Category: Freaks

  • Vacation’s over. Back to work!

    back to work!

    Just added a new 3D tagcloud so you can see which tags are more popular. I still need to tag older posts, but will be doing that all week.

  • My Crazy Neighbors

    OK, well they;re not direct neighbors. I’m a mile south of them. Every year this couple goes a little overboard with the decorating and packs on the weird—even for Royal Oak. Rather than describe it, I’ve recorded it on my cell phone so you too can share in our private hell.

    This display will be up until around May or so, when they get ready for Halloween.

  • Casual Fridays

    We have Casual Fridays at work, too.
    We have Casual Fridays at work, too.
  • Where’s the freaks?

    Many of you have emailed me asking what happened to the Freak Watchers site. Well, it is temporarily down.

    The site was compromised some time this weekend by a rather unscrupulous hacker. Every time you went to the site, Career Builder came up within my domain. Career Builder! Ridiculous.

    So… the site will remain offline until I can get a spare day to rebuild it in WordPress.

    In other news, Sarah Palin is a complete attention whore and should immediately start partying with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.

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  • Halloween Costume Suggestion #1

    Halloween suggestion #1

    All week I will be offering suggestions for Halloween. They will only get weirder as the week goes on. You’ve been warned.

  • The reason for the high gas prices

    So I came across a very interesting post on a forum recently. I defy you to make sense of it.

    “The reason for the high gas prices is to force people not to travel very much and stay in their locale. Due to the fact that the Purebred Reptilian race that lives in the hollow part of the earth are trying to come to the surface. The 13 Bloodlines that rule this earth and are each given section of continents of Earth to rule over are scared of their own people the Pure Bred Reptilians who are pissed off at the 13 bloodlines failure to capture this planet for the Draco Empire. Mainly in the news mine collapses and always fires out in the California and the western area to keep people from seeing these creatures as they come to the surface. Their have also been Caves closed to the Public due to their entryway into the hollow earth area where the Purebred Reptilains been seen and their have been many battles underground by these Purebreds trying to get to the surface to take immediate control. Chemtrails are also being used to target these Purebreds genetics and eliminate them.

  • Origin of the word dickhead

    Image via David Dunlap
    Image via David Dunlap

    Please try to update your avatars. I did something on the backend that I hope will help.