Caption Time #158

Caption Time #158

Image via mikeB

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Show 50 Comments


  1. Sallie

    I was always told if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all..

  2. Spud

    There are too many kinds of wrong with this picture, however I’d like to thank you for sharing with the class. . .


  3. Stevie C

    Never order the Kid In A Basket. Way too much fat.

  4. Evelyn


  5. sledge

    It’ll never fly

  6. mikeB

    Clearly related to Saturday’s billboard post. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  7. MJaz

    Mom and Dad obviously spend too much money at McDonalds to afford real toys.

    You just know this will be the pic Mom drags out if little “Tubs” ever has a girlfriend….

  8. Bigwavdave

    NOT a baby picture of Howard Hughes.

  9. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #85626 will be quoted here]

    Even if it comes with the curly fries?

  10. pablo

    We only heard about the two Wright brothers, Orville & Wilbur. But it was the third brother, Orca Wright who made the first attempt to fly. Unfortunatly, for both the history books and Orca, that first flight crashed into a rubber factory and from that day forward he was recognized only as the Michelin Man.

  11. beyonduplication

    [Comment ID #85616 will be quoted here]

    As my grandmother says, if you don’t have something nice to say, come sit by me.

  12. *shakes head*

    Like shooting fish in a barrel.

  13. Jim S

    If Chunk and Data from Goonies could have a baby together…this would be it.


  14. junkman

    since he is already wearing a dive mask it would be nice to see a crane swing him over a pool and drop him in. i imagine the only thing that would float would be the bill shatner hair piece he’s wearing. i will erase this photo from my mind now!

  15. David Hasselhoff The Early Years รขโ‚ฌโ€œ A Shocking Untold Story of a Fat Kid who Learned to Dream.

  16. Bjorn Freeh

    A single mother after a one night stand, Sheila regrets being so naive. “Trust me, it’s just like I’m wearing a rubber,” whispered the Michelin Man.

  17. Rufus G. Garvin

    OMG! NO stork delivered that! ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜• :wtf: :wtf:

  18. junkman

    oh yeah….caption. (couldn’t erase from memory)
    “laundry day: the great unwashed”

  19. Atryd

    So…is it foodstamps or is it McDonald’s that makes you fat?

  20. StevieC

    [Comment ID #85644 will be quoted here]

    Ummmmm ….. those aren’t curly fries in that basket.

  21. Big Tike

    Was he left in the drier to long on fluff?

  22. Atryd

    [Comment ID #85658 will be quoted here]

    …that explains the color… โ“

  23. Char

    That is a huge “child” to be playing in a laundry basket. How old do you think he might be 7-8-9???Someday something bad will happen to his parents…Or at least to the photographer.

  24. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #85662 will be quoted here]

    I’m going to guess 2 or 3 (tops). And, in about 30 years, something bad will happen to his heart…

  25. Mikeme

    Preparing for the McDonalds fly in!! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  26. Pilot to bombadier….pilot to bombadier….

  27. Atryd

    Dave…I don’t think that last poll was necessary or fair. I’m willing to bet the number one answer will be Mandy! Who in their right mind wouldn’t wanna be eaten by Mandy?!?! :wang:

    Of the top things I can have nightmares of (cannibals, sharks, devil clowns [any clowns period!!! ooy], Pac Man) my horrible restless nights can be blamed on Paris Hilton’s Vagina… ๐Ÿ™

  28. cbatdux

    Zeigfried! Ve vill need ze high-test jet fuel for zeez take-off!

    Joe Pesci – the early years… “What, you think I look funny???”

  29. starsfan

    I don’t think it will take 30 years, Bjorn Freeh

  30. [Comment ID #85644 will be quoted here]

    Mmmmm, curly fries. Everything is better with curly fries.

  31. Henry winced. Marrying Trish, a delightful flight attendant, blonde no less, seemed to be nothing but heaven, those first couple of months. Now, 3 years later, he wonders anew at the delight and despair of his home life.

    An accomplished airline pilot, Henry and Trish both live and breathe aviation. Their daughter, Amelia, was treated to bed time stories of Amelia Earhart, Lindbergh, and the Wright Brothers. So it was no wonder that Amelia’s favorite toys and games were all airplanes and flying.

    Then Henry’s wife sent this picture to his office. Amelia, pampered all her life (Trish had little discipline and trained to offer food), decked out in ‘fashion’ flying goggles, doing what looked to be county-fair type ‘stunt’ flying, of all things. Using a clothes basket and cardboard wings. The picture, at the office. He encountered the silly picture taped in the cockpit of every plane he reported to for the last four months. Every time he deplaned, there was a copy posted at the head of the loading ramp, and again inside the boarding lounge. He got copies in his pay envelope, taped to his car in the parking lot.

    Trish and Amelia are the delights of Henry’s life. But he could kill that damned neighbor boy that keeps convincing Trish ‘this will be cute’.

  32. dougieace

    someday,im sure he will be seated right next to me on a commercial flight.

  33. the big T


  34. Swade

    [Comment ID #85616 will be quoted here]

    :wtf: I have to agree

  35. Red Dog

    [Comment ID #85662 will be quoted here]

    Looks more like a 7-4-7 to me.

  36. Wayne

    one tubby tubby, two tubby tubby, … -Major Payne

  37. Mandy

    [Comment ID #85669 will be quoted here]

    *ahem* :wtf:

  38. Marcus

    What!?.. No one recognizes the son of Princess Leia and Jabba the Hut. :puke: It’s prince hut.

  39. Dave

    Definately pushing max gross takeoff weight…and I DO mean gross!

  40. Atryd

    [Comment ID #85708 will be quoted here]

    Ok. Except for Mandy herself. But I’m sure many would volunteer to eat Mandy… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  41. Cynical Villain

    It’s the Laundry Basket Baron…Scourge of the Skyways. Master of the Diaper Bomb..

  42. Lake Effect

    Dave…Sen. Ted Kennedy is going to be SO PIST when he sees his baby pic on yer site…prepare for a trip to DC for a hearing!

  43. pablo

    If you have a tub o’lard, then a bucket o’lard and eventually a basket o’lard, the next obvious step is a plane o’lard?????

  44. i wasn’t sure the boy is real, but if it is so… so fat, freaky ๐Ÿ™‚ :thong: :undies:

  45. Seanus Darkwood

    Okay I have a caption…”I’m flying to a place where cheese wont make me obese” ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  46. “…3, 2, 1, lift off! Lift off! Lift off? Momma, why won’t it lift off?”

  47. bad things to think about

    This is why some :wang: need to go :limp: before the :thong:cums off

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