Complete this joke

This bear and this hooker go into a bar...

So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…

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Show 38 Comments


  1. Spud

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar
    The bartender says
    We don’t serve your kind here
    So the hooker leaves


  2. Spud



  3. So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…

    “What the hell…,” the bartender mutters with a quizzical look.

    The hooker shakes her booty and says, “Oh, I just thought I could bare for you.”


  4. So thie bear and this hooker go into a bar….which was a good thing, because it was “Bears and Hookers Drink Free!” night.

  5. Anna

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar …..
    and the bartender says: “I always thought women had beavers”.
    (or was that too easy?)

  6. Steppenwolf

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    the bartender says ‘no tricks allowed’ so they both leave.

  7. mitch

    So this bear and hooker go into this bar….(Goddamn Republican motherfuckers, I hate their guts so much. All their lies and greed and bloodshed. It is sickening.)…and the bear says, “Me too”.

  8. harry faque

    LMAO mitch

  9. bhamm

    So, this bear and hooker go into a bar…
    The bartender says, “What’ll it be?”
    The bear says, “Just a shot… I only paid for a half hour.”


    The bartender says, “That’s a crazy-lookin’ thing you got on that leash”
    The bear says, “You should see her after a couple of drinks.”

  10. John K

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…

    And the bartender asks “What can I get you?”
    The bear responds ” You got any honey ”
    The bartender responds “I ‘ll give you my honey if you give me your honey”
    One patron sitting next to them turns and says…
    “What are the rest of us going to do?”
    The hooker responds “No Honey for the bear. No hooker for your”
    The bartender responds “See. The bear gets to have his hooker and eat his honey too!!!

  11. This is what happens when Johns want hookers to “bear” all. 😆

  12. laceylegacey

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    Everyone sees them and runs off screaming,and the bear looks at the hooker and says ” see I told you you should have showered first.” :dead: :limp:

  13. Da Popster

    I just can’t BEAR these kinds of jokes 😛

  14. Lace Valentine

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…

    And Dick Cheney shoots the hooker
    and buys the bear a beer.

  15. Patrick

    So this bear and a hooker go into a bar.
    Bartender says, “Hey, I run a clean establishment. Get your bare ass out of here. And take that ursine sonofabitch with you”!

    It’s much funnier if you hear, rather than see, the joke.
    Oh, did I tell you the hooker was naked. I needed to tell you the hooker was naked because that kind of sets the joke up for the punchline see cause otherwise ……
    Okay, saw “The Aristocrats” last night. I’m on a semi-roll.

  16. brainchallenged

    So this bear & a hooker go into a bar. They both get truly WASTED, argue, ending with the bear eating the hooker. Once finished the bear shouts at the bartender for another drink. The bartender replies “Sorry but we don’t serve drug addicts in this bar!” “WHAT” screams the bear “I’m NOT drug addict. How can you say that?” Bartenders saya “Oh yea! What about that bar bitch you ate?” 🙄

  17. Jeffro

    I got nuttin… wait!….

  18. Jeffro

    I think Jesco the dancing “outlaw” is a dancing redneck poser. Notice that he keeps the grass mowed. what real redneck mows the grass? naw… they let it grow & cut it with a brush hog. plus the dog has a house with his name on it. where’s the rusted out truck hood he’s supposed to sleep under? And where are the other 11 dogs? Yep… wannabe.


    I had a punchline, but PETA came in and through flour on the damn bear and he left. God I hate those pussies

  20. Peaches

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    A drunk staggers up to her and says, “scuse me, (hic) how much for a good time?”
    The hooker replies, “$100.00″
    The drunk says……”to f–k a bear?”

    Yeah…….it was terrible. :wtf:

  21. Burnsy

    The sad thing is I have actually seen the documentary on him, not the whole thing – but enough of it. He has multiple personalities and the video shows him and the whole clan mudding in their trucks and even a couple of fights between them. . . I dont know if I would go as far to call it interesting, but it was pretty amusing for some parts. Kinda more of a morbid curiousity. . . like a train wreck, you couldn’t help but stop and stare.

  22. MrDoug

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    Bartender says “We dont server hookers in here”
    Bear says, “Hooker? Damnit I just thought I was doing great with her…”

  23. TotalChaos,

    Suck it , Mitch Bitch :troll:

  24. So this bear and this hooker walk into a bar, order two beers, and embark on a journey that shows that love crosses all cultural, social and mammallian barriers.

    Brought to you by Miramax.

  25. Steppenwolf

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    It’s a gay bar and the patrons are having a loud argument about who can pack the most fudge.
    A blind drunk staggers out of the bathroom and stumbles into the bear. Too drunk to realize it’s not a gerbil he proceeds to do his thing.
    The room falls silent.

  26. :wtf: Steppenwolf??? That’s not a literary reference. Or did I miss that book. 😀

  27. tinamarie

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    Bartender says “We dont serve hookers in here”
    And the bear says “That’s good because me and my biyatch are hear for the burgers and bear.” 😆

  28. tinamarie

    Forgive me for being a dumbass. That’s supposed to read

    “That’s good because me and my biyatch are here for the burgers and beer.

    I can’t spell and apparently I can’t think straight either. Maybe it’s the bar bitch you ate. 🙄

  29. brainchallenged

    Bar bitch you ate…HA! HA! so fun..oh wait that was my joke…sorry 😀

  30. So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    The bartender asks, “What’ll you have?” and the bear mauls him to death.

  31. Catherine

    So a bear and a hooker walk into a bar, The hooker climbs onto a bar stool and opens her legs. The bear takes advantage and starts to eat her out. He picks up the hooker and spins her around while he still is eating her out. The bear then takes a shit, right on the floor, throws the hooker in it and spins her around some more. The hooker takes a taste of the shit, and pees on the floor. The bear starts to lick it up. The bartender says “What the f**k is this?” The hooker turns to him and says, “Oh, we are The Aristocrats”

  32. Paige

    Bar bitch you ate???????hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!![Comment ID #23618 will be quoted here]

  33. Master Solace

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    The bartender says, “I didn’t know you were into bondage!?!”
    The hooker says, “Yeah, I know, but the bear is teaching me ALL about it!!!”


    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    The bartender ask, “So what will it be…”
    The bear says, “A Coke for me, and Crown Royale for my lady, as much as she wants to drink.”
    The hooker says, “Thank you, you are so kind.”
    The bartender whispers to the bear, “You do know how much to Crown Royale is, don’t you?”
    “Yeah I do”, the bear whispers back, “but if it make her forget the rest of the night, it will be much cheaper than actually paying for her services.”

  34. arnifnlm

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…
    The bartender asks what’ll it be?
    The bear says I’ll have a Bloody Mary.
    The hooker says my name is Mary and it’s my period.
    The bear says I’ll have two Bloody Marys

  35. MandyLocke

    [Comment ID #23707 will be quoted here]

    LOL 😀

  36. Paul

    They just came from the Westminister Dog Show after losing the best dog costume contest.

  37. liza

    So this bear and this Hooker go into a bar. . .
    well, lets just say it didn’t end too pretty.

  38. djemm

    So this bear and this hooker go into a bar…The bartender asks, “what will it be.
    ” The bear replys,”well I already have dinner so how bout a drink.” 8)

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