Still Alive

I haven’t forgotten about you, dear readers and I have several post ideas and tons of photos. I’ve just been traveling so much for work that I never get a free moment to blog. I also have more travel Monday and Tuesday, so please don’t rob me.

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  1. what was that address? Royal Oak, right?

  2. junkman

    since we don’t have anything to do….check out the comments for this awesome shirt. at the bottom there is a link to 985 more comments.

    this was dave’s fave:
    “I accidentally spilled a glass of Tuscan Whole Milk down the front of
    this shirt, and my soul was torn from my body and thrown into heaven
    by a jealous God”

  3. junkman

    i like this one:

    “Cautionary note: Do not stand near a dream catcher or place the wolves shirt next to a dream catcher as a black hole of coolness may be opened in the space time continuum. This includes placing the wolves shirt next to your dream catcher shirt in your closet. Don’t even ask me how I know this to be true.”

  4. Tina Beans

    that made my day! 😉

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