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Show 18 Comments


  1. :wtf:That’s a brave cat!

    Or extremely dumb.:-?:

  2. “Look, bird. I don care who yer are. Get offen my walking rail! – Comeon. Ever other bird wudda flown off by now. Yeu lookin fer trubble, bird?”

    – famous last words of Fluffy

  3. Well, looks like Uncle Sam got at least ONE stupid brave pussy cat to join up and fight those evildoers!

  4. Spud

    One … more … step … closer … cat and you’re mine! 👿

  5. Esther

    Eagle’s thoughts: “Pussy.”

    Cat’s thoughts: “Chicken.”

    What a cool photo, btw. :mrgreen:

  6. He must be a long lost cousin of my cat, who tried the same thing with a baby Great Horned Owl. Stupid cats, I tell ya. Either that or they have really big balls. (Well, my cat doesn’t technically HAVE his balls anymore.)

    Here’s a picture of the staredown. If he only knew how long the owl’s talons were, he wouldn’t be creeping so close.
    Click for image.

  7. Anna

    Always being for the underdog I gotta say: ‘Go kitty, you can kick his ass!!’

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Oh, that Saddam just makes me laugh with his crazy antics! What will he think of next?
    Rumor has it that he will be given his own show with his loyal sidekick Chemical Ali, once all this “sillyness” has blown over.

    Just imagine an hour each Saturday night with that crazy pair. In fact here’s a draft script for the trailer, but remember guys.

    You saw it on Davezilla first!

    “Tonight with Saddam and Ali” (SHOW ONE Intro)

    (Lights, camera, action, NOTE: SPOTLIGHT ON SADDAM. Music: Happy Days from the Fonz.)

    (Stage right entrance. Crowd applaud)

    SADDAM: 👿

    “Well hello you crazy people. I love you baby and my good friend Ali loves you too. Don’t you Ali?”

    ALI: 😛

    “Yes I do Saddam. Hey guys sorry about the whole war thing and all that “ Frying on the hands of the Iraqi people” stuff too. Maybe we can all just get along now.”

    SADDAM: 😈

    “Yes that would be most funky Ali, but more importantly Mr. Bush, I have that weapon of mass destruction here for you, it’s a biggie. You and that cutey pie Mr. Blair have to come get it though.”

    ALI: 🙄

    “Whys that Saddam? Why can’t you just give it to them?”

    SADDAM: 😈

    “Because its in my pants baby. Ha, Ha ,Ha! I’m a funktastic love machine.Ooh Yeah”

    (audience laughs)

    ALI: (laughing) 😀

    “Oh Saddam you are one crazy guy. You just make me laugh and laugh!”

    (Break to Commercial)

    P.S Oh, the cat and the eagle thing. The eagle wins round four. Ref stops the fight for cuts.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  9. Mandy

    “Yo beyotch! Back off. I cut joo man.”

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    More crazy pranks from “Saddam’s House Party”

    ALI: 😆

    “Hey Saddam. What say we go and blow something up?”

    SADDAM: 😈


    ALI: 😮

    “Saddam. I said lets go blow things up!”

    SADDAM: 👿


    ALI: 😡

    “Are you ignoring me now eh?”

    SADDAM: 🙂

    “No Ali, I’ve just been given the DEAF PENALTY.HA, HA, HA!!”

    ALI: :wtf:

    “Oh, Saddam you are just too much! You nearly make me wet myself you crazy guy! HA, HA,HA”

  11. Ana

    OMG! :wtf:
    I don’t know what that cat was thinking… but I know that eagle thought… “Yummmy…dinner!” lmbo
    Great pic!

  12. Cat Vs. Bird
    Davezilla’s post of the day is great fun today! Go check it out. I’m putting my money on the bird too!

  13. Frisko

    Can a cat qualify for a Darwin Award?

    Perhaps they never saw “The last great act of defiance” tee-shirt

    I guess we will never know


  14. mikeB

    So…. eagles eat pussy too.

    (had to be said)

  15. Eagle: Now I know why mother always told me to chew my food properly…

    Seriously, my pure white (deaf) male cat would most likely do exactly the same thing. He bears a rather striking resemblance to that cat in fact, excluding the red collar.

    Must be a white cat thing.

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