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Show 28 Comments


  1. 7….. but one doesn’t count cause it’s a thumb. 😕

    I like the spammer in the Poll 🙄

  2. Spud

    The rule for today.
    Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
    New rule tomorrow.

    Answer – none


  3. Spud

    I forgot the heading 🙄

    Cat Haiku

  4. Ace

    37. Right?
    According to my calculations based on earth’s position in it’s rotation, number of people who have seen sexy brought back and those who saw it leave, number of people who have reached nirvana that have a wooden leg, amount of grapes I ate last week, number of souls in hell named Bob, size of biggest hole in my socks measured in cm., Dave Chapelle’s age, mileage on my shoes and wind velocity, it simply must be 37.
    That is unless you want me to take into account the number of strokes of deodorant I do under each arm.

  5. Anna

    I really don’t care ….. i just hope you are happy doing it.

  6. If you have hand in your pocket, then one.

    And btw, it’s not a finger.

  7. sledge

    If it was’nt you dave I’d say 2 cause one shows and the other is in your nose. Magical Digit Tour

  8. StevieC

    It’s not how many you’re holding up Dave. My question is ‘What are you planning on doing with them?’ :wtf:

  9. chzplz

    up where? 😛

  10. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #93512 will be quoted here]

    Good one! 😆

    But seriously: I know you have 2 fingers up cause your twin brother there is showing me the exactly the same. And he’s dressed just like you too.
    Bartender, another double, and why don’t give my two new friends a couple two, er, to, I mean too.

  11. junkman

    beats me but i’ll bet they’re white.

  12. Bjorn Freeh

    You know, the time has come when you should stop holding fingers up. They have to learn to make it on their own. Because, while you think you’re holding them up, you’re really holding them down.

  13. MRDOUG

    Wow that is a big thumb Dave. Did you slam it in the door geting a cup of :java: today?

    I know lent starts this week so can we get Dave to give up Butts?

  14. family jules

    My guess would be all of them.

    I’m giving up guessing for lent. 😛

  15. sparks

    Isn’t it usually two fingers?… On another note I think I am in love with adognamedgromit!

  16. pablo

    I don’t know?

    How many am I holding up?

  17. chainstay

    Don’t you think a bank would be more lucrative?

  18. ducatisti

    Up where?

    Or what?

  19. evilqueen

    You are flasing the NJ single digit wave, back at ya Dave!

  20. Wayne

    maybe i missed the point. i dont see a pic? is that the joke? Not funny dave… 😡

  21. Mandy

    [Comment ID #95810 will be quoted here]

    Someone’s a little slow on the uptake and bitter about it. 😐

  22. blustpie

    i have two hands, the left and the right hold them up high so clean and bright…. so dave!, clean your hands first before holding anything., whats out for the misssing one! :wtf:

  23. Wayne

    [Comment ID #96169 will be quoted here]

    Not bitter, just slow…


  24. Lake Effect

    Neal: Del… Why did you kiss my ear?
    Del: Why are you holding my hand?
    Neal: [frowns] Where’s your other hand?
    Del: Between two pillows…
    Neal: Those aren’t pillows!

Comments are closed