Starbucks BINGO

Starbucks BINGO

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  1. Patrick

    Dibs on Firsties! Well, Jeez, Dave. If it’s as bad as all that I don’t think I want to go. Think there might be a similar bingo card for sightings at Walmart?

  2. fruf

    that’s awesome…. Wallymart would be an exclusive for Rednecks something like Bass Pro
    Ive met most of these people and I don’t look forward to meeting them again
    the only one’s you missed are the middle eastern man with the furtive looks and the south asian in the burka

  3. Bigwavdave

    David – Get a coffee maker or French Press, visit these guys: and enjoy a cup out on the patio…Cheers! 😉

  4. [quote comment=”633912″]Dibs on Firsties! Well, Jeez, Dave. If it’s as bad as all that I don’t think I want to go. Think there might be a similar bingo card for sightings at Walmart?[/quote]

    Good Idea!!! I’ll work on it, so come visit me later.

  5. I think we know where Dave sits… at the top of N 😛

  6. Businesslike dressed Madam that knows you by first name… :wtf: 😛 😉

  7. [quote comment=”633918″]Businesslike dressed Madam that knows you by first name… :wtf: 😛 ;-)[/quote]


  8. [quote comment=”633917″][quote comment=”633912″]Dibs on Firsties! Well, Jeez, Dave. If it’s as bad as all that I don’t think I want to go. Think there might be a similar bingo card for sightings at Walmart?[/quote]
    Here you go, Wal-Mart Bingo!

    I’ll have to use this when I’m bored at work. Of course, I can put myself at the bottom of the O. 😛

  9. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”633916″]I think we know where Dave sits… at the top of N

    321sdfhdxnhjm,kl;’zxcvnfcv fvvftgrfcrd-+`0c
    Yup! Peeking over the top of his newspaper – cell phone camera at the ready! :wtf:?

  10. Bigwavdave

    I need a cocktail

  11. [quote comment=”633916″]I think we know where Dave sits… at the top of N


    Either that or I4 snapping pics of O5

  12. Since O5 is taken can I be I2? :boob: :wang: :boob: 😛

  13. [quote comment=”633956″]Since O5 is taken can I be I2? :boob: :wang: :boob: :P[/quote]

    You can be B3 and I’ll change my name to Frapuccinos

  14. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”633956″]Since O5 is taken can I be I2? :boob: :wang: :boob: :P[/quote]
    “Dressed” like that, you can be anything you want . . . . :wang: :wang:

  15. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”633956″]Since O5 is taken can I be I2? :boob: :wang: :boob: :P[/quote]
    BAD GIRL! – And I love that about you…Don’t ever change! :kiss:

  16. Patrick

    re: Link of the Day- totally weird. Why can’t we get great commercials like that in the ‘land of the free, home of the brave’? More like “land of the repressed, home of the chickenshit”. And no, I don’t need any B.S. feedback about my patriotism, I served- 3rd Armored Cavalry, 1973-75.

  17. Nessa

    Here’s another one for Wal-Mart Bingo:

    The fat lady you always see riding on the lil scooter, who clearly could and should be walking.
    or how about that greeter who doesn’t smile or even pretend to be happy to see you coming…

    I can think of a million more, but then it might look like I spend too much time there myself.

  18. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”633995″]haha awesome[/quote]
    Hey there raymi – how’s the minx business? :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  19. [quote comment=”634034″]WHAT? No HORTON’s Bingo??[/quote]

    Geez, you’d have to take the WalMart bingo down a notch or three to do a Tims Bingo.

  20. Spud

    Brilliant Dave, just brilliant! 🙂

  21. AlexBallew

    May daughter’s boyfriend is a barista. He achieved blackout.

  22. Keith

    Typo on the bottom middle square. “Odering” instead of “Ordering”.

    Other than that, serious amounts of hilarity.

  23. No…you are wrong. That is no typo on the bottom middle square. Many Asian people are grossly misunderstood when they odor. Hell, most people are grossly misunderstood when they odor…and some are just gross when they odor.

    Personally, I try to time my stepping up to the counter at Starbucks with my most powerful odoring possible, that way it can be appreciated by the cashier, the barrista, and all the people in line behind me. Then I ditch my drink and run before they beat me senseless for leaving behind the toxic gas. And THAT my friends is the way to properly odor at Starbucks.

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