On Golden Shower Pond

I recently had my full physical examination from the doctor. All is well, although one comment from the nurse threw me a little. "We need a urine sample. Take this cup to the bathroom and hold it under the urine stream." Had she used 'your' in place of 'the', I might not had noticed. As a result, while I peed, I imagined being under the urine stream as a happy place, a fairytale land with dew-lit butterflies and gamboling elves. Perhaps even a poem. Under the Urine Stream, by Walt Whitman. Rime of the Ancient Uriner, by Coleridge. And why…

How not to eat sushi

I ate sushi at Katana in Royal Oak last night. Katana used to be a very trendy spot—almost pickup joint—with beautiful people and even more beautiful waitresses. Granted, I have not eaten there in six months and things seemed to have changed. At first I thought I was in a Sopranos episode. Every table save mine seemed to be populated by enormous, neckless Italian men with gold chains, striped shirts and ill-fitting jeans. Accompanying each brutish fellow was an over made-up woman with, shall we say, junk in the trunk? None of this was particularly interesting to me until Lizz…

OMG, an eagle!

C.C.: [Points out car window] "Oh look! An eagle! OMG, it's totally an eagle!" Me: "Um, that's not an eagle. That's just a crow with a piece of bread in its mouth." C.C.: "Uh, huh. You're right. OK. This does not leave this car." Me: "The hell it doesn't." T.T.: "And to think, we get to see it eating its natural prey—bread." C.C.: "All right. Enough." Me: "You know, eagles developed their keen vision so they could spot wild herds of bread from a mile in the air. Then they swoop down and snatch one before it escapes." C.C.: "Enough!"…

I missed that part

Had a meeting that ran so late, I missed the debate. Really wanted to see live, when the lasers spewed forth from McCain's eyes as he showed America who's boss around here.

I have not forgotten you

Just unbelievably busy with work these past two weeks and transitioning files to a new laptop. Should be back to normal posting tonight as I have been collecting images and thoughts for posts. Try not to break anything in the meantime. :evil: