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Show 32 Comments


  1. Oh, you want a caption. Sorry.

    “New from Jiffy Pop! Kiddie Pop”

  2. Waiter! Waiter! There’s a man in my baked potato.:roll:

  3. Mandy

    “If you believe, they put a man on the moon…..” 😛

  4. Esther

    “Bobby knew he shouldn’t have eaten that nacho-flavored popcorn before he went to bed.”

  5. TinaMarie

    So….this is what the Telletubbies eat. I guess Jerry Falwell was right…Tinky Winky is gay. :wtf: (At least he appears to eat young men.)

    If this post is confusing to you, watch the show and you will find out about those little silver squares on their tummies.

  6. Spud

    I am being here in my happy place, thinking the happy thoughts am I.


  7. Lace Valentine

    “Ground Control to Major Tom.”

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Ewan McGregor’s one man, stage interpretation of Star Wars “The Phantom Menace” premiered in London last night.

    The Scottish born, ego-maniac with an attitude problem, played to a live audience in Piccadilly Square, yesterday evening.

    The issue of creating a “realistic space” atmosphere had been the biggest worry for the shows backer (a Mr. W Wheaton), but it was soon solved when the majority went home after about 5 minutes.

    Despite this setback, Mr. McGregor continued heroically with the performance only stopping occasionally to “put on a squeaky voice” and hat for the demanding role of “Anakin Skywalker” or to strap on a white beard and talk in a much deeper voice for the part of “Obi Wan.”

    The main attraction however, was the finale in the form of an epic space battle, which was brought to life (again) by Mr. McGregor providing a clear demonstration of his acting ability.

    This manifested itself in the creative idea of him wearing a tin foil hat and going “Pa Pa Pa Pa Peeew” like a laser beam, whilst holding some ships made of empty cereal boxes (he had painted earlier that afternoon) from his dressing room.

    I must also mention that,

    During the interval we were also given a further insight into Ewan’s talents, as he played an entire Ewok tribe using only a fur coat, a pair of oven gloves and some more squeaking noises.

    One female reporter commented that his “Wicket” was simply inspiring.

    I simply corrected her and said it was “ A pile of shite.” 😕

    Picture courtesy of “Ewan’s Final Attack on the Death Star” copyright E.McGregor “Ego Productions Ltd.”

  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    A government project to house the homeless in time for Christmas was launched today.

    Operation “Bauble” as it’s name suggests, is a pioneering new scheme where the homeless are not only decorated to make them attractive to passers by, but also given temporary shelter inside the decoration over the Christmas period.

    A homeless guy dressed as a 50ft Scot’s pine was quoted as saying “I’m happy with the accomodation, but it’s these damn squirrels trying to bite my nuts that really piss me off!” 😮

    It later transpired that these “squirrels” were in fact “crack whores” dressed as pixies who had been accidentally booked into the tree costume due to lack of available costumes in the Florida area. 😡

    The administrative error has now been corrected and they have been issued with a reindeer on wheels instead.:lol:

    All I can say is that I fully support the scheme and would happily live inside a giant candy cane over Christmas.


  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    An old black guy wearing some elves also asked “if anybody here….. had seen his old friend Abraham?”
    He had just turned around apparently…..and he had gone!

    In response to this, I immediately pointed to the large inflatable Santa hanging over Times Square where Abraham could be seen injecting himself inside Santa’s left boot.

    Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together..


  11. mikeB

    Final initiation of the Scientologists

  12. The Food network unveiled a new show in their lineup this fall, “Cooking with Hannibal Lecter.” First Episode: Broiled teenage Norwegians with with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

  13. Darn you Mike! That was my other one! Except I was going to use the Heaven’s Gate cult.

  14. Cheap Date

    Sean Astin, the younger years…..doing the Red Light District! :wang:

  15. Spud

    Rev, whatever you are eating, keep it up, it’s providing you with the proper daily allowance of vitamins and minerals for an active imagination.

  16. Christmas Wishlist:

    1 Roll Aluminum Foil (preferably Reynolds Wrap)
    1 Case (144 units) of Hefty Garbage Bags
    1 Plexiglas Panel 3’6″x4′
    1 String “Twinkly” Christmas Tree Lights
    1 Pair Geek Sunglasses
    1 Red-coloured floodlight
    1 Slightly-used Script to “Mork and Mindy”

    – W. Wheaton

  17. The first attempt at video on the web was a success today…stay tuned for scene two.

  18. Dude… is this from that “Manhunt” show? 🙄

  19. Joh

    No, this isn’t a cry for a help. It’s an absolute statement.

  20. What NASA Engineers do in their spare time.

  21. Margaret

    Coming to a restaurant near you~~personalized baked potatoes!

  22. Frisko

    I think it’s another photo of ReV. Maybe he is in the school festival being a good sport for his daughter.

  23. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Damn you Frisko!

    How do you know these things?

    ……it’s because your a witch,

    I just knew it.:razz:

  24. Dave too

    Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho

  25. Some girl

    It’s Flea’s high school yearbook photo! 😕

  26. Hobbit

    I think my aunt joined that cult…

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