1,000 years of power!

1,000 years of power!

Sigh… I love this city.

Full story at Smoking Gun. Link via Larfus

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Show 22 Comments


  1. Pssh, that’s nothing. Remember the Twinky Defense? Invented right here in San Francisco.

    But that guy in the picture kinda reminds of some guy who was killed a long time ago, uhh, whats-his-face…oh yeah! JEBUS!

  2. JFLY

    Well McClain’s mistake is obvious: He should have dumped vats of scalding oil on them, or catapulted at them the corpses of people who died of the Black Plague, or even launched stones at them with a trebuchet. “A thousand years of power” but not an hour’s worth of research…village idiot, I’d say. To the stockade with him!!!

    (speaking as a former Renaissance Faire wench…LOL)

  3. 1000 years of power vs. 1000 volts.

    I agree with JFLY. He really needs to join a ren faire or the SCA to learn how to wield those 1000 years of power.

    As a medieval recreationist myself, people already think I’m nuts. 😀 I don’t need barking mad nutjobs like him making them think I’M going to come after them with my swords.

    Yet… 😈

  4. Mandy

    What a man! :wtf:

  5. Sarah

    🙄 I agree with JFLY and Wes. As a wench at the MI Renaissance Faire, my family already thinks I have a screw loose…this is bad PR for what is supposed to be an outing that you can take your family to!

  6. Hold, knaves! I sayeth unto you ::FUCKINGZAP!!:: I think I just shit my pants…

  7. So what exactly is Dustin’s dirty secret? The link’s not showin’ me nothin’.:sad:

  8. tinamarie

    Uh, Keith, shouldn’t that be “I thinketh I just shitteth my pants?”

    Or maybe just “I thinketh I stinketh!”

    I told you, I am SUCH a nerd.

  9. JFLY

    I believe it’s “I shite meself”…:razz:

  10. God you guys don’t know much about the English language. You use -eth where today you use -s.

    Sorry, it’s just a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Maybe my :boxers: are too tight today or something…

  11. JFLY

    Dante sucketh and bitcheth too much…:razz:

    Just kidding 😀

  12. TotalChaos

    I’ll bet that chain-mail really added to the power of the taser!! :wtf:

  13. Pinky

    In addition to all ye fellow Ren-Fair…ers…


  14. Spud

    Lucky for him, he wasn’t in London, otherwise the result may have been somewhat different.

    Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang




  15. ramjet

    if you keep watching those hilander movies you could have the power also. what a fuckin idiot!!!!

  16. Mandy

    Now he will be charged with 1,000 years in the nuthouse.:twisted:

  17. jay

    its mearly a flesh wound:wtf:


  19. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I guess it wasn’t his (k)night…. I suppose.


  20. Joc

    :java: maybe he was highlander type related or did come from somwhere unknown he he he

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