Friday Question #15


Is it really swine flu, or a government coverup to hide the real threat: Battle Toads!


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  1. I was kinda hoping that Zillaland would be immune to the OB2M (Over Blown 2 the Max) virus. I see it as a media coverup to the fact that they’ve run out of anything of value to talk about.

    I say that we send the Battletoads to Fox News (an oxymoron if there ever was one) and we overthrow the network.

    Ahhh, nothing better than a Friday morning rant to get the day started on the left foot.

    Have a day everyone and if you succeed at that, have a weekend as my bonus gift to you.

  2. pam

    HUGE MEDIA COVERUP!!!!!! I keep telling people this they just don’t want to hear. Look past the swine flu The all great powerful movie star Prez doesn’t want you to look behind the curtain. Jesus Christ is the Messiah people need to stop making Obama out to be and Obama needs to remember we the people are who he works for he can stop campaigning and act like a President not a jet setting movie star.

  3. fruf

    See what you get when you kiss a toad
    they are trying to change the name from ‘swine’ and I nominate Mexican as the new name.
    Kiss a toad flu
    Lets not go to Mexico flu
    thru the eye of a needle flu

  4. Personally, I’d rather get porked by the government than kiss a toad. 😛

  5. CornBot

    I TOADally agree this is a media-borne infection. We in the local public health dept where I work pronounce the new official flu name of H1N1 as “hiney” to honor those who have demonstrated just how swiftly infectious hysterical ignorance can become pandemic. :dead:

    FYI, an N-95 mask will not protect you from its pervasive advance as well as wearing some fragrant crispy bacon might.

  6. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”631675″]Personally, I’d rather get porked by the government than kiss a toad. :P[/quote]
    You mean to say you’ve never been porked by the government ? Holy crap, don’t go advertising that fact ! Women always told me they had to kiss some toads before they found that Prince Charming, maybe you’re missing something ?

  7. I think this is a classic case of fearmongering. There is no cover-up, just a panic inducing story that the government and the news networks are making way too much money on. They show scary clips of people walking around streets wearing masks, people living in the fear that THEY want to grip this nation. In my opinion…they need to stop this asinine fear tactic and get back to more pressing matters…such as our crumbiling economy, or rising unemployment rate, or even the ever rising crime rates.

  8. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”631689″]I think this is a classic case of fearmongering. There is no cover-up, just a panic inducing story that the government and the news networks are making way too much money on. They show scary clips of people walking around streets wearing masks, people living in the fear that THEY want to grip this nation. In my opinion…they need to stop this asinine fear tactic and get back to more pressing matters…such as our crumbiling economy, or rising unemployment rate, or even the ever rising crime rates.[/quote]
    Or, for that matter, how to pull the thong off a Zilla-babe with your teeth

  9. Or, for that matter, how to pull the thong off a Zilla-babe with your teeth

    I wholeheartedly agree that this is a pressing problem in our society today. Any Zilla-Babes wanna show me whats its like…I am always accepting pictures…

  10. Failboat 9000

    [quote comment=”631699″]
    Or, for that matter, how to pull the thong off a Zilla-babe with your teeth[/quote]
    Teeth? Why would you want to do that?!
    Hell, I’m straight(ish), and even I’d consider using my tongue… 😛

    Ah, the benefits of an artistic education… 😆

  11. Christi ;)

    [quote comment=”631701″][quote comment=”631699″]
    Or, for that matter, how to pull the thong off a Zilla-babe with your teeth[/quote]
    Teeth? Why would you want to do that?!
    Hell, I’m straight(ish), and even I’d consider using my tongue… 😛

    Ah, the benefits of an artistic education… :lol:[/quote]
    Political discussion dissolves quickly into debate of far more important issues. THIS is why I come here. 😉

  12. kheas

    Here is a fun and free way to annoy/piss off any computer user in your home.

    Step one: Hit the print Screen button on your keyboard when your computer is on the desk top screen. be sure not to have any windows open or it will ruin it.

    step 2: open the paint application and use the Edit-paste function. You will get a pic of the desk top.

    step 3: save and make the pic your background on the computer.

    step 4: open a new folder, name it something funny and not obvious (although obvious may be funnier) and then take all of the icons and drop them into the new folder.

    step 5: shrink the tool bar at the bottom so that it is hidden.

    Step 6 enjoy the fun of watching someone try to access their icons and they cant because its all a background.

    For those of you that I lost this is what you did:

    You made the background look like their normal desk top. So they think they are clicking on icons when in reality they are clicking on a picture of the icons. VERY FUNNY STUFF!

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