When white guys try to act dope

When white guys try to act down

Image courtesy Joe Feldman

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Show 38 Comments


  1. Nunu

    Looks like some freak-hybrid crack baby of The Beastie Boys, Sum 41, and every generic boyband out there… :wtf:

  2. Irish

    What they are thinking from left to right….
    1) Thats MY camera, I take the pictures!
    3) I saw this on Hawaii 5-0 man….it must be cool.
    4) Im sooo hard…..

  3. These guys may look tough, but they’d probably run like girls if they saw a topless Torontonian. Even though women are legally allowed to go topless in public in the province of Ontario, I don’t think we should ALL be allowed to. :wtf:

  4. Snap, Krackle, and Pop get a visit from their friend Mr. Coco Puff. And they all puffed a lot of coke. My bet on barfing order numbered from left to right: #3 probably hurled right after they took the shot, #1 will stagger outside and hork in the bushes, followed by #4 who will almost make it to the toilet stall, and #2 will do it much later in the privacy of his own car.

  5. Pastafarians unite against Casey Powell. :java:

  6. [Comment ID #72448 will be quoted here]

    Oops, sorry. Fixed. :wtf:

  7. Mandy

    A pimple on my ass s hot? WTF? :wtf: (See poll)

  8. bhamm

    “Wiggidy wiggidy wack. What it is, yo.”

  9. I’m still trying to decide which one thinks he is king of the dopes.

  10. mikeB

    Clearly this is a new boy band
    (Left to Right)

    Da Chunkstah (The strong one) 😈

    BabyLuv (The cute one) :kiss:

    Bitch Snapz (The quiet one) :geek:

    Ice Latte (The stupid one) ❗

  11. Bigwavdave

    Dem bitches needs a good slappin’

  12. jeffro

    I think the picture is from one of those “This is your brain on drugs” ads. from left to right they are:
    coke (the red nostril is a dead give a way)
    pot (blood shot “chinese eyes”)
    X (obviosly has his hand on #4s ass)
    LSD (is thinking “dude… the camera has flowers growing out of it and my ass feels warm…awsome!”)

    Also, from left to right they are : Cabin Boy’s nephew, the dude from Harold & kumar, Seth Green’s cousin Leroy, and one of the Whalburgs.

  13. britt

    what you can’t see is the women taking the picture laughing at the insane group of ‘hott multiple strippers for 19.95’ :limp:

  14. Dino

    When will people realize that drinking and taking pictures is never a good idea. There needs to be a law!

  15. Gets Zippy

    Is it coincidence that you’ve posted a video of soggy melons on national water melon day?? :puke:

  16. thim

    from left to right: :x, :-|, :boob:, :wtf:

  17. paul

    Another new boys only band, the backdoor boys, I mean the buttstreet boys, oops the buttplug boys, maybe the bentover boys, wait the bite me boys, yeh, that’s it.

    Oh and FYI, if I wanted to hear a long winded and abusive rant I’d just read my X’s e-mails

  18. Cynical Villain

    should say they acting more like they on dope. Just remember kids. Crack is WACK!!!!! :java:

  19. Zinta

    These guys don’t act dope.. they are dope.. they are 4 of the biggest doppiest idiots I’ve ever seen.

  20. ----

    haha, doppiest.

    :boob: :boob: :thong:= :wang: :wang: :wang:!

  21. Tina Marie

    Oh my God, Dave! You’ve discovered visual birth control! I took one look at the picture and suddenly had absolutely no desire for sex. Of course, one look at my husband set me aright, but for a minute there…

    You could be on to something.

  22. jiminy cricket

    y’all are jus a bunch a hatas. hwen u in da hood, ya gotta make ajjusmens, ya know? ya caint be all sissy, ooh ls lissen to “emo” and ware makeup. theys tuff, and look tuff. so :wang: you.

  23. mick

    too bad they weren’t separated at birth…

  24. Spud

    I don’t get it, they all look perfectly normal to me…


  25. DaPopster

    Looks like a a waste of good dope ……… :dead:

  26. oh. my. god bless those torontonians. torontonauts? whatever. she was high as kite. prolly got back from showin’ the four doods that grammas can still rock the boner.

  27. Sam

    LOL -the best part of that :boob: video was the camera man cracking up. I am sooo glad my :boob: :boob: didn’t get that big 😳

  28. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #72465 will be quoted here]

  29. Ace

    A perfect example of the male human attempting to attract a female. In all likelihood a female is holding the camera and asking these men to say “cheese” in a very flirtatious manner, giving each man a fool’s hope of later sexual activity. The men in return try to impress the female with their best assests; most give their “I’m so manly and tough” look while, another tries the seducing “come hither look” while another tries to assert his personality by making a somewhat humorous face. Yes, a competition of poses. To bad they look like a bunch of douches who were trying too hard. The female probably laughs at this picture with her friends.

  30. Ya know, I have it on good authority that the Torontonian in that video is not the typical resident. Sure many of them are outspoken (mostly about the Maple Leafs) and are all for freedom of expression (just watch Speaker’s Corner), but they’re not THAT crazy. Take it from me. I have family there.

  31. We actually had a name for guys like this at the DJ gear company where I worked. It’s a really great name, too, kind of plays on words, along the same lines as Nikki’s Pastafarians, but shorter.

  32. Drusky

    The night crew from Long John Silvers pauses for a group picture before going to work…

  33. Drusky

    [Comment ID #72466 will be quoted here]
    Not that ass! From those pictures, it’s as smooth and aerodynamic as a stealth fighter… 😈

  34. crystal

    Hey, I have seen them before! They are the guys down in the Castro pumping each other up to go hit on hte guy wearing the dress in the gay bar called The Moby Dick…. :wang:

  35. nick

    those guys are on something :wtf: :wtf: 😮

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