Canadians have a different approach to Green Living

Canadians have a different approach to Green Living

Taken in Toronto’s Kensington Market

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Show 61 Comments


  1. AnnieB

    I guess he did stink if he stayed in there so long the grass grew on it. :wtf:

  2. crash

    Is that home grown or sod or maybe hydro 😈

  3. crash

    Yeah she definently wants that cucumber with olive oil err side order of spunk 😛

  4. crash

    I gotta get me one of those cat cams HEEEHEEE 😈

  5. harley

    I think that one lady wanted the “special of the day” 😈

  6. Lake Effect


    Guess the blond hitchhiker wouldn’t put out and didn’t have any gas money…

  7. sledge

    how do you light it?

  8. crash

    The blond hitch hiker stank worse than the car :puke:

  9. After years of parking his car on the front lawn, Hector found out to his dismay that a lawn can only be pushed so far.

  10. Spud

    Takes going green to whole new level.

  11. AAaarrgh!! Imagine that thing in your rearview mirror. Those teeth coming straight at your ass at full speed!

    Link of the Day: Nice Pussy!

    Hug a zombie day, I mean, Fathers Day.: Happy Father’s Day to all Y’all who are fathers!! Hugs and Kisses!! 😆
    …and to those of you who aren’t sure as well. 😛

    Video of the Day: Didn’t we go through this a few days ago?

  12. Bjorn Freeh

    Looks like Gord parked his car in the bread drawer too long, again, eh? (The “eh?” was added to tie in a Canadian slant to the comment, eh?)


  13. thewhiteknight

    this person should read the articles that say planting tree’s doesnt counter the effects of greenhouse emitions….so i dont really think some grass on the hood of you car wont do anything

  14. thewhiteknight

    so i really dont think grass on the hood of your car WILL do anything*

    sorry bout that

  15. Drusky

    Would this be the Canadian version of the camoflage we put on our military vehicles?

    As far as the Cat Cam goes, It just proves that it’s all to easy to find pussy on the web… 😈

  16. thewhiteknight

    [Comment ID #189401 will be quoted here]

    is that tongue for the single guys? or someone in particular

  17. If you’ve got it, I’ll lick it! 😛 😈
    Why limit ourselves?

    Sittin’ in my lingerie
    Sippin’ on some Alizae
    Tryin’ to formulate
    All the ways I can make you say,
    Ooh, Yeah, Right there, Don’t Stop,
    Put it in your mouth
    Twirl it ’round
    Till you make it pop.

  18. thewhiteknight

    [Comment ID #189512 will be quoted here]

    lol sorry im taken…but if you want im sure i can find you someone else to lick around……..

  19. Aww, ‘sokay. I’m sure I can find plenty to keep my tongue busy with ’round here. 😆

  20. StevieC

    [Comment ID #189519 will be quoted here]

    Pick me! Pick me!

    Oh, wait ……

    Lick me! Lick me! 😛 :wang:

  21. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189504 will be quoted here]

    Hey … here’s a clue.

    Don’t be a’asking
    if you ain’t gonna be a’tasking

    If you can’t play your role
    get back in your hole

    Get my drift?

  22. Ronica

    😈 Video of the day – He looks like my Huney, only smaller :wang: I’m a lucky one let me tell you

  23. Flash Gordon

    Hey, Astrid, can I have a mercy lick? I am so in
    need. :wang: :wang: :kiss: 🙂

  24. Flash Gordon

    Hey, AnnieB, can you help Astrid out? I feel like
    a double barrel job. :kiss: :kiss: 😈 👿 :wang:

  25. Drusky

    [Comment ID #189547 will be quoted here]

    Would that be a SAWED OFF double barrel? 😆

  26. [Comment ID #189547 will be quoted here]

    Well, if you don’t need me, I’ll just take my whip elsewhere.

    Anyone want some whipped cream?

  27. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189547 will be quoted here]

    You wouldn’t survive it babe!

    [Comment ID #189566 will be quoted here]

    Now, I’m not so sure I’m interested. And maybe Flash is indicative of something else?!? You gotta have staying power when you’re with the Zillagirls my man! 😈

  28. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189572 will be quoted here]

    WooHoo! Meagan’s here!!! :wang:

  29. Sallie

    Canadians have a different approach to just about everything, eh?

  30. thewhiteknight

    [Comment ID #189538 will be quoted here]

    judging by the comments after i have helped at least one person
    get the taskin

  31. [Comment ID #189575 will be quoted here]

    Missed me that much, eh? I’m touched (in quite a number of places, if you catch my drift).


  32. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #189519 will be quoted here]

    Where’s the line? Do I need a number? Oh yeah, A, AB, M, just keep doin’ that… :wang: :wang: :wang:

  33. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189606 will be quoted here]

    Zillaguys NEVER need a number! We can handle you! The question is ,,, can you handle us? :wang: :boob: :boob: :thong: 😛

  34. crash

    you know your a red neck…eh a canadian when you mow your lawn and found out what that stanky smell was eh..

  35. Driver

    [Comment ID #189572 will be quoted here]

    Meagan I’ll be your whippin boy, you do the whippin and I’ll supplie the cream.

    Astryd you put on the lingerie and I’ll do aaaaaalll the lickin baby.

    [Comment ID #189617 will be quoted here]

    AnnieB thats a risk I’d be willing to take and if It killed me I’d die a happy man

    :wang: 😛

  36. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189584 will be quoted here]

    Your welcome to play. My point was it’s not good form to act like you want to play and have a Zillagirl graciously respond and then say you’re taken and proceed to try to pimp her out to someone NOT HERE. Hell, most of us are taken except when we’re HERE, playing amongst friends. It’s a game we play regularly at the drop of a hat and sometimes we don’t even need that. Hey, that rhymed!

  37. mikeB

    What have I been missing? :wang:

  38. [Comment ID #189666 will be quoted here]
    Just a lot of lickin’! 😛 😈

    Driver, do you prefer lace or cotton? :kiss:
    AnnieB, I know you’ve always got my back! :wang: :wtf: 😀
    Meagan, we were just waiting for you to arrive! 😆
    whitenight, Dave’s Big Daddy ’round here and the only one allowed to pimp me out! 😆
    SteveC, you know all you have to do is get within reach. 😛

  39. StevieC

    [Comment ID #189846 will be quoted here]

    SteveC strolls casually towards Astryd …. :wang:

  40. StevieC

    :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang:


  41. [Comment ID #189626 will be quoted here]

    That’s just what I had in mind.

    [Comment ID #189846 will be quoted here]

    Well, I’m glad I came when I did.

  42. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189870 will be quoted here]

    Casually hell … you’d be tripping over your tongue! She’s one hot tamale!!! :wang: :wang: :boob: :boob: :thong: 😛

  43. StevieC

    [Comment ID #189958 will be quoted here]

    Hot AND spicy. Trust me, AnnieB, I’m tripping over more than just my tongue. :wang:

    Zilla girls, you make the rockin’ world go round!

  44. Drusky

    [Comment ID #189992 will be quoted here]
    You ALMOST pull off the being modest stuff…
    You know you’re hot when OTHER WOMEN say you’re hot!

  45. [Comment ID #190001 will be quoted here]
    Hey!…ok, ok.
    😳 = It turns me on when other women say I’m hot!
    That’s not modesty that’s me all hot and bothered.
    …I tried. 😛

  46. U guys have some serious problems!! ❗

  47. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #190001 will be quoted here]

    We could get so carried away we might neglect you for a bit but I’m guessing you wouldn’t mind watching us having an appetizer before we get to the main course … you! OK?
    :boob: :boob: :thong: 😛 :wang:

  48. Driver

    Lace-Cotton-Silk its all good to me but I do have one small request FISHNET STOCKINGS ooooooooohhh. :wang: :wang: :wang:

    She puts the lotion on her skin and then she gets the HOSE again. 😆

    [Comment ID #190045 will be quoted here]

    AnnieB do you have FISHNET STOCKINGS?…mmmmmmmm :wang: :wang:

  49. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #190099 will be quoted here]

    Does Astyrd have fishnet stockings? hahahaha, you’re joking, right? That lady is prepared for anything and everything!

    Darla … he’s a poet! Who can resist that?

    Leg guy, huh? I only have the crotchless kind. Will that work for you?

    :boob: :boob: 😛 :wang:

  50. What is a purse? The car has its roof cut! :boob:

  51. StevieC

    [Comment ID #190220 will be quoted here]

    It definitely works for me! :wang:
    Could it be time for another road trip? 😈

  52. Driver

    AnnieB I was thinking the old style with garter belts……………sorry for the pause I had to catch my breath, but as long as I can get to the honey pot its all good.

    Road trip
    I am a profesional driver and I’d DRIVE :wang: the Zilla Girlz anywhere any time.

  53. [Comment ID #190099 will be quoted here]

    I think I may need some help applying the lotion on those “hard to reach” places.

    [Comment ID #190223 will be quoted here]

    Yay, road trip! If we take a convertible, can we put the top down?

  54. Driver

    [Comment ID #190466 will be quoted here]

    Well if I’m gonna supply the lotion the least I can do is RUB IT IN EVERYWHERE, I am at your service Misstress Darla 😈

  55. StevieC

    [Comment ID #190466 will be quoted here]

    Sorry Meagan, no tops allowed 😈

  56. [Comment ID #190496 will be quoted here]

    Thanks for the service!

    And there’s no need to apologize, StevieC. I’m not sorry and neither are you.


  57. StevieC

    [Comment ID #191744 will be quoted here]

    And I bet the girls don’t mind at all.

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