Caption Time #261

Caption Time #261
NOT a Zilla Girl
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  1. 😯 !!! Her nail polish is emitting some unholy level of radiation.

    😳 And I think pink is her favorite color.

  2. lobo de luna

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit 😯

  3. lobo de luna

    the scary bit is that I just looked and saw her underwear πŸ™


    That woman scares me. Did you find her over at your regular Starfux…er I mean Starbucks location??

  5. Wow. If they can reanimate the corpse of Anna Nicole, who knows who else they can bring back to life? 😯

  6. Stefanie

    Amy Winehouse’s new look!

    That must be what she REALLY did in rehab……”They tried to make me go to rehab, I said NO NO NO!”

    ……hmm, no wonder she didn’t wanna go!

  7. russ

    DAMN! !She looks tike the cougar that tried to pick me up last week.

    Zilla girl in 60 years!

  8. do we even dare guess if the carpet matches the drapes? 😯

  9. She’s a candidate for TLC’s What Not To Wear. As Stacy London would say, “She’s showin’ the girls.”

    She’s also showing the thong. I personally think she’s a working girl. At least, she looks a lot like the last one I… oops. 😳

  10. [quote comment=”553509″]She’s a candidate for TLC’s What Not To Wear. As Stacy London would say, “She’s showin’ the girls.”

    She’s also showing the thong. I personally think she’s a working girl. At least, she looks a lot like the last one I… oops. :oops:[/quote]

    Naw, she’s more of a candidate for Extreme Makeover.

  11. Spud

    Nice horns!

  12. Timm

    She’s a candidate for the Extreme Makeover with Ty Pennington, where they use a bulldozer.

  13. Timm

    I tried to quote StevieC (there^) but it didn’t work, and Preview doesn’t work for me either.

  14. [quote comment=”553614″]Jeez, the things Salman Rushdie has to do just to be able to leave his house.[/quote]

    [quote comment=”554108″]I tried to quote StevieC (there^) but it didn’t work, and Preview doesn’t work for me either.[/quote]
    What browser and version are you using? And Mac/Win or Linux?

  15. Timm

    (I’m embarrassed to say) My browser is an internet service that uses a 1990s version of Windows. πŸ™ Someday I’ll get a real computer. πŸ™‚

  16. Ah, then you may be out of luck. Those two tools use AJAX (the javascript method, not the cleanser) which requires newer browsers (2005 and later). :geek:

  17. fruf

    If she ditched the bra her boobs would hit her knees whew an over the hill cougar

  18. Bigwavdave

    That is so disgusting – No one pairs lime green with fuchsia any more :puke:

  19. [quote comment=”553614″]Jeez, the things Salman Rushdie has to do just to be able to leave his house.[/quote]

    One of Midnight’s Children?

  20. Patrick

    Dad, izzat you?

  21. Avalon

    Grandma Betty had hoped to enjoy her retirement, but with the economy; she’s back to work to pay for her in”chest”ments. How much do sandbags cost?

  22. junkman

    those big cats were cute. can we let a couple of them go to town on her pumpkins? :limp:

  23. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”553508″]do we even dare guess if the carpet matches the drapes? 8O[/quote]
    Gotta feeling the floor’s been waxed …… ‘Zilla girl over the hill ?? :wtf:

  24. Maybe she’s just now headed home from the neighborhood Halloween Party where she went as uh, uh, uh… Loni Anderson? (Bite my tongue!)

    Cats were cute and funny, thanks for video TA.

  25. Don

    I hope you didn’t give her more then $5.00 she looks used up.

  26. NEW!!!! From Hasbro.

    She’s infatable!
    She’s datable!
    (she’s been around the block, but)
    She’ll take you around the world for $2

    It’s Hollywood Blvd. Barbie

  27. Bigwavdave

    It’s a miracle – – -Anna Nicole Smith has been raised from the dead!

  28. Flash Gordon

    Rode hard and put up wet. :limp: :wtf: πŸ™„

  29. Drusky

    [quote comment=”553923″][quote comment=”553509″]She’s a candidate for TLC’s What Not To Wear. As Stacy London would say, “She’s showin’ the girls.”

    She’s also showing the thong. I personally think she’s a working girl. At least, she looks a lot like the last one I… oops. :oops:[/quote]

    Naw, she’s more of a candidate for Extreme Makeover.[/quote]

    More like a victim for CSI Las Vegas! 😯

  30. Drusky

    Somewhere, there’s a Mary Kay lady with 2 pink Caddies and a pink Rolls in her driveway as saleswoman of the decade!

    I’ll bet she could take out her teeth and give one hell of a gummer! :limp:

  31. janeeto

    I think she’s Hollywood’s perpetual starlet, Angelyne (I apologize for the length of this, and I did edit it, but, you need to know about her).

    From Wikipedia: Angelyne drives a pink Corvette which bears the shortened name “ANGLYNE” on its license plate, and has a pink maltese named Buddha. She began to gain local attention in the early 1980s when a series of billboards popped up around the city featuring her in various poses. Angelyne compares herself to Barbie, stating that “Kids think I’m a Barbie doll” and, in one billboard, “Barbie wishes she were me.” Angelyne has not given her age or birthdate in interviews, although the IMDB lists 1958 (in Idaho) without providing a source. The Los Angeles County registrar of voters lists her (by her single first name only) to be age 44 as of June 20, 2007.
    HERE’S THE BEST PART: Angelyne was one of the candidates in the 2003 California recall election, finishing 28th in a field of 135 candidates (garnering 2,533 votes). Her slogan during the campaign was “We’ve had Gray, we’ve had Brown, now it’s time for some blond and pink.” She was also a candidate for Hollywood city council in 2002 if it were to secede from Los Angeles.
    Her billboards have gained more fame than she, and have appeared in several television shows and movies.

  32. lee

    WTF, Mom. you said you only dressed that way for meeeee!!!!!

  33. Ripzilla

    Ashamed to say I would totally hit those funbags. The shame…..

  34. Patrick

    If that cougar was born in 1958 she was definitely driven hard and put away wet.
    That’s at least a 1948 model.
    Re: matching carpet and drapes-Betcha there ain’t any carpet at all and ain’t that a thought to chill you to the bone. Get it-bone! AHAHAHAHAHA! Sometimes I crack my own ass up!

    Think she’s busy tonight? I’m just askin’.

  35. GimpViking

    [quote comment=”553492″]Wow. If they can reanimate the corpse of Anna Nicole, who knows who else they can bring back to life? 8O[/quote]

    It’s not reanimation… A clone of her has escaped! Ruuuuuuuuun! :wtf: :dead:

  36. Chris S.

    if Dolly Parton had become a hooker…

  37. tinamarie

    [quote comment=”554207″]Ah, then you may be out of luck. Those two tools use AJAX (the javascript method, not the cleanser) which requires newer browsers (2005 and later). :geek:[/quote]
    Speaking of AJAX, maybe if she used a little to scrub off all those extra layers of paint, we might find a human woman underneath…

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