Elvis Hipster

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Show 26 Comments


  1. benendetto

    yay im first and yeah when will the vegas elvises end

  2. lucygoosy2004

    Elvis has been found and hes alive-playing bingo and getting f-ed up on all kinds of controlled substances. :dead:

  3. Newsflash: Elvis suffers withdrawals at a local Starbucks while Quinten Tarintino anxiously phones his dealer.

    Ron Howard was spotted on the scene as well. “Well, gosh…I don’t know. Aunt Bea sent me in here for a mocha latte and all of a sudden there’s a big ruckus. I hope Pa ain’t too mad…”

    Story at 11… 😐

  4. charlie

    OK…you’ve seen just about every form of Elvii imaginable- – -old elvii, young elvii, black elvii, flying elvii (my favorite), pediatric elvii, geriatric elvii- – -the list goes on ad nauseum.
    I think I’ve come up with a brand new genre…mime elvii. Yup, I’ve pretty much worked out a silent version of ‘Blue Suede Shoes’. Now all I gotta do is find a sequined jumpsuit and some whiteface make-up, and I’m on my way to Vegas, baby.
    Unless some humane soul comes by and puts me out of their misery…please.

  5. Marcus

    Elvis was a hero to most, but he never did shit for me. My mother had a button that said Elvis Sucks. I guess that is why we didn’t listen to the music. She also had a roach clip and a pipe. Found those under the bathroom sink when I was 8. Thought the pipe was for blowing bubbles. Was my mom a Flower Child? Why did she like Janis Joplin? Oh.. when was little I thought my mom had a friend named Mary Jane.

    The Viagra Ring is an excellent idea. I think it would sell well here in BKK. We seem to get more than our fair share of horney old men on Viagra 24×7. Hope springs eternal. 😆 :wtf:

  6. Spud

    Nice burns and glasses.

    However I have a bone to pick.

    Does today’s youth everywhere, have to text message at every given opportunity?


  7. [Comment ID #43744 will be quoted here]

    I can safely answer that, Spud. My client at the ad agency is a cellular company. Yes, they do, hence the unbelievable sales of unlimited text messaging. It’s worse in other countries like Japan and Korea. :geek:

  8. Craig

    Judah Friedlander???

  9. mitch

    Look under :Apocalypse, signs of…and this picture is there.

  10. The Cynical Villain

    “Now I spend my days doing the NASCAR circuit. Thank you! Thank you very much!

  11. Mandy

    Oh, what a stud muffin. I can barely control myself. :dead:

  12. |nsan|ty

    Can you see the retired country clubs, all the old men wearing the rings? C’mon baby, theres 19 holes out there….. wanna be the first? And naming the rings after mullets…. Even has a 1 year exchange program for dents and scratches on the gold models only! and for the elvis wanna be… Is that a Larry the cable guy ‘git ‘er done’ hat? . 😕 :wtf:

  13. |nsan|ty

    Oh wait… I just looked again, I think he is practicing his pose of how they found elvis on the crapper dead from the overdose…. yeah, that must be it.

  14. lucygoosy2004

    Ellvii?????Is that plural Elvises???Just wanted to know.

  15. [Comment ID #43830 will be quoted here]

    Since they seem to be a plague, my guess is we follow the standard set forth by microbiologists for more than one virus; hence Elvirii. :geek:

  16. Alex

    About the Viagra Ring–Didn’t Underdog keep a super energy pill in his ring?

  17. Driver

    Does that ring only hold one pill ? I hope it’s the weekender one . :wang: :wang: :wang: :thong:

  18. [Comment ID #43743 will be quoted here]

    Nice Public Enemy reference!

  19. Lace Valentine

    Diesel Elvis in the house…

  20. He’s dialing Priscilla with an offer to fill her tank.

  21. Dave, I have come to the conclusion that Starbucks coffee causes people to mutate into freaks. I suspect there is more Columbian ingredients in their beverages than just coffee beans. That would explain the Elvis siting, wouldn’t it? 😛

  22. Marcus

    [Comment ID #43903 will be quoted here]

    Your welcome Dave. They are still a favorite of mine. It’s just the way I am. 😛

  23. [Comment ID #43845 will be quoted here]

    “The secret compartment of my ring I fill with a Viagra Super Erection Pill!”

  24. Coley

    [Comment ID #43812 will be quoted here]

    Craig, I’m so glad you said it. It was the very first thing that came to my mind..

  25. Meagan

    I sure hope my dad doesn’t have one of those rings… :puke:

    Oh, and I think the aliens just released Elvis so he could get them more fuel for their spaceship.

  26. jsquared55

    They all said that Elvis was in K-Zoo.
    Now we know it’s really Royal Oak! 8)

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