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Show 38 Comments


  1. Spud

    First thought – holy shit!

    Second – *&%$ me!

    Third – what’s the horn sound like? – a tiger??

    Fourth – it’s kinda sad to do that to a bike.

    Fifth – they want how much?


  2. Esther

    It looks like someone (or something) is underneath that material. See the ‘eye’ by the front headlight, and then the two lower arms, then the back leg going under the seat?:wtf:

  3. Karan

    Tiger Woods just wasn’t sure if the bike was “him”….


  4. JFLY

    Another pathetic crotch-rocket owner trying to make up for his poor choice in bikes – should’ve bought the Harley, nimrod.

  5. Siegfried and Roy launch their new business enterprise with the release of their fabulous “Bad Tiger” Bike. :wtf:

  6. Kirk

    Now that’s what they mean by putting a Tiger in Your Tank! (you have to be old like me to remember that advertizement).

  7. I can’t resist adding this:
    “It’s a Liger. Bred for its skills in magic.”

  8. Spud

    A magic bike ridden by a smiling devil clown? with a connection to Liger, the silent partner of Seigfried & Roy.


  9. frisko

    What a waste of perfectly good fake fur.

  10. The Liger reference is from Napoleon Dynamite, Spud. A must-see. :mrgreen:

  11. The blind owner actually spent his time listening to (without seeing obviously) MTV’s ‘Pimp my Ride’. Thinking this was a very popular thing she decided to ‘pimp’ up her husbands motorbike as a surprise.

    And you can be sure it was a suprise!

  12. For the uninitiated, “furring out” your bike has been popular with “squids” (young/foolish/accident waiting to happen kids) for the last few years, after a bunch of motorcycle hooligans like the “Star boys” started doing it.

    Replacement bodywork on sportbikes often costs more than the bike itself… so this is a cheap and easy way of hiding road rash, while simultaneously indulging any latent homosexual tendencies the riders might have… Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  13. mikeB

    Furries on wheels! Excuse me while I puke. :dead:

  14. All the chicks dig it: it’s a PUSSY magnet.

  15. Phat Bank

    I didn’t know that Tami bought a bike!

  16. Esther

    I sooo did not need that visual, Adam.:dead:

  17. Am I the only one who got past the fake fur only to be ofended by how badly the wheels don’t match? Blech. If you’re not going to blend, at least contrast!

  18. Holy cow! There’s a bike just like that here in town (Winston-Salem NC), I parked next to the guy who owns it and asked him why the hell he went with the leopard print – he said he needed a paint job and it was easier to just glue on a cut up cheap seat cover.

    So there’s TWO people in the world who think it’s hot.

  19. Brad


    Rase Track?

    The sad thing is that I see a guy driving a bike just like this on my morning commute, and I live in Arizona. This bike has California plates – which means there are (at least) 2 of these on the road currently. The AZ bike has green wheels also.

  20. JFLY

    Hey! Isn’t that Turtleneck’s bike?

  21. Hey Phat Bank. How’d you like a Phunch in your Phace? 😛

  22. If Liberace and Peter Fonda had bred, they would have produced this bike.

  23. You get his face, Tami. I’ll kick him in the shins.

  24. CJ

    I thought it was queer eye for the biker guy.

  25. Hobbit

    That’s some serious class right there. The yellow spokes only make it better! 🙄

  26. cliche

    Ride my pussy!:twisted:

  27. wantwit

    it’s/he’s a sex machine!

  28. Lace Valentine

    Poo and Piglet were just shocked upon seeing the yellow motorcycle that ended Tigger’s tail-bouncing life. Only Eeyore had forseen the inevitable chopper doom.

    “Dear me,” said Poo. “Tigger has taken quite a tumble.”

    “Rollerskates…” muttered Piglet.

    “Quite mumbling rollerskates,” yelled Poo, who wasn’t up to his best temperament, upon seeing his friend Tigger made into motorcycle covering.

    Eeyore scratched his arse against the haystack waiting to leave. He hated emotional displays.

    “Well,” sighed Poo, “It’s time for more honey.”

    “Rollerskates” mumbled Piglet.

    “Goodbye Tigger,” Poo said to the silent motorcycle as he wheeled around on one paw and dreamt of sweetness.

  29. That is just so many shades of wrong I don’t even know where to begin.

  30. Spud

    I thought it was quite good actually.

    way to go Lace


  31. Andy

    The tiger soon learnt to adapt its camouflage technique to the unfamiliar urban environment.

  32. Keith

    Edith Prickly lives!

  33. TinaMarie

    I think Esther is right–it looks like there is a tiger-fake-fur covered person under there. Personally, I think the bike would have been cooler if the guy had used a manequin dressed in interesting leather lingerie positioned as Esther described instead of tiger-fake-fur. Imagine the owner riding down the street, with his crotch jammed up against what would be the manequin’s ass? With her all dressed in leather (or Victoria’s Secret for those without leather fetishes) that would be quite a sight to see. :wang::kiss::wang:

    Now that would be a bike that says “Ride my Pussy”, cliche. 😎

  34. Anonymous

    😕 Ohhh mio Dio!!!

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