nonsense like an idiot.

  16. Driver

    Ace, keep ramblin dude .

    I wonder if they recycle ?

  17. Dennis Bookhart

    It appears to me that the co-workers just invested in aluminum.

  18. Spud

    I was also thinking along those lines Dennis, how many rolls of aluminium does it take to out fit a cubicle like that….


  19. Spud

    Now I’m wondering if the answer to that question goes along these lines…

    Q – “How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?”

    A – “A fish”


  20. Goth Princess

    not all lite brite pictures are smiley faces, mine was an angry face!! as for the tin foil, at least now the aliens won’t read his mind

  21. Bjorn Freeh

    If Mt. Vesuvius had been filled with aluminum, this is what Pompeii would look like today. Well, there would be a bunch of tinfoil-wrapped people, too, but you get the point. :dead:

  22. Mjaz

    I’m buying stock in Reynolds right now…

  23. Jim

    I saw another office joke played upon somebody….they put sprout seeds in his computer keypbad while he was on vacation…came back to the Chiakeyboard!

  24. Drusky

    At least cleanup will be a cinch…

    One of my former college room mates once tried to wad foil into a ball and chew it… It made me cringe just watching it… :dead:

  25. junkman

    lite brite good!

  26. Kate

    [Comment ID #60025 will be quoted here]

    i like the shiney ,shiney ,shiney ,shiney:) 😀

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