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Show 36 Comments


  1. mikeB


  2. mikeB


  3. :wtf:
    dude, that is messed up what kind of freak is he, dave?

  4. Lace Valentine

    Bootsy Collins in da house!

  5. Esther


    Lace Valentine, don’t you mean Bootsy’s retarded second cousin, twice removed (and removed for a good reason)?

    Dave, thanks for the nightmares.:!:

  6. Anna

    Why are you all so shocked? He’s sexy!!!
    Oh btw we lost at womens wockey ~sob~

  7. Anna

    I should have also mentioned that I can’t wait to jump his bones.

    Also, you won’t be hearing from me for 5 weeks (vacation, bought a house, gotta move).
    So peoples, have fun without me. See ya.

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    What the hell is this?

    Vin Diesel’s screen test for the Chronicles of Riddick?

    I can’t see anyone trying to stop him escaping from Butcher Bay in that outfit and if I were another inmate in that fictional penal facility. Let’s just say I wouldn’t stand next to him come shower time.

    P.S The gnome’s are quite good too, but after he loses this election I’m sure ol’ Georgey boy will be feeling small enough.


  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    That would of been better though…

    Vin Diesel stars in the new summer blockbuster action thriller:

    “Escape from Summer Bay”.


  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    “They took his spade….now he wants it back!”

  11. Lace Valentine

    Esther, the Bootsy Collins family tree–with its many branches, tangents, remarriages, acorns, divorces and clinging cousins, squirelly women and cursory leaf spurts–is quite a complex thing. I’m glad you set me straight! 😛

  12. Mandy

    What’s holding those buckets on? :wtf:

  13. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    It’s just a wild guess Mandy?

    …But it could be the string/fishing line attached to them?


  14. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I just realise that sounded sarcastic.

    As an explaination, I can only offer the fact that I am also blonde.


  15. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


  16. Mandy

    Oh, I guess I wasn’t looking as closely at his nasty naked body as you were, Rev. 😛

  17. Spud

    Marvelous Man Strikes again!

  18. Cheap Date

    “That’s the LAST friggin time I call THAT party store for a CLOWN!!!!” :wtf::wtf:

  19. And God says, “What, that’s not funny? I try to lighten things up by dressing Clarence Thomas up like Bunky the Beach Bandit, and you dare ask me why? Ok, more death, more pestilence, and four more years of W! How ya like me know, kids?”

  20. :wtf: That’s not the neighbor you had the Olympuh-nick conversation with is it?

  21. In case you haven’t seen him before, that’s the Sandman.

    Sweet dreams!:twisted:

  22. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    What nasty naked body?

    Oh I can see it now attached to those gravity defying buckets.


  23. Latest reject from the Justice League of Amerika: BEACH BUM! Tanned and buff, ready for action! special powers: his special “monkey squirter” shoots out a powerful cream with sunblock abilities, immobilizing his opponents.

    Wonder Woman black-balled him for having out-done her coconut-tits.

    Of course, he’s been rejected by all the top Super-organizations: Legion of Superheroes, The Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Mystery Men (got black-balled by the SPLEEN), Legion of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the Legion of Back-up Superheroes, Superheroes’ Sidekick Auxilliary. He even tried out for the Atomic Knights, but he couldn’t get the helmet over the little shovels on his ears.

  24. Esther

    lol @ wookiee 😆

    Lace, any time. 😉 Although now that I think about it, I’m not sure even Bootsy would claim to be related to this Mensa candidate.

  25. The only thing more disturbing than that photo is the fact that this guy looks a helluva lot like someone I know.

  26. The only thing more disturbing than that photo is the fact that this guy looks a helluva lot like someone I know.

    I was trying to avoid seeing the guy, but on closer look he DOES look like someone I know, too!

  27. Frisko

    I love you man, however, is this an individual that actually stops by your apartment to visit?
    you’re making me worried.

  28. Rest assured, dear readers. I have no idea who this person is. Another accidental web find.

  29. Esther

    TheFaramir, Nikki, you might want to stop knowing those people.

  30. Armand


    thats a friend of mine, must be looking for inspiration for his new cosplay costume, you should have seen him as Lum 🙂

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