Caption Time #113

Caption Time #113

(Normally I would never run two Caption Times in a row, but when I saw the frog, I couldn’t help myself)

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  1. Family Jules

    Ok, how many things are wrong with this picture?

    1. He is impaled on a huge purple skewer.
    2. Are those tears?
    3. His eyes are frozen open in terror.
    4. Blood seems to be spreading all across his chest, and running down his left leg.
    5. He has stolen the Burger King’s crappy ass crown.
    6. He has been deprived of oxygen until he turned purple.
    7. This is some official building’s “welcome visitors” sign.

    Dave, you hang out in some mighty weird places, dude.

  2. Family Jules

    Oh, and the cat vac game really sucks.

  3. Anna

    I know I gotta kiss alot of them …. but please, this is too much. :limp:

  4. Ace

    The Frog Prince, nervous about introducing his innovative creations, models the Belly-Cane for the public. Why stand like a loser when you can lean?

    I think I might look into buying a nose flute today, I’ve put it off for way too long.

  5. A little known failed Futurama character, “Frogder”.

  6. Spud

    An impaled frog for another hood ornament?

    which vehicle though…


  7. Anna

    @Spud: a hummer would do it justice (?)

  8. JFLY

    Oh, I get it now! The object of the game is to SAVE the cats…but that’s no fun! 😈

  9. Mandy

    That’s a sucky way to go: impaled on a red umbrella. I don’t get it. :dead:

  10. Mjaz

    I was watching daytime TV last week (damn.. I gotta get a job).. and I saw this ad for “BECOME A VIDEO GAME DESIGNER” .. ya know.. like the old BECOME A TRUCK DRIVER or MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST ones?

    That website must be the fruits of labor for the graduates of that program.. niiiiice.

  11. Jinx

    This is the climax of the ambhibian community’s production of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is already poisoned under the hedge.
    “Oh happy dagger, this is thy sheath.”

  12. Creelock

    I Liked the bird yesterday, but I could have done without the Frog Prince! Hmmm (I wonder if he’s one of those frogs who’s back your suppose to lick to have a Hallucination, oohhh nevermind I must already be tripping 😈 wow look at the pretty colors on the frog) ❗ :wtf:

  13. Bob

    Must be the democratic Ideal. It reminds me of Bill Clinton, A crown because we all know democrats are better than normal folks, A frog because Bill wanted kissed a lot, and that thing sticking out of the front, its what he wanted kissed.

  14. What I’ve always wanted to see…a frog prince impaled on an umbrella during a rainstorm……….I’d say somebody kiss this frog prince and make him feel better, but we all know what happened to Peter Parker when he got bit bit by the radioactive spider…What would happen if someone kissed a radioactive frog?

  15. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #53387 will be quoted here]

    I’m thinking a Renault. Perhaps Citroen.

  16. cbatdux

    So, the chick with the “deer in the headlights” look kissed the Chick Magnet and look what happened…..

  17. Marcus

    Someone has been hitting my stash and they turned into a giant freaky frog. :wtf:
    It’s that or acid. More likely acid or insanity.

  18. i liked where if you missed the kitty they got savaged by a dog. hilarious. i just now got a chance to check out the 10 not needed list from a couple days ago. how could you not need a turd twister

  19. Driver

    RE Cat Vac
    The only thing fun about that game is just letting the cats fall and get chowed by that super dog .

    The frog… thats just wierd man .

  20. JFLY

    [Comment ID #53478 will be quoted here]

    Good one 😛

  21. mikeme

    Soon to replace the Walmart “smiley face :o.

  22. bryan

    Oh God, another acid flashback!!!!

  23. Amanda B.

    From the “Frogs Gone Wild” video.

  24. tenderflower

    When kissed by the lovely princess, the frog prince immediately got an erection. :wang:

  25. Bigwavdave

    “So I gave her this song and dance about being an enchanted prince, and like that – I was in bed with her” :mrgreen:

  26. mikeme

    Guess the acid rain is worse then we thought :dead:

  27. Anita Mann-Badley

    At the stroke of midnight, just as his faerie godmother had warned, the Burger King turned back into a frog and dropped his red umbrella. The princess searched throughout the kingdom for the owner of the umbrella, finding only Travelers Insurance salesmen.

    Then, heartbroken, sitting on a rock next to the frog pond, she heard a whispered, “Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit”, turned and saw him there. She reached out gently, he closed his eyes, and she whacked him a good one and had the best plate of sauteed frog legs ever.

    Now, if she could just find the fella with the cardboard crown, everything would be perfect.

  28. Drusky

    Just what would Kermit the Frog look like after taking Drugs? :wtf:
    “Having just been married in Vegas, Kermit watches with an impending sense of doom as Miss Piggy strips naked and comes running to bed screaming “Alright, Frog Boy, let’s see if you really do taste like chicken…” 😈

  29. Driver

    [Comment ID #53876 will be quoted here]

    LMAO Todays winner .

  30. Patrick

    cat-vac is a perfect dose of mind candy!
    Yeah, the purple mescaline was exactly like that- giant Frog Prince, bright colors, those were the days! Put on the Pink Floyd and TURN IT UP! Back when the only reason to buy or manufacture was to help your brothers and sisters get high too. Uhh, did I digress? Oh yeah, I had a flashback that looked just like that before. 😀

  31. ganicutie

    Citizens of Davis, California- behold your new Idol.

  32. Meagan

    Rub it, rub it, rub it.

  33. mccan

    I can lay a magic golden egg. I can – I can – I’m just not trying hard enou… Whoa! Boy Howdy – we got something happening now.

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