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  1. Kennyh2o

    Mom, Is that you??? what are you doing in my house???

  2. t1nyturtle

    “Yes, this is the blanket my little Timmy was conceived on,
    back in 1953! And the fun we had with beach towels — you
    know, the whole idea of T-shirts with writing on them
    hadn’t been invented back then. And I remember when
    those race cars used to run on the sand, oh, that was
    dangerous, let me tell you! To the racers, and to those
    of us fornicating on the beach, to everybody! And you
    know those horseshoe crab things, those little modern-day
    trilobite things, they’d crawl all over you if you let ’em!
    Yes, back in those days…

  3. Drusky

    Somehow, I don’t think ‘Naked, Daytona Beach, Florida’ is supposed to bring a picture of breasts hanging down to your belt line to mind… :dead:

  4. Drusky

    Little Helen gives orders to a new male nurse in her ‘Granny Pad’ at the care home…

  5. Cobe

    Look! Pecker tracks riiiight there. Makes my crotch itch.

  6. blueboneville

    Yes Virginia, we showed our hooters back then too. Nothing different or new under the old beach blanket that wasn’t there before. 😛

  7. Gee, thanks for that disturbing image. 😯

  8. chainstay

    Hef’s mom proudly displays where he got his start.

  9. king nothing

    Holy crap that’s f*@king disturbing :limp: :puke:

  10. George Burns may be gone, but his twin sister Georgina is still going strong.

  11. patrick

    “Back in the day I was a 34D. Now, I’m a 38!” :puke:

  12. patrick

    Hey, my reply got clipped. It’s supposed to say, “Back in the day I was a 34D. Now, I’m a 38XL”! :limp: :puke:

  13. chainstay

    “See that stain there? That’s from when young senator Clinton nailed me out behind the courthouse! He told me that he dug older chicks.”

  14. Phoenix1313

    [quote comment=”419919″]Hey, my reply got clipped. It’s supposed to say, “Back in the day I was a 34D. Now, I’m a 38XL”! :limp: :puke:[/quote]
    No, it needs to be 38 long…

  15. It’s nice to see that Granny is up and about and well on the road to recovery. She attempted suicide with a bullet to the heart by aiming the gun two inches above her left nipple. Damn near shot off her left kneecap!

  16. junkman

    why is everything black and white. why is that towel hanging from the sky. why is that man touching itself. why haven’t it’s eyes burnt out from sunlight magnified through the pop bottle bottoms. if this were a woman i would call it bert. why is it wearing a white cardigan. why is wearing white pants. why is it pointing at a crease (i mean with the other hand). why do cars drive on daytona beach. is that a universe in that pendant like from MIB. is this a mutant mule from a hobbit farm. :wtf:

  17. Cheryl

    Grandma! who would’ve ever thought! 😀

  18. grannies gone wild!!! :boob: :boob:

  19. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”419935″]”See that stain there? That’s from when young senator Clinton nailed me out behind the courthouse! He told me that he dug older chicks.”[/quote]
    No, that’s where McSame nailed one of the Palin gals. Or where AnnieB first kicked
    over the traces and went wild. :wang: :boob: :kiss: 😛

  20. chainstay

    I was going to say, “That’s where McCain nailed me,” but she’s way to young.

  21. Tam

    Looks to me like granny went into juniors room for a laugh. Maybe it was Barack’s bedroom. 😀 😀

  22. Grandma

    [quote comment=”420021″]why is everything black and white. why is that towel hanging from the sky. why is that man touching itself. why haven’t it’s eyes burnt out from sunlight magnified through the pop bottle bottoms. if this were a woman i would call it bert. why is it wearing a white cardigan. why is wearing white pants. why is it pointing at a crease (i mean with the other hand). why do cars drive on daytona beach. is that a universe in that pendant like from MIB. is this a mutant mule from a hobbit farm. :wtf:[/quote] Ok first of all, your either stoned or stupid. If you ask why everything is black and white your either color blind or trying way to hard to be funny, which you are not (actually that depends on if your talking about funny haha or funny queer). As far as i can tell from what you have to say, if this was a woman you called burt, you would be Burts bitch. As far as what she is wearing, what do you care about what an old lady is wearing( unless you want to be burts bitch ). Have you actually ever actually seen a “crease”? As for the comments reguarding MIB and a “mutant mule from a hobbit farm”, I think that speaks for itself.

  23. Wrinkelicious!
    If a lady of that age were to lie on anything naked, it should be an ironing board.

  24. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”419992″]It’s nice to see that Granny is up and about and well on the road to recovery. She attempted suicide with a bullet to the heart by aiming the gun two inches above her left nipple. Damn near shot off her left kneecap![/quote]
    LMAO! dude! you’ll buuuurn…. 😀

  25. julesOdeNile

    at her age, that’s the most flesh she’s seen in years…

  26. Looks like dickhead is back and calling himself Grandma now…

    Here’s an idea… why don’t you take a long walk off a short pier, you creep.

    Junkman has a talent for keen observation and putting a spin on things that I find very amusing and entertaining and if you’re too narrow-minded to enjoy it for what it is then I suggest you go somewhere that might enjoy the venom you spew out about someone you don’t even know.

    In case I haven’t made myself perfectly clear… GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE!!

  27. junkman

    grindma said: Ok first of all, your either stoned or stupid.
    junkman said: i could be both you old crease.
    grindma said: If you ask why everything is black and white your either color blind or trying way to hard to be funny, which you are not (actually that depends on if your talking about funny haha or funny queer).
    junkman said: look you can call me a fag but i draw the line at color blind!
    grindma said: As far as i can tell from what you have to say, if this was a woman you called burt, you would be Burts bitch.
    junkman said: i called this woman bert not burt so technically i would be bert’s bitch although that’s assuming i followed your logic trail which is kind of like the bread crumbs hansel and gretyl left on the path to guide them back from the gingerbread house.
    grindma said: As far as what she is wearing, what do you care about what an old lady is wearing( unless you want to be burts bitch ).
    junkman said: i have always been interested in geriatric fashion.
    grindma said: Have you actually ever actually seen a “crease”?
    junkman said: do you actually mean actually a fold in fabric or actually an actual vagina? grindma said: As for the comments reguarding MIB and a “mutant mule from a hobbit farm”, I think that speaks for itself.
    junkman said: really? what does that say for itself?
    junkman said: you know….i didn’t realize i was trolling for dunderheads when i asked these questions. was this you in the picture or something? are you going to fish out those old teats and pummel me now? bert?

  28. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”420925″]grindma said: Ok first of all, your either stoned or stupid.
    junkman said: i could be both you old crease.
    grindma said: If you ask why everything is black and white your either color blind or trying way to hard to be funny, which you are not (actually that depends on if your talking about funny haha or funny queer).
    junkman said: look you can call me a fag but i draw the line at color blind!
    grindma said: As far as i can tell from what you have to say, if this was a woman you called burt, you would be Burts bitch.
    junkman said: i called this woman bert not burt so technically i would be bert’s bitch although that’s assuming i followed your logic trail which is kind of like the bread crumbs hansel and gretyl left on the path to guide them back from the gingerbread house.
    grindma said: As far as what she is wearing, what do you care about what an old lady is wearing( unless you want to be burts bitch ).
    junkman said: i have always been interested in geriatric fashion.
    grindma said: Have you actually ever actually seen a “crease”?
    junkman said: do you actually mean actually a fold in fabric or actually an actual vagina? grindma said: As for the comments reguarding MIB and a “mutant mule from a hobbit farm”, I think that speaks for itself.
    junkman said: really? what does that say for itself?
    junkman said: you know….i didn’t realize i was trolling for dunderheads when i asked these questions. was this you in the picture or something? are you going to fish out those old teats and pummel me now? bert?[/quote]
    “nuf sed”

  29. [quote comment=”420173″]grannies gone wild!!! :boob:

    :limp: :puke: :dead: :puke: :dead: :puke: :puke: :puke: :dead: :dead: :dead:

  30. Dragonhose

    This is where I did it until i nearly went blind!

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