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Show 44 Comments


  1. djemm

    My fellow Americans I confess I ware womens’ underware and here is the owner of my favourite pair ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  2. Damn it Dave…now I feel bad…I should’ve looked at your post before I did mine tonight…I have a Buch pic too…not the same one…and yours is funnier…AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. djemm

    People it so rare to find a black woman with panties I can fit in so easily that I just had to call you all here to show you :undies:

  4. JFLY

    President Bush, confused as always, when asked about the recent debriefing showed off a souvenir from last night’s White House panty raid…Dick Cheney’s bikini briefs. ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Excuse me Mr President, this are mine. Now please give me my skirt back

  6. [Comment ID #43261 will be quoted here]

    Bad thoughts…thanks again jfly…I will have to exact revenge now…don’t no when or how, but I will…

  7. Spud

    President Bush displays the inside of his aide de camps panties to prove to the world that he did not have relations with that woman.

  8. Finally Bush reveals the secrets behind all his ingenious plans! :wtf:

  9. “Once you go black, you never go back.” ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  10. Becky

    [Comment ID #43319 will be quoted here]


  11. prtyprincess

    What the…? “These are the new military issue briefs, they don’t twist or ride up, so you can feel comfortable taking any shot.”

    OK, I know that was stupid, but , hey it’s who I am?!?!?! โ“

  12. prtyprincess

    Dude, that link is crazy !

  13. |nsan|ty

    I have now signed into law, that no male can wear speedo’s in public anymore. I am displaying a sample of the out-lawed garment, so everyone will know what to look for. Call 911 immediately should you see anyone wearing one of these ANYWHERE….then quickly look away to avoid severe gastr-intestinal upset, or blindness. :wtf:

  14. scamper95

    hmmm does Laura that Bush has his hand in some other panties, and she looks mighty satisfied to :wang: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    As for the link, I think was on crack.

  15. scamper95

    it to early to write right, so fill in the missing words.

  16. mitch

    “My fellow Americans, instead of a tax break for the middle class or universal health care, I’m going to give each of you a free pair of panties. These were made by poor child labor in Taiwan. No, no, no you all can thank me later.”

  17. The Cynical Villain

    “I am George W. Bush. And, I approve these underwear.” However the chaff my thighs something fierce! Got any crotchless?

  18. Meagan

    “And so when I put this mask on I become the Republican Avenger!”

  19. fifa

    Be it enacted that in response to the number of soldiers dying in Iraq, i your president proclaim that everyone is required to wear this as a sign of mourning and grief. ๐Ÿ˜

  20. Paul

    After returning from CanCun President Bush shows the speedos he wore after meeting with the Mexican president and Canadian Prime Minister. ๐Ÿ˜›

  21. Anita Mann-Badley

    Unfortunately for Sgt. Walter Hernandez, here, we didn’t have this piece of IED-resistant body armor in Iraq until just last month.

  22. swade

    :java: LMAO that link was too funny! But somebody has too much time on their hands. .. :troll: Mr. President is giving a demonstration on the PC way to remove panties.

  23. I have declared these รขโ‚ฌหœPatrioticรขโ‚ฌโ„ข, they support my package. Now everyone must buy a pair. Anyone caught wearing boxers WILL be sent to Gitmo!รขโ‚ฌย heh-heh

  24. Mandy

    “Now these here Operation Freedom panties will turn orange when the tare-ist threat increases.When they’s red, you’d best get y’self ready to fight the good fight.” :undies:

  25. Mandy

    [Comment ID #43426 will be quoted here]

    LMAO at “gitmo”

  26. Kwade

    what… no paperclip in sight? :wtf:

  27. Ms Puppet Launcher

    “I gots these online from a delightfuil young Japanese girl named Keiko or Kinko or heheehehhe some funny Oriental name…”

  28. bigboy

    so this is what the white house means when they talk about the presidents intelligent briefs!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™„

  29. dougieace

    “what we have here are my intelligence briefs,i was wearing this very pair when i decided to start the war,i have now come to realize that these briefs are faulty.and from now on they will only be used when im playing white devil slave master”

  30. Marcus

    Mr. Bush is the new spokesman for a new underwear company. He was quoted as saying “Dick wore them around the Oval Office yesterday and I really liked them, so I decided that all my male staff will have to wear them all the time.”

    [Comment ID #43261 will be quoted here]

    Okay, I must admit that B&D do seem to be the type to have a panty raid, but Georgina likes to wear women’s underwear.

    Do it yourself animals freaked me out. I will seek to destroy this idea. It is problem the dumbest idea I have every seen. Similar to bungee jumping. :wtf: :wtf:

    Happy Rubber Eraser Day!!! Go erase something.

  31. [Comment ID #43394 will be quoted here]

    Only in Wisconsin…must be something in the cheese…LOL. Since I’ve been living here, you wouldn’t believe the strange things I’ve heard about. But what do you expect from a state that was home to Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein? One day I’ll tell you about the guy who “romanced” dairy cows for years. OMG! That’s what’s in the cheese! :wtf:

  32. wantwit

    do these come pre-soiled or do i have to do that? *buch’s herkie-jerkie laughter*

  33. Craig

    “I wore those for 4 straight days, how do they smell?”

  34. brianne

    “may the owner of these please step up here?? these were found in my bed last night. if only i could remember if I took them off some guy or if my WIFE took them off some girl”……… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  35. lucygoosy2004

    Condoleeza, are these yours?????Lets have you put em on and come up to the Oval office for some cigars like that nice Lewinsky girl did for Bill. :wang:

  36. The Cynical Villain

    “Damnit I said thong!! Not ganny panites!” Fire that Intern! Well after she does me in the oral..errrr oval office!

  37. The question is why the “tight knit” Bush aides would let him pose for a picture like this. It’s like the bikini briefs seen ’round the world.

    I’m moving to Canada.

  38. brianne

    anyone wanna claim those before he goes on national T.V. with them??

  39. LovlyBrown1

    It is true what they say, “THE BLACKER THE BERRY, THE SWEETER THE JUICE!!!

  40. alaskan_passion

    Well I guess now that Ive screwed up again its time to get rid of my Tidy Whities and slip on my BIG GIRL PANTIES ๐Ÿ˜› :undies:

  41. Drusky

    “Now remember, if your undies are not ‘Made In The U.S.A.’ AND you’re wearing them backwards, then the terrorists WIN! Now watch me stretch these American made beauties and launch them onto Dick Cheney’s head!” ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  42. david

    :troll: :undies: :boob: :boob: :boob: :limp: :wang:

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