
cheeto henge

(Something less damaging to the vision than yesterday’s post)

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  1. juleOdeNile

    hey, if you got the time to kill, kill it! but i gotta say, NIIICE! 😉

  2. fruf

    any swine flu there ?

  3. Drusky

    Whoever built that should be puffed up with pride! 🙄

  4. jdn

    anyone willing to give me a couple million dollars so i can study and investigate who and why it was built

  5. CornBot

    Beware of cheesy imitations…

    jdn, you sound like a government worker. 😆 I’ll bet you can get a grant for that.

  6. That demon test didn’t prove anything! I know I’m going to hell. 👿 😛

  7. DaPopster

    Does the phrase “get a life” ring a bell ? :wtf:

  8. chainstay

    Then the god Chester came down and all was right with the world.

  9. If he really wanted to make it more realistic, he should have added 500 saltine cops beating the shit out of half a dozen pretzel hippies.

  10. It may not be easy bein’ cheesy but we sure as hell do try.

  11. junkman

    i bet alot of little dick’s were orange after this erection!

  12. Flash Gordon

    Rev. Bob seems to have the necessary equipment to drive out your
    demons. Doesn’t he inspire confidence? ❗ :love: :geek: :wtf:

  13. Sherri

    [quote comment=”631393″]Beware of cheesy imitations…

    jdn, you sound like a government worker.

    😆 I’ll bet you can get a grant for that.[/quote]

    Government worker – now that’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one 😀

  14. Phoenix1313

    Yea, and so the monument was built to to the gods of cheese, and all was right with the world…till the stoners came… 😛

  15. caity

    wow whoever made tht is either really retarded or just has to much fuking time on their hands 😛

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