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Show 39 Comments


  1. Esther

    “Chicken f**ker”?

    Oh wait, I mean, “Chicken Luuver”:grin:

  2. Mandy

    Professional Raving Lunatic. I too, will have bad dreams. :wtf:

  3. Lou Zha

    Poultryphiliac lobbyist? I, for some reason that i wont even begin to ponder, wonder if someone was to go down on her, what do you think she would taste like?

  4. Barbapoppa

    Actually its an engrish misunderstanding. She is trying to fit in. She over heard her co-workers talking about how much they like cock…
    big ones. 🙄

  5. Lace Valentine

    “Yah me like Boston Red Cox!”

  6. the Boiee

    I’d hit it.

  7. the Boiee

    I bet she has lovely thighs and breasts.

  8. the Boiee

    :wang::wang::wang::wang::wang: You’ve heard of a wishbone well that was my bone doing its own wishing

  9. Margaret

    She is a rejected designer from Trading Spaces.

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I think its a new concept introduced by the Fox television network in order to make the Bush Versus Kerry debate, fun for all ages.

    “And then Mr. Kerry said to Mr. Bush….little shrub, little shrub let me come in, or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your Whitehouse in!”


    Either that or she’s a freak? Or erm… Japan’s top porn star?

  11. “I is Swan! Uh … uh … yeah … uh … you know …cuz … uh yeah you know … UH HUH!! SWAN! … uh huh. Chicken … uh-HUH! … Swan Chicken uh huh you know … cuz uh huh … yeah! Uh … uh … swan … chicken … lady … uh huh … welcome to da prettyladyhairandnailsandprettyladyuhhuhbeautysalon! … uh huh … oh! Yeah! Uh huh! I is Swan! Swan Chicken! Swan Chicken uh huh … Swan Chicken … uh … uh … laaaaaaaaaaady

    uh ..
    .oh yeah! Hee hee … you know … uh huuuuuuuh … yeah …
    .Swan…. I … uh … mmm …
    I dunno!

  12. um…are those dragon hands? because that lets her meet requirement number 2 to be Mrs. Wantwit.

  13. Anna

    Don’t know and don’t really want to know. This is one scary person.

  14. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    It may be a long shot……….but wasn’t she in charge of counting the Florida votes in the last election?


  15. An Interested Party

    Please can you respond to yesterdays comment 17 as im intrigued by the ramblings of rev……

  16. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I’m intrigued by the ramblings of “the interested party”. 😮


    Did they leave an Email addy? 😕

  17. It’s much more than fun and games this weekend while LIL COCKY, the mascot from Royal Oak’s premier baseball team the Mud Hens hosts the annual Michael Jackson Sleep Over. Everyone will be playing the popular pastimes of “Mud Hen Egg Drop”, “Spit the Feather”, “Chicken or Egg?” as well as everyone’s favourite, “Choke that Chicken”… It’s going to be a party you won’t want to miss!

  18. No email, ReV. They have a UK IP address, though!

    In answer to the ReV’s question, I have no real answer other than start a website and work hard every day to make it popular. I have had dozens of freelance jobs, media interviews and most recently, a day calendar all as a result of this site’s success.

    American Greetings contacted me to do the calendar by leaving a comment on this site last year. I thought it was a joke comment left by one of the regulars, but I emailed back and within two hours I was on the phone with the editor negotiating a contract.

  19. mikeB

    Stacy, could you ease up on the comment length? You’re wearing out my mouse. 👿

  20. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I’ll just keep writing away then and keep my fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the honest answer though matey……most famous writers would have us all signed up for a seminar by now!


  21. Cheap Date

    A Kerry/Edwards supporter???????? You know…….a BIG, FAT, ANATOMICALLY INCORRECT, CHICKEN HEAD WITHOUT A CLUE!!!! 😛

  22. The coming redesign will be more amenable to multiple authors. The offer still stands if you want to have your own column.

  23. Kevin

    Presidential advisor to George W. Bush.

  24. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Cheers Dave!

    Now I understand websites and posting a bit more(thanks to Stacy at MCBK) I would love to take up your kind offer and would also like to say what a top bloke you are too!

    Okay enough respect already……


    Thanks… means a lot.


  25. Merth

    Some fetishi (plural of fetish?) are best kept IN the closet. :wtf:

  26. What’s this I read? ReV with his own column? Thanks to little ol’ me?



    My wishes have come true!

    Oh and sorry about that guys, I just got a little carried away with my Ms. Swan-in-type impression. It’s better to just hear and see me do it in person. :kiss:

  27. It’s the new star of “Kukla, Fran, and Nut-Fuckin’-Case-In-A-Goddamn-Chicken-Suit.”

  28. mikeB

    And once again Stacy finds a way to turn the conversation to be all about her. Way to take credit again Queen of the Universe. *yawn*

  29. Poofles

    She is a hunting decoy

  30. Yep, that’s right, Mike. It’s ALL ABOUT ME.


    That’s why I’m happy for ReV. JeLLYBaBy who thanked me for letting him guest post on my site, because he’s a great writer.

    And why I apologized for making such a long comment, after YOU pointed it out, and will keep it in mind in the future.

    “*yawn*” indeed.


  31. Dave too

    I’ll take old jokes for 800 Alex.

    ‘ello, ‘ello, ‘ello.
    Aweeh see ‘ur ‘armless.
    ‘op aboard.

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