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Show 23 Comments


  1. Ever since that damn Tom Jones made it big, there isn’t a Welch man out there who isn’t trying to get to Vegas.

  2. Spud

    Those wacky Welsh, there’s nothing they can’t sing about…

  3. Mandy

    Welsh Ninjas? :wtf:

  4. Mandy

    BTW, we missed ya yesterday, Dave! Where did you go?

  5. Bigwavdave

    Must be a soccer rally in Wales. Britney = Anti-Christ? That would explain a lot. :wtf:

  6. junkman

    ron jeremy knows everything? he didn’t know enough to get into that commercial with the two 70’s porn stars!
    is that ramses 2 the welsh tranny?

  7. Cynical Villain

    is this the invasion of bad cartoon characters that come to life? oh never bad there are bad ninjahs. they must be taken out back and shot.

  8. Cynical Villain

    is this the invasion of bad cartoon characters that come to life? oh never bad there are bad ninjahs. they must be taken out back and shot.

  9. Britney, if you’re the anti-Christ then I’m a cross-dressing Welsh ninjah.

  10. Bjorn Freeh

    Michael Jackson returns from Dubai fully refreshed and ready to work.

    Ease on down… ease on down the road…

  11. StevieC

    Hmm, I wonder if he’s from Queensferry?

  12. cbatdux

    The tin man realizes he has wandered into the bad section of OZ…..

  13. Oh honey,…that green skirt does not go with those feathers, it simply must go…

  14. cbatdux

    Britney Spear’s new Hit – “I am the anti-Christ” hits the airwaves all over the Bible Belt…..

    It has a good beat and I can dance to it – I give it an 8….

    D’ya think she’s Jimmy Swaggert’s love child?

  15. StevieC

    [Comment ID #132568 will be quoted here]

    Well, there goes the fantasy image in my mind. :limp:

  16. MRDOUG

    Sen Obama stumps in New Orleans
    Sen ClitOn attempting to conunter act OhBamas gains by blending in the locals.

    Britany the Anit Christ no way. Clearly that is Hillary as that is the only possible explanation for people backing her for president.

  17. family jules

    I remember a long time ago, Britney told us all we should support our president and believe what he tells us without question. Now we can all see the after effects of that kind of thinking.

    I am immensely entertained by Rudy and Newt as contenders. Two adulterers the Republicans are willing to swallow their hypocrisy whole and endorse. Bon apetit!

  18. Flash Gordon

    Poor Britney! Y’all leave the wretched waif be.
    Someday anyone of us might have more money than
    brains. As for ms. Clinton, she is going to whup ass
    in ’08, you heard it here. :wang: 😈 👿 :wtf: 🙄

  19. Mikeme

    Scene from the Clinton library.

  20. [Comment ID #133085 will be quoted here]

    I wouldn’t mind having more money than brains. That would be about eight bucks.

  21. Lake Effect

    2008 Democrat National Convention.
    [*The Big Tent”] 👿

  22. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #132610 will be quoted here]

    OMGWTFLMAO…BF, you rock!

  23. [Comment ID #132568 will be quoted here]

    Oops, typo. What I meant to type was: Britney, if you’re the anti-Christ then I’m a crisp Italian dressing Welsh ninjah. Don’t get it? Neither do I.

    😕 😛

Comments are closed