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Show 51 Comments


  1. pablo

    This is Gary Owens speaking. Now who is ready for some monkey lovin’?

  2. Janet felt so excited! The movie ‘Planet of the Apes’ had opened in the Biloxie theater way back however many years ago. Now, to promote a new re-release of the original movie, all the concession and usher girls were having a ‘Ape Day’ contest. Michelle looked good in her shirt and pants, but *golly* was Janet shining in her swim suit! It didn’t matter who won – they got all the popcorn and movies free, anyway. But the crowd was good, and their picture would be in the papers, and there was even a California radio station from the Bay Area, KGO, covering the event!

    And in a few minutes, they got to do the next event — riding past a ‘statue of liberty’ head buried in sand. And Michelle was letting Janet ride her favorite bay mare, ‘Sandy’! Umm, maybe pants would be an OK idea, for the horse riding. Hope there is time to change, or the dancing tonight might be a bit ‘chafed’!

  3. StevieC

    Gary always us to end his radio shows with:
    “Remember to always be insigrevious, unless of course, you can be something different”

    In attempting to prove apes can count, Gary tried to get the ‘Illa Girls to line up in numerical order.

  4. sledge

    I think I met most of those girls in a bar last night

  5. Zilla the Younger

    And the winner of the 2007 Dr. Zeah look alike contest is…

  6. Bigwavdave

    “Come and love me, be my ape man girl
    And we will be so happy in my ape man world…”

    Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

  7. Spud

    I’ll take number thirteen thanks Gary, wrap that up and send it to my room, any female that wears pants like that is really up for some monkey business.

  8. beyonduplication

    link of the day must be pretty bad, it’s blocked from my pc here at work :geek:

  9. pablo

    Zilla girls are hot
    Gorilla girls are not

  10. Elliot the Dunk

    Planet of the Rapes

  11. StevieC

    [Comment ID #182752 will be quoted here]

    One must never confuse the Zilla girls with the Illa girls

  12. Marley

    Ohh my its Paula Abdule’s Family Portrait.

  13. What’s with all this monkey business lately?

    Why does the girl in white not have a number?

    “Ok now, can you identify the suspect from the line-up?”

  14. Bjorn Freeh

    Put that in your Funk & Wagnalls…

  15. tanderny

    Another big night at the LimeLight…

  16. StevieC

    Despite his best effort, the crowd just wasn’t going to believe Gary’s introduction of The Monkees. They recognized the girls of Laugh-In:
    From left to right …
    Lily Tomlin
    Alan Sues
    Jo Anne Worley
    Goldie Hawn
    and Ruth Buzzi!

  17. pablo

    Male chauvanist remark of the day:


  18. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #182748 will be quoted here]

    Perhaps your sys admin appears on the site?

  19. junkman

    hey bjorn isn’t #2 rhea perlman?
    p.s. contrary to the appearance of my avatar these females do nothing for my roddy mcdowell.

  20. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #182781 will be quoted here]

    #2 has a Perlman mask on but she fills out the bra too well to be Rhea.

    Maybe it’s Rhea’s younger sister, Itzhak.

  21. Coley

    [Comment ID #182743 will be quoted here]

    “I’ll be your tarzan, you be my jane. I’ll keep you warm, and you’ll keep me sane.” I think that’s the next verse.

    I ADORE the Kinks!!!! Nicely done. πŸ˜€

  22. Mikeme

    Davezilla goes Gorilla! :wtf:

  23. Mikeme

    Davezilla goes Gorilla! :wtf:

  24. Mikeme

    Davezilla goes Gorilla! :wtf:

  25. Elliot the Dunk

    He does it three times, it seems.

  26. “Take your stinkin’ clothes off, you damn hot apes!”

  27. AnnieB

    I don’t know, after a few shots of Johnny Walker I bet you guys would feed them a banana. lol

  28. pablo

    [Comment ID #182797 will be quoted here]

    I don’t think so, but you can swing from my branch! πŸ˜›

  29. MRDOUG

    Song of the day?

    You drive my ape, by the Dickies!

  30. Driver

    [Comment ID #182797 will be quoted here]

    My future EX split last Sept. I dont need a few drinks just some hot wet monkey seeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxx !

    [Comment ID #182796 will be quoted here]

    Yah what Darla said…I wonder if monkey women are into whips and paddles?

    Gary’s saying- We dipped these monkey women in Nair up to thier necks to prove that beauty is not only fur deep.

  31. AnnieB

    Is a it a good, strong, hard branch? I’ll hold on tight so I don’t fall. Will you catch me if I do?

  32. pablo

    [Comment ID #182806 will be quoted here]

    There is all kinds of swinging Darlin’. But yes it is a good branch. No Squrls, but there are some nutz.

  33. AnnieB

    Oh, I love to gather nutz! I’m just a nature girl at heart.

  34. Driver

    [Comment ID #182806 will be quoted here]

    If YOU fall WE fall but I promise to hit first to cushion your impact…just try to avoid the meat spike :wang: πŸ˜€

  35. armymn205

    Yeah Number 2 kinda looks like my ex after we broke up. lol

    [Comment ID #182748 will be quoted here]

    me to for shame, for shame πŸ™„ lol

    [Comment ID #182797 will be quoted here]

    come on Annie its got to be somethin stronger then that

  36. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #182813 will be quoted here] Why would I WANT to avoid it? Silly man.

    BYW Driver baby … I’m worried about you. Are you saying you’ve not had any nookie since September? You keep bringing up your “soon to be EX” … you okay with that situation?

    Armymn … what does it take to let a monkey eat YOUR banana? I mean it’s just head. You don’t have to go apeshit about it.

  37. Driver

    About the spike, thats for my benifit…broken bones heal I’m not sure about broken boners :limp:.

    Yes I’m okay about the ex thing it just seems to have fit in to a few things lately as a reference point.
    Thank you for the concern.


  38. AnnieB

    Sorry … I was thinking we’d still be “joined”. lol No, we sure don’t want any broken boners! Owwwwwww

    YW. Glad to hear that! :kiss: :kiss:

  39. Don’t worry, everything’s under control: I think they’ve corralled one of the contestants

    Escaped orangutan recaptured after running ape in Taiwan
    May 24, 2007
    TAIPEI, Taiwan Ò€” An orangutan escaped from a Taiwanese zoo and terrified patrons at a nearby restaurant Wednesday, overturning picnic tables and motorbikes and forcing terrified diners to cower inside the eatery.

  40. Don’t worry, everything’s under control: I think they’ve corralled one of the contestants

    Escaped orangutan recaptured after running ape in Taiwan
    May 24, 2007
    TAIPEI, Taiwan Ò€” An orangutan escaped from a Taiwanese zoo and terrified patrons at a nearby restaurant Wednesday, overturning picnic tables and motorbikes and forcing terrified diners to cower inside the eatery.

  41. Don’t worry, everything’s under control. I think they’ve corralled one of the contestants

    Escaped orangutan recaptured after running ape in Taiwan
    May 24, 2007
    TAIPEI, Taiwan Ò€” An orangutan escaped from a Taiwanese zoo and terrified patrons at a nearby restaurant Wednesday, overturning picnic tables and motorbikes and forcing terrified diners to cower inside the eatery.

  42. armymn205

    well Annie im sure a πŸ˜› of ur juice would make me :wang: right as rain

  43. michele

    “Knowing that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the girls at the bathing beauty contest all aped the host’s hairstyle”

  44. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #182866 will be quoted here]

    And I would be wrong to disagree with you. 😈 :thong: :boob: :boob:

  45. Drusky

    [Comment ID #182782 will be quoted here]

    :roll:…… o.k. I’ll give that a πŸ˜†

  46. Drusky

    I’d LOVE to get some Rhese’s Pieces!
    – Grape Ape

    [Comment ID #182866 will be quoted here]

    How would you drink AnnieB Juice? Straight from the jug or as a nightcap, straight-up with a twist
    :wang:? πŸ˜›

  47. armymn205

    Drusky- im sure she’d like straight up with a twist so much better.

    what do u say Annie?

  48. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #182900 will be quoted here]

    Yes. Also stirred, not shaked. :wang:

  49. Fizzgig


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