The Best Domo Music Video You Will Ever See

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  1. Now I know I’ve seen everything. Good lord, is there no way to send these things back to the planet they flew in from?

  2. Spud

    I see no link, I take it that this could be a good thing? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. omg dave. those swedish bands are sooooo fucking hawt. you can’t do that to us girls this early. now i’ll be xmas shopping with wet panties all day. the bob candys and jan kenths. dreamy as fuck. i give it :boob: :boob: and a :kiss:

  4. I wish every time someone farted warning smoke like that would come out their butt so you’d know to head for the hills โ— ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  5. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”549540″]omg dave. those swedish bands are sooooo fucking hawt. you can’t do that to us girls this early. now i’ll be xmas shopping with wet panties all day. the bob candys and jan kenths. dreamy as fuck. i give it :boob: :boob: and a :kiss:[/quote]

    OK – Mandy walking around with wet panties…I’m heading for the mall…

  6. fruf

    WTF I spilled my coffee when this came on. Reminds me of saturday cartoons on crack

  7. [quote comment=”549540″]omg dave. those swedish bands are sooooo fucking hawt. you can’t do that to us girls this early. now i’ll be xmas shopping with wet panties all day. the bob candys and jan kenths. dreamy as fuck. i give it :boob: :boob: and a :kiss:[/quote]

    I like it when you’re being facetious. lol

    Mine were wet too… from laughing so hard. I’ve never seen so many fugly mf’s at once. The 70’s were not a good decade for fashion or good looking people in Sweden. :limp:

  8. [quote comment=”549555″]I wish every time someone farted warning smoke like that would come out their butt so you’d know to head for the hills โ—


    Well you know what they say Annie โ€“ โ€œFarts smell for the benefit of the deaf.โ€

  9. devilsfan

    Are the Teddy Boys wearing capes and Christmas ribbons for ties?? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ :wtf:

  10. junkman

    context or no…..all this talk about wet panties made me jizz my pants. shouldn’t we all be walking around today with wet pants?

  11. DaPopster

    OMG somebody has been watching way too nuch Robot Chicken ……… :wtf:

  12. [quote comment=”549750″]context or no…..all this talk about wet panties made me jizz my pants. shouldn’t we all be walking around today with wet pants?[/quote]



    SPY US


    Kind of a slow day, comment-wise and I thought you might be bored junkman… ๐Ÿ˜› :kiss:

  13. junkman

    never bored thinking about wetness but you are right…
    oat screw up? two cup arse? eat crows up?

    you fuct me good on this last one. tell me tell me tell me. ๐Ÿ˜

  14. Flash Gordon

    It’s a tale told by an idiot,

    full of sound and fury;

    signifying nothing.

    Kind of like the typical politician’ campaigh promises. :troll: :wtf:

  15. [quote comment=”549750″]context or no…..all this talk about wet panties made me jizz my pants. shouldn’t we all be walking around today with wet pants?[/quote]

    The only reason my pants were wet today was because I fell in the snow when I was walking to work. Damn buses in my city are on strike! Gah! Worst timing evar!!! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  16. Patrick

    Swedish dance bands- I think one band summed up the whole lot best- “Hi, everyboydy! We’re the Schyts”!
    Who knew there were so many ugly homersexuals in Sweden at the same time. Holy Shit who dressed those bastards?

  17. [quote comment=”550391″]never bored thinking about wetness but you are right…
    oat screw up? two cup arse? eat crows up?

    you fuct me good on this last one. tell me tell me tell me. :|[/quote]

    Very good, my friend!


    We were all a little wet yesterday, for one reason or another… ๐Ÿ˜›

  18. junkman

    crap! i actually had that. it was the only solution using “a wet”. but i thought “she would never say that”. moral: zilla guys shouldn’t try to out think zilla girls! ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    ps. nicely done ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. [quote comment=”552179″]crap! i actually had that. it was the only solution using “a wet”. but i thought “she would never say that”. moral: zilla guys shouldn’t try to out think zilla girls! ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    ps. nicely done :)[/quote]

    You thought *I* would never say that, where have you been all these years? lol

    ps… thanks :kiss:

    what’s happened to all our icons? Dave, could you please, pretty please, bring back the old :P?

  20. junkman… my reply to your last comment has been in moderation since 10:37am and I can’t figure out why, there’s nothing off-color in it.

    I’m not saying this to you personally junkman, but Mr. Zilla might want to write it out and turn it upside down.

    370HSSV 0773H

    Moderate that! :mrgreen:

  21. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”552256″][quote comment=”552179″]crap! i actually had that. it was the only solution using “a wet”. but i thought “she would never say that”. moral: zilla guys shouldn’t try to out think zilla girls! ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    ps. nicely done :)[/quote]

    You thought *I* would never say that, where have you been all these years? lol

    ps… thanks


    what’s happened to all our icons? Dave, could you please, pretty please, bring back the old :P?[/quote]

    Amen, AnnieB; I am once again unable to select an avatar. Dave, could you please
    give us the procedure again, especially for your computer-challenged numps.
    Could that possibly be “hello asshole”? ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ’ก โ—

  22. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”552750″]It’s magic!


    Damn straight it is, babe! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™„

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