The origin of logotypes

Dodge Ram logo

Despite their macho image, Dodge Rams are pretty girly. I am reminded of another automotive logo post from three years ago.

Image courtesy Tian

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Show 12 Comments


  1. PaganJewLilBro

    Why is it that I always get first post on the posts I’m too stunned silent to comment meaningfully on? Brilliant.


  2. logo bashing
    corporate logos made into profanities and dodge ram = uterus ive been giggling for the past fifteen minutes about those….

  3. Esther

    Maybe they should consider not selling trucks, but feminine hygiene products instead? Although Dodge Ram would probably be better name for a vibrator, instead of a tampon.

  4. Spud

    Way to clever dave.

    I propose you send that to the Rams front office.


  5. Ya know, I’ve always thought that the Dodge Ram logo looked like the woman’s reproductive system. ALWAYS.

    But that’s just me.

    I’m going to design a logo for something that looks like a man’s naughty bits. 🙂

  6. malcolm

    “dodge ram” sounds like a commitment to celibacy

  7. It’s really uncanny.

    Sent to my spouse, I’m sure he’ll share it with the Dodge account people at his office.

    Like I always say, there’s a uterus behind everything. (Well, that and porn.)

  8. Actually, I lit up a cigarette after I got offline, after making that comment, and looked at my box of Camel cigarettes and thought of Joe Camel, and thought, “Ya know, Joe Camel already DOES look a man’s naughty bits!”

  9. Bill Shakespeare

    Has that got a Hemi in it?

  10. Girlie Men Vehicles
    Ha! I told you Dodge’s were for girls, Britt. Davezilla’s got the proof….

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