Upcoming Peter Jackson Movies

  1. Peter Jacksons See Dick Run, The Early Years, a trilogy
  2. Peter Jackson’s 9-11 Commission Final Report, a five part docu-drama
  3. Peter Jackson’s Jason and the Argonauts, a triskadekagy
  4. Peter Jackson’s Dark Side of the Moon, The Syd Barrett Story, told in 23 parts
  5. Peter Jackson’s The Life of Pamela Lee Anderson, a 48 part epic
  6. Peter Jackson’s Tom Sawyer, a 112 part trilogy
  7. Peter Jackson’s Finnegans Wake, a 206 part epic
  8. Peter Jackson’s Oxford Unabridged, as read by Charo
  9. Peter Jackson’s The Bible, a 9,200 part mini-series
  10. Hear of any I may have missed?
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  1. Charlotte’s Web, the Ultra-Mega Director’s Special Edition
    Snoopy Vs. PigPen 2020, in RealTime
    Ulysses Unabridged
    Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead Superdeluxe IMAX 3D Hologram Version
    The Lord of the Ring Remake Ver 2.0, the Chronicles of Tom Bombadil
    Valley of the Dolls, Z-Man Rebels
    From Pangea and Beyond, The MInute By MInute Struggle of Existence
    Two Kids Playing Hopscotch, a 45-part Docudrama NArrated by Tim Thomerson

  2. Drusky

    Peter Jackson’s remake of The Ten Commandments done one commandment per movie…

    Peter Jackson’s “Aftermath of a Mexican Dinner” complete with THX soundtrack

    Peter Jackson’s remake of Bambi Vs. Godzilla starring Bert Reynolds, Carmen Electra, and special guest star Paris Hilton as Godzilla… 😈

  3. Red Dog

    Peter Jackson’s remake of How the West was Won, a real time event
    Peter Jackson’s Pokey Little Puppy, a mere 2 hours and 30 minutes
    Peter Jackson’s remake of Ishtar, no… who are we kidding … Ishtar was perfect as is.

  4. Dante’s Inferno – One film per circle of hell. With Guy Pierce as Dante and Paul Hogan as Virgil.
    (See if he can reuse some of the old Balrog CGI material from the Ring)

    Lewis and Clark’s Hunt for the Mammoth – The untold story. (Miniseries –one episode per state)

    Commercial for the New Zealand Department of Tourism – a 7-film epic.

    Tarzan and the Amazons – 4-hour remake starring Russel Crowe and the Dixie Chicks.

  5. Spud

    11. PeterJackson’s – Davezilla Vs Toho – Starring – Ricardo Montablan as Dave and Paris Hilton as Toho. A gripping 4 part series that will leave you wanting more and more and more and more. Hit me baby one more time.


  6. Anna

    “How the East was lost” ongoing realtime adventure.

  7. Da Popster

    Peter Jacksons “Who Cares”, mercifully one part. 👿

  8. bhamm

    – Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit released in 7 parts broken down as follows:

    Jan 2007 – The Hobbit appears in theaters
    March 2007 – The Hobbit is still #1 in Box Offices
    August 2007 – P.J. releases The Hobbit Director’s Cut into theaters
    November 2007 – The Hobbit D.C. is still #1 in Box Offices
    Jan 2008 – P.J. Re-releases the original version into theaters for “hard-core fans”
    March 2008 – Still #1 at the B.O.
    Nov 2008 – Release of The Hobbit on DVD
    Dec 2008 – Release of The Hobbit Director’s Cut on DVD
    March 2009 – Super-Mega Special Edition of The Hobbit with 20 hours of bonus features
    Aug 2009 – Ultimate Collector’s Edition of The Hobbit with 23 hours of bonus features
    Nov 2009 – Ultimate Collector’s Edition of The Hobbit Director’s Cut is released on DVD
    Jan 2010 – The Hobbit is released back into theaters for it’s 3 year anniversary
    March 2010 – The Hobbit is still #1 at the Box Offices…

  9. PeterJackson’s ‘Roccp Flips’ in 2 parts, sequel to ‘Hamburger: The Movie’
    PeterJackson’s ‘Tribute to Head Office’. a 3 part examination into how this pivotal movie affected the careers of Jane Seymour, Judge Rheinhold, Eddy Arnold, and Danny Devito, and how the movie changed the course of business and business regulation in North America.

    PeterJackson’s ‘Dememtoids & Dementites!’, a 4 part introspective on the early career of Dr. Demento, his syndicated radio program, and his relationship with Rhino Records and the infamous Julie ‘Trapped in the Body of a White Girl’ Brown.

    PeterJackson’s ‘CDB’, portraying both Steig books, ‘CDB’ and ‘CDC’, as a prequel to ‘Shrek’. This thoughtful 80 minute ‘short’ feature will grab your fancy and delight the kid in you. Warning: Word games may be inappropriate for illiterates and for those under the influence of Disney.

    PeterJackson’s ‘Liaden’. a 7 part presentation of the popular Lee and Miller Sci-Fi works of the Tree-and-Dragon traders and scouts of the leading family on Liad. Magic, deadly serious social climbing, and Turtles.

    PeterJackson’s ‘Pride of Chanur’, a 4 part presentation of the classic SF series by C.J. Cherryh. One human, stranded amidst warfare amongst 6 alien races, adopts a trading clan ship, crewed by cousins of the respected Chanur clan, lead by canny Pyanfar Chanur. The treachery of the Kif, the unreliable friendship of the Mahendo’sat, the ever-dithering but polite Stsho, poor Tully is jerked from one faction to another in a serious of attacks on ships, stations, and worlds.

    PeterJackson’s ‘Young Miles’, a 4 part spoof on Lois McMaster Bujold’s SF story about a crippled kid growing up on a rigidly military planet.

    PeterJackson’s ‘Sheep Farmer’s Daughter’. An epic story of a back country girl that runs off for the excitement of mercenary military life. Elizabeth Moon’s epic of the journeys of Paksennarian is perhaps the first author to digest Lord of the Rings, and create a totally new story, just as powerful as Tolkien’s masterpiece. A tale of heroes and gods, of good triumphant, of darkest terrors and the nature of evil, SFD is a more personal, more powerful tale and movie. Watch for the 7 part sequel, ‘Gird Strongarm!’

  10. coley

    War and Peace- a realtime minute-by-minute account of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. Starring David Spade as Napoleon and John Malkovich as Kutuzov.

  11. Patrick

    See Dick. See Dick run. Run Dick run. Run, run run.
    See Jane. See Jane run. Run Jane run. Run, run, run.
    See Dick. See Jane. See Dick and Jane run. Run Dick, run Jane. Run, run, run.

    Who knew it was a public health warning? I was in first grade for crying out loud! Whatta I know about gonorrhea?

  12. junkman

    Peter Jackson’s “Jesus Camp” a thousand year epic depicting the eradication of all non-christian belief sytems. starring 500 generations (mutations) of bushes as god/president and 500 generations of child actor zealot soldiers in army of god p.j.’s. Thankfully i will only be able to catch the first 40 years.

  13. Kristi

    Peter Jackson’s Numa Numa, a musical trilogy. Starring Sean Astin as Gary Brolsma and featuring a soundtrack by O-Zone and John Williams.

  14. MrDoug

    Peter Jacksons: The Colonosopocy. A indepth look into the legendary filmaker, now with enhcnced sound and color.

    Peter Jacksons: The Jackson Five A Ten part look at the amazing singing and dancing family from Tito to Tits, Monkeys to Molestations all will be revealed in this riviting epic.

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