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Show 42 Comments


  1. Submit to the will of Al Roker goddamn you. He’s literally the least threatening black man NBC could find to appease you.

    So watch the Today Show, ok?

  2. StevieC

    Kinda like the Minolta, AT&T, and NBTel logo story. Google the logo for all three firms for a good laugh.

  3. Logos, schmogos…….Just keep the falling cows away from me!

  4. Bjorn Freeh

    Get yourself a “Slingshot Flying Cow with Moo Sound” at:

    It must be good… it has a moo sound.

    As far as I could tell, there was no “Driving Minivan with Oh Crap Sound” available at that site, though. Sorry, you’re on your own for that one.

  5. Drusky

    [Comment ID #211325 will be quoted here]
    Can’t you just hear the conversation between the people who lost the van and the insurance company?
    It’d be like the State Farm ad with the Ficus…
    cust- “Yes, a cow fell on my car. Am I covered?”
    agent- “Was it a Jersey cow?”
    cust- “What difference does that make?”
    agent “Well with the cut rate plan YOU have…” 😈

  6. USA Today: Ridin’ The Bandwagon Into A Fiery Canyon

  7. pookazilla

    Ummmmmm I have no comment. I’m just here to see Mandy’s, Astryd’s and Annie’s avatars. :wang: :wang: :wang: 😈

  8. TimM

    My insurance would only cover if the cow was a Holstein, wearing a fedora hat, and a brass bell tied to a blue ribbon around its neck, falling on a tuesday, on the 4th of July, during a snowstorm.

  9. Saddly, I grew up in a town where cattle/vehicle collisions were common. We didn’t have any cliffs though. The stupid things would just push through the gates and stand around on the highway. What do you think the cow was thinking right before impact?

  10. Mandy

    [Comment ID #211453 will be quoted here]

    “mooooo-oh shit.”

  11. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211457 will be quoted here]

    Okay, with Mandy’s avatar following Nicolette’s, I might as well just go home because my concentration is now completely shot for the day.

  12. StevieC

    Actually, we need to build this smokin hot babe right. We need Nikki, followed by Nicolette, followed by Astryd, and then Mandy. AnnieB, can you provide us with a nice leg shot to complete the mental picture?

    Dave, we’ll leave it to you to get that coordinated. The zillaguys will be off in the corner waiting to give the 21 cum salute.
    😈 :wang: 😈 :wang: 😈 :wang: 😈 :wang: 😈 :wang: 😈 :wang: 😛 :wang:

  13. [Comment ID #211460 will be quoted here]

    Down Boy! 😛

  14. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211462 will be quoted here]


  15. Bigwavdave

    Dave – A feeble attempt to move the discourse in another direction. I’m afraid there is way too much estrogen / testosterone inertia to overcome.


  16. [Comment ID #211463 will be quoted here]

    Funny how quickly we all end up in the gutter in here!
    :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: 😈 😈 😈

  17. Flash Gordon

    Wow! All them avatars have got me jumpy as a
    bastard at a family reunion. ❗ :wtf: :wtf:

    Someone please tell me how to change my avatar.
    AnnieB explained it once but I have forgotten, not
    being computer literate. I am a reformed Luddite,
    willing to learn. Muchas gratias, senors 0 senoritas.

    :java: :kiss: :java: :kiss:

  18. Indeed, what’s up with the scantily clad avatars? They remind of me of the logo for USA: Up All Night.

  19. junkman

    if i reverse the 2 logos and move them closer together it reminds me of mandy’s avatar….and nicolette’s avatar. these avatars are making me jump for joy. so i changed my avatar for today. :wang: :wang: :wang:

  20. AnnieB

    Flash …

    Click on Site Admin at top of page
    Click on Update your profile
    At top click on tab Your Avatar
    Click cursor in Filename box
    Click on Browse … find pic you want to display and double click on it
    Scroll down and click on Update Profile.

    Sometimes it takes awhile to show up on your computer but others see it right away.

    Good luck sweetie. :kiss:

  21. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211466 will be quoted here]

    Company is always welcome down here. 😈 :java:

  22. Fleetwood

    Regarding the link of the day…I am thinking this would make a great, “Eat Mor Chikin” Chick-fil-A TV commercial.

  23. [Comment ID #211471 will be quoted here]

    😈 Good to know! 😈

  24. chainstay

    Just as long as us Zillaguys don’t jump on the Body (or would that be Bawdy?) parts avatar theme, things might be alright. I think that I would rather watch The Today Show then see Zillaguy coinslot.

  25. Is it getting hot in here or is it just all these sexy new avatars? 😈

    Come to think of it, I can use some new recruits in my dungeon. What do you think girls? Want to be Madame Mandy or Mistress Astryd?

  26. Want to?!?! I was born for this!! 😈
    I swear I was gonna respond to todays topic but I can’t remember what it is and seem to be having a…*ahem* hard time getting back to the top.

  27. Chris S

    *avoiding the whole avatar tangent*

    Maybe these logos can be reunited on a special episode of Oprah. I see a tear-jerker in the making…


    Can something still be considered a tangent when it takes up all the focus from the original topic? 😕

  28. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211478 will be quoted here]

    It’s not really so much a tangent as it is a recurring theme.

  29. [Comment ID #211479 will be quoted here]

    I think we are all in need of “help”.
    I took mine in the form of a nooner with my hunny! 😈 Oh yeah baby!

  30. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211481 will be quoted here]

    A little more descriptive detail for the unimaginative would be greatly appreciated. 😈 :wang:

  31. Flash Gordon

    AnnieB–Thanks, Babe, for the clear directions.
    I’m working on it now and cussin’ computers in
    general and mine in particular. :kiss: :java: 😛

  32. [Comment ID #211482 will be quoted here]

    $9.95 a minute! 😈

  33. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211484 will be quoted here]

    Do you take AmEx? Better yet, will you give it back?

  34. Drusky

    [Comment ID #211453 will be quoted here]
    I’m sure that the last thing that went thru that cow’s mind when it impacted was it’s ass… :twisted:[Comment ID #211466 will be quoted here]
    That’s not the gutter. It’s the information super highway… 😆

  35. Drusky

    [Comment ID #211475 will be quoted here]
    I wonder why she didn’t ask AnnieB? Could it be that Meagan’s more ‘Punish to love’ while AnnieB’s just ‘Love to punish’? 😈 :wtf: ❓ :dead:

  36. All the Zillagirls are welcome to join my crew of dungeon doms! Didn’t mean to exclude you, my lovely AnnieB. No doubt you’d make one sexy dominatrix. 😈

  37. Mandy

    [Comment ID #211829 will be quoted here]

    i’m no dom. i like to be on the receiving end, so to speak 😈

  38. StevieC

    [Comment ID #211834 will be quoted here]

    Atta girl!

  39. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #211679 will be quoted here]

    Hey, I can go either way. I’m ambidextrous you know. 😛

  40. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #211829 will be quoted here]

    Thank you luv. I didn’t give it a second thought until Mr. Troublemaker mentioned it. 😆

  41. Drusky

    [Comment ID #211878 will be quoted here]
    Everybody’s got to have a hobby… 😈

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