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Show 22 Comments


  1. Spud

    Close, very close, but there’s just something wrong with the picture, I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    Ah yes, the wrist band is missing on the model in the middle.


  2. /pokes belly to hear “Coo Coo!” sound, but is highly disappointed when something completely different comes out.:neutral:

  3. Schwag of Tulsa

    Now I have something to be thankful for – I’m not him!

  4. Craig

    After downing a 4 pack of Bartels & James wine coolers, Jesus Gonzalez aka “EL GORDO”(the fat man) decided to have a “pose off”.

    After 3 rounds, the women on the right won in a landslide.

  5. We can do some amazing things with Photoshop in the advertising industry. 😎

  6. Anna

    The middle one is at least more realistic. 😮

    In Holland we have a rule that the amount of calories of a food or beverage have to be mentioned on the package. Recently we (finally) saw how much calories go into 100 ml of coke …. 42 Kcal. (times 3.3 = 140 Kcal’s per can!!!)

  7. mitch

    :twisted:Hey look…it’s the new Coke High Cholesterol!!!

  8. c

    One of these things is not like the other. One of these things doesn’t belong….

  9. Dino

    Before and after shots of another satisfied customer.

  10. Mandy

    We have the same rule in the US, Anna. Fat lot of good it does. (pun intended) 😛

  11. Marcus

    Just to let you know, I think the picture is from Thailand. The writing on the picture looks like Thai writing. The model in the picture and the man all look Thai. So his nickname is probably ‘Moo’ which means pig. Otherwise, He is a jolly fat pig. The link was the funniest thing. I think he has a stick up his ass. His writing was the funniest. The naked lady picture. :boobs::boobs::lol:

    If you want something funnier, try coming to Thailand. This is Thaiglish

    Me no understand
    You no me friend same same me
    Me want money sick buffalo
    You no good man
    You same buffalo
    Me no do bang bang
    Me want money mother sick
    Me want money father sick
    Me want money… etc.

  12. Marcus

    I just noticed the letters on the black border. It is Thai, it says ‘Kok’ (phonetically), which is often pronounced ‘Cock’. One cock please.

  13. mikey

    Man I just don’t know about you guys.. it is thai 🙁 and actually the stick is better than the wine coolers. and its coke not cock. are you smokin it too? 😀

  14. cody

    coke is bad for you. i still like it. alcohol is bad. i don’t drink that. nasty. yell hard at people that do

  15. Marcus

    Depends on what you mean mikey. Just joking.:razz:

  16. misskitty

    suck in the gut, shave the fuzz and put on a wig and you could’nt tell them apart!

  17. Heather

    I wonder what happened to the aluminum fence behind him.

  18. Daniel

    Before…..After…..GOD WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!:wtf:

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