The Sweet Spot

Chart idea by Zilla and Moritz

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  1. Jeff Carr

    Dave, you realize that on your graph, your levels of pain and love both go up as the doctor’s finger goes farther in…

  2. Drusky

    There’s a missing third line: How sure am I that it was his ‘finger’… 😉


    Just be glad it wasn’t Dr. Dickhead…..

  4. Bigwavdave

    It’s a very fine line.

  5. [quote comment=”406910″]Dave, you realize that on your graph, your levels of pain and love both go up as the doctor’s finger goes farther in…[/quote]
    Uh, clean your glasses. Love is dropping (notice I didn’t say going down) 😀

  6. junkman

    ummm. my doctors a woman. anything goes and then i’m not sure what happened after. but it was fast and thorough. you got to admit at the point of entry on the graph it intersected with love?

  7. Spud

    You are not at all comfortable with the idea nor the actuality of being probed in the rear hindmost parts are you. I guess that counts you out for NASA.

  8. [quote comment=”406947″][quote comment=”406910″]Dave, you realize that on your graph, your levels of pain and love both go up as the doctor’s finger goes farther in…[/quote]
    Uh, clean your glasses. Love is dropping (notice I didn’t say going down) :D[/quote]
    You usually don’y say going down. That’s what I love about you, the element of surprise!! :wang: 😀 😛 :thong: 😳

  9. julesOdeNile

    At the point of intersection, Dave, what you experienced was called an Orgasm. Just thought i’d let you in on it. (in medicine it’s called busting-a-nut!) :wtf: :wang: 😀 just ask for a smike afterwards…

  10. julesOdeNile

    FUCK!!! a *SMOKE. i hate it when i kill a joke man! :dead:

  11. ‘tsok. We got it! watch…ha ha ha! 😛 ‘sall better! 😉

  12. julesOdeNile

    You start out liking your Dr. and he starts out not in you. now you begin to not like him as he begins to be in you; and just at the point you are ready to really hate him, he hits the area above your prostate gland that triggers such emotions :wang: that you bust-a-nut.
    So the area under the blue graph line should be shaded a different color (gray) it represents many emotions: :limp: a craving for a smoke, disrespect for the bitch (now that he’s pleasured you and you don’t need to see him no mo!) , slight feelings of guilt and shame (comes naturally to all virgins) the wonder whether it’s OK to go ahead and get dressed among other feelings.

    Now, the area above the yellow line is also representative of many emotions, just not yours. The Dr. is: spent, feeling closer to you, wondering where this is all going, do you look at him the same, is he damaged goods in your eyes, are you going to call him like you said you would… among other feelings.

    and my prof thought i didn’t get graphs, “ticha, pleaze!”

  13. Uh, Dave … please tell us that your scale isn’t in inches. 😯 😉

  14. Damn! Lost my smoking head again. Let’s see if this will bring it back ….

    Astryd – 18

  15. Lake Effect

    Maybe Astryd could enroll in medical college and solve this problem.

    Then, ROAD TRIP!!

  16. Bluebonneville

    [quote comment=”406912″]There’s a missing third line: How sure am I that it was his ‘finger’… ;-)[/quote]
    Especially since BOTH his hands were on my shoulders ? 😯

  17. The fine line between pain and love is what I bank on! 😀 😛

  18. Hey! WTF happened to my avatar? I want my paddle back! 👿

  19. junkman

    dave was in the zone……the ”behindular zone”. 😀

  20. russ

    I thought your line was supposed to follow the doctors line…hummm

  21. Now here’s the 60 dollar question: Did you get all excited and was your doctor cute?? :wtf:

    Yeah….. I’m sick like that! 😉

  22. Dave, during your anal probe did an image of goatse flash before your eyes? 😯

  23. You just made me realize how much higher my SAT scores would have been had they simply changed the subject matter.

  24. Wow, does your doctor have those hideously long alian fingers or what cause by this chart it looks like he was tickling your belly button from the inside. 😯

  25. patrick

    It’s not lost on me, and a very Freudian thing, that the graph outlining the depth of doc’s digit goes upward, as in up the poop chute, and the graph outlining dear Dave’s disdain for doc’s digit goes downward like the wanker does when said digit enters said chute. ‘nuf said.

  26. Bigwavdave

    So, every night this week I come home, log in, try to reset my avatar, heave a deep sigh and wait till tomorrow…

  27. Bigwavdave

    Does this mean we need to be “logged in” (there’s an opening [ :wtf:] if I ever wrote one) for our avatars to work? Dave…Anyone…Anyone?

    LOGGED IN…Ha…ha…ha… :wang:

  28. Drusky

    Did the docter tell you he was using his bare finger because he was ‘allergic to latex’? ❗

  29. Drusky

    Dave, what’s next for my search for my avatar?

  30. Lake Effect

    You know Dave, after examining that chart in depth, I believe you & the doc would be considered legally married in 12 states. :puke:

  31. Lake Effect

    Hey! My avatar was back, and now it’s gone again!

    Dave…you need to call that alleged ‘doctor’ back and get a redo…this time he needs to see if our avatars are up there. :wtf:

  32. Lake Effect

    Hey! That was quick! I think I might have logged in?!

    Now I’m going in the bathroom with a flashlight and a mirror and look for Drusky’s avatar. 😮

  33. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”407325″]X marks the spot…

    OOOH, YES! That spot. Hey, girl. :wang: :thong: :kiss:

  34. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”407479″]Wow, does your doctor have those hideously long alian fingers or what cause by this chart it looks like he was tickling your belly button from the inside. 8O[/quote]
    i was thinking more like the doctor decided to take his heart beat while he was in there anyway, to save time washing his hands and retrieving his stethoscope and stuff. 😆

  35. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”407325″]X marks the spot…

    Actually AnnieB, I believe “G” marks the spot…But you’d know that already, right?

  36. [quote comment=”407894″][quote comment=”407325″]X marks the spot…

    OOOH, YES! That spot. Hey, girl. :wang: :thong: :kiss:[/quote]

    Hey Flash, I was just thinking of you and wondering if you had drowned or something! 😆

    [quote comment=”408240″][quote comment=”407325″]X marks the spot…

    Actually AnnieB, I believe “G” marks the spot…But you’d know that already, right?[/quote]

    Oh yeah, baby I know exactly where it is! 😛

  37. Drusky

    [quote comment=”407804″]Hey! That was quick! I think I might have logged in?!

    Now I’m going in the bathroom with a flashlight and a mirror and look for Drusky’s avatar.

    and THAT will be the first time you’ve ever done something in the bathroom that requires light… 😛

  38. Lake Effect

    [quote comment=”408364″][quote comment=”407804″]Hey! That was quick! I think I might have logged in?!

    Now I’m going in the bathroom with a flashlight and a mirror and look for Drusky’s avatar.

    and THAT will be the first time you’ve ever done something in the bathroom that requires light… :P[/quote]

    Bathroom? Light? WTF? Who does that???

  39. Mo Not-Gay

    Thats is like so gay …. :limp:

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