Overheard: “Sangrina” edition
Bartender: "So what did you two do last night?" Waitress #1: "We had some sangrinas. They were so good." Bartender: "I've heard of those. They're like margaritas, right?" Waitress #2: "No, they're a wine thing with like fruits and shit." Bartender: "Oh, that's sound good! What kind of wine is it?" Waitress #2: "Dark wine." Waitress #1: "Yeah, dark wine. I dunno, Chardonnay or something." I swear, I lost 10 IQ points listening to that.
Let’s prank someone
So I had this idea for a prank on a certain corporation recently. Download and print out this parody PDF. I think you'll understand what you need to do. :twisted: If not, discuss in the comments.
Separated at birth
I am so sorry for hardly posting lately. I have been traveling a lot for work (since November actually). A lot being every single week. Not all hotels have reliable Wifi or even Ethernet cables. Amazingly, the cheaper the hotel, the better the Internet connection and easier to sign on. Stay in a pricey hotel and the connections are as stable as Gary Busey on a bender. Image on right via Raymi the Minx. Left image via TSG
Fashion tips from Davezilla
I don't mind when a person wants to shave their head bald, but if they have a head shape that makes them look like a cross between a concentration camp victim and an Idaho baker, I'd say reconsider. UGGs still suck. Period. You still want to wear these monstrosities? I will hate you. And everyone else agrees with me. Extreme combovers. Seriously. Die.
What not to wear to work
So I went to get my hair cut. I go to a female stylist. Before you make any metrosexual jokes, let me explain my rationale. My belief is, I always go to a female stylist, preferably one that looks like the type of woman I'd want to sleep with. They are most likely to make me look like the type of man they would like to sleep with. If not, I at least have a hot woman playing with my head and not a creepy old man that smells like Aqua Velva. Long story short, I am waiting for my…
Barbarian Repellant
Image via Jason Macemore. I know I can't go a week without worrying if the barbarians will be storming the gates of my fair city. This shit outta do keep those bitches at bay.
Spank my monkey
Image via Mandy. No, that isn't her. She plays with bigger monkeys (so I'm told).viagra free viagra buy viagra online generic viagra how does viagra work cheap viagra buy viagra buy viagra online inurl viagra 6 free samples viagra online viagra for women viagra side effects female viagra natural viagra online viagra cheapest viagra prices herbal viagra alternative to viagra buy generic viagra purchase viagra online free viagra without prescription viagra attorneys free viagra samples before buying buy generic viagra cheap viagra uk generic viagra online try viagra for free generic viagra from india fda approves viagra free viagra sample…
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