Survey Results

Thank you for taking the poll! 1,240 of you responded. Here is how you responded:

  1. 48% of you want stripper poles
  2. 43% of you want polls brought back
  3. 47% of you want to use your Facebook logins
  4. 34% of you want to use the Google logins that were in the sidebar
  5. 18% of you are rockin’ the OpenIDs
  6. 59% of you want more blog, fewer features
  7. 41% of you wants moar bukkit!
  8. 78% of you want a mix of posts and photos
  9. 18% of you want pictures only
  10. 3% of you can read
  11. 344 of you want more Zilla Girl pictures
  12. 54 of you want me to bring back Anagram Interviews
  13. 19 of you want more pictures of Mandy Locke
  14. 11 of you like bewbs
  15. 2 of you want to know where you left your keys
Show 9 Comments


  1. Don

    Hey 3% of us that responded can read. If Dave used pics of women (Mandy and the zilla girls), maybe more of us could read.

  2. Fourth Post! Woohoo!!

    oh wait, this is so lame…


  3. chainstay

    [quote comment=”633467″]Hey 3% of us that responded can read. If Dave used pics of women (Mandy and the zilla girls), maybe more of us could read.[/quote]

    Who needs, or wants, to read if you got pics like that?

  4. Spud

    What was the question again?

  5. blonde mafia

    I wouldn’t min some stripper poles, then I can show off my talent haha

  6. tina beans

    hey, nevermind! I just found my keys! 😉

  7. john in co

    Bewbs? Where was the bewb question, I’d like to add my vote.

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