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Show 26 Comments


  1. ahem

    Yeah. 10,000 copies of My Pet Goat.
    I love it. Bush II as the poster boy for illiteracy. Great ad!

  2. Spud

    Is that like an oxymoron.

    Virtual Reality
    Military Intelligence
    Silent Scream
    Minor Disaster

    et al?


  3. Arnifnlm

    Can I get a tape or CD of that billboard?

  4. Not so sure about Audio-books for Bush?
    I’ve heard that they don’t let him use HiFi equipment in the Oval Office. Don’t want him going around pushing buttons willy-nilly.

    Spud – ‘Accordion Music’ is still my all time favorite.

  5. bhamm

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding the billboard here, but the impression I get is…

    “If you don’t read enough, we have a great idea for you, listen to books and READ LESS!”

  6. Ravishing Rob

    I agree … excellent billboard. Only thing I can think of that may have come close would be his face next to a “Stop Violence Now” campaign slogan.

  7. Da Popster

    True that !!

  8. silentstorm

    Well, we all knew Bush couldn’t really read, I mean look at his speeches………..(sorry, it was such a easy dig!)

  9. cbatdux

    I are affended by your thotles attak on are presiden. You shud be ashamd uv yorselv.

    Goin bak to my video games now….

  10. cbatdux

    Note to Nikki: Smile.

  11. Patrick

    The George Bush video was in freakin’ credible! Can’t imagine how long it took to cut that thing but it was well worth the effort!
    Re: billboard- I’m not sure that twit could figure out which buttons to push to operate the stereo, smug bastard! I saw a Mexican restaurant’s marquee rearranged by some trickster so that it read “Drive Through Penis”, although it didn’t stay up much longer after managers observed the traffic jam it was causing. Stayed up long enough for me to get photos. It’s a hoot!

  12. bhamm

    I don’t usually post twice, but I just thought of something else…

    George Bush Jr. promoting literacy. Isn’t that like Clinton promoting tips to a successful marriages? Or Nixon promoting proper business ethics?

  13. [Comment ID #74000 will be quoted here]

    Smiling causes wrinkles.

  14. Lace Valentine

    Yeah but listening to tape isn’t reading either.

  15. Seeing how that’s for a Canadian website they could’ve used Stephen Harper’s picture, but it wouldn’t have been as funny. We Canucks just love making fun of Bush. 😛

  16. Strangely, both the MacIntosh and Windows versions of the Robert Tilton cards look like identical screens full of binary on my Debian Linux box…

    “Smiling causes wrinkles.”

    What causes wrinkles on my body parts that don’t smile?

  17. Teri

    If you like this billboard then you’ll love this! Go to and type in the word failure.Look at the first entry at the top of the page!!! Laughed my ass off!

  18. Red Dog

    [Comment ID #73982 will be quoted here]

    Totally agree with you on that. Funny bilboard, wrong message.

  19. jeffro

    My Brother is a Marine and he says all the women in his unit are going to shave their pubes in protest to the war. The message…
    read our lips, no more bush.

  20. mikeB

    Less is the new more.

  21. Flash Gordon

    Will shave pubes for lunch. I’m a victim of the bush economy. 👿 :wang: 😕 :wtf: 🙄

  22. [Comment ID #74031 will be quoted here]

    That’s a good one. Try typing the word ‘moron’ into google.

Comments are closed