Fashion choices that confuse me greatly

Bad fashion choices

  1. Women who wear tank tops designed for girls 1/4 their size. This may look interesting if said woman is in great shape, but when the wearer needs bookmarks to find her navel, the effect is far less appealing.
  2. Men who wear ties with cartoon characters on them to executive meetings.
  3. Women (primarily older ones do this) who wear ankle-high pantyhose with knee-length skirts.
  4. I am at a complete loss to understand why the hairiest of men favor the smallest of bathing suits. Are they trying to scare us?
  5. Geeks who clip to their belts, their PDA, cellphone, JumpDrive and pet monkey.
  6. Kids who still think that wearing prison pants with a chained wallet and backwards baseball cap is trendy.
  7. Hipsters who wear kitsch 1970s t-shirts to be ironic.
  8. Professor types who have one sweater that they insist on wearing every day, regardless of temperature, and despite the attempts of a hundred generations of moths to destroy it.
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Show 11 Comments


  1. Have a :java: of chicken noodle soup.

  2. Mandy

    Is that coffee noodle soup, Nikki? 🙁

  3. Margaret

    I have a couple to add~~1)middle aged men who wear shorts, and black calf length socks with sandles or flip flops. 2)women in dresses/skirts who wear ankle high stockings.
    Just for you Dave~~here in Germany at the pools, ALL German men (no matter the size or how hairy) wear TINY speedo style bottoms.:sad:

  4. Woozle

    My responses, by number:
    1. It’s even scarier when the men from #4 decide to do this.
    2. Bugs Bunny is my Director of Public Relations, and don’t you forget it.
    3. Might I bring up the topic of the men from #4 again?
    4. This is the reason I don’t wear bathing suits. However, I reserve the right to take offense to your comment.
    5. [defensively] Shut up!
    6. Fo’ shizzle.
    7. The 1970’s weren’t ironic. The real irony is that they were followed by the 80’s.
    8. It doesn’t take a professor to have a one-sweater wardrobe. Visit a Lutheran church.

  5. Esther

    Men who wear the same exact outfit to work every day. There’s some older contractor guy at my work, who when every time I see him, is wearing an untucked light blue denim shirt, and beige khaki pants. I’m so tempted to ask him wtf is going on.

  6. Spud

    I can answer No:2 in a reasonable fashion.

    Usually men who wear colouful ties with cartoon characters on them, are invariably IT :geek: who have to conform everyday to a rigid dress code and this is their only way of showing that they are indeed individuals with a creative side to their personalities.

    Fair dinkum 😀

  7. Thor

    I like the new term “Whale Tail” Stacy, I never knew that was what it was called. We have a couple of women where I work that invariably show this on an almost daily basis. (Not that I am looking or anything.:oops: ) By the way, in the photo fun section, I must say, nice rack Stacy, and Mandy I think I am in love…

  8. I blame the queer eye guys for telling me that stripes and polka dots were in.

  9. Bobby Peru

    Two words, one big fashion faux paus: WHALE TAIL.
    You’ll have a difficult time convincing men that this is a bad fashion choice. We, and I speak forall men, would prefer this sort of behavior is ncreased.

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