I missed that part

Had a meeting that ran so late, I missed the debate. Really wanted to see live, when the lasers spewed forth from McCain’s eyes as he showed America who’s boss around here.

Frickin' lasers!
Frickin' lasers!
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  1. I knew it! I just knew McCain was a robot. 😯

  2. Now John, that’s just the type of behaviour that got you exiled from Krypton and thrown into the Phantom Zone in the first place.

  3. Carolinabear

    You know, my friend posted on his Facebook page last debate “I am trying to find the strings that were holding up John McCain last night”. At first I was bummed beacause they weren’t standing, but he was still on strings. And you are right Dave, he is a robot.

  4. fruf

    see what happens to you when you look down the front of Sarah’s dress

  5. In his mind he’s singing:

    Barack, don’t do it
    When you want to go to it
    Barack, don’t do it
    When you want to come.

    Live those dreams,
    Scheme those schemes,
    Ya got hit me, hit me,
    Hit me with those laser beams

  6. This was John McCains response to yesterday’s picture. Zillagirls beware!

  7. Patrick

    Don’t know what you got, Oh, Mr. Roboto! (With a tip of the mullet to Tommy Shaw)

  8. junkman

    lun. its johnzirra on davezirra ❗

    ps. if you click on the door of palins office and then click it 2 more times a deer will appear. click on the deer. click on one of the curtain valances. hee hee.

  9. Jay

    It’s nice to finally know what happened to Dr. Evil’s “frickin’ lasers”…

  10. Cobe

    Earth girls are easy

  11. There it is, clean coal technology. And frickin’ lasers.

  12. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”441143″]In his mind he’s singing:

    Barack, don’t do it
    When you want to go to it
    Barack, don’t do it
    When you want to come.

    Live those dreams,
    Scheme those schemes,
    Ya got hit me, hit me,
    Hit me with those laser beams

    StevieC Goes to Hollywood

  13. Flash Gordon

    “This x-ray vision sure comes in handy when I am interviewing Veep candidates
    and other roadies.” :boob: :thong: :wtf: :knickers:

  14. [quote comment=”441315″]lun. its johnzirra on davezirra ❗

    ps. if you click on the door of palins office and then click it 2 more times a deer will appear. click on the deer. click on one of the curtain valances. hee hee.[/quote]

    There’s all kinds of places to click. Be careful of that light switch though, you never know what a VPILF will do when the lights are out.

  15. Da Popster

    Better than the sock puppet we’ve these past 8 years but still not good enough. :limp:

  16. Nina

    All I can think of when I see this is McCain as Emperor Palpatine saying “Something something dark sithe, something something complete”

  17. My five year old just loves that clip. She says she would vote for him, so I guess he should feel happy that has the kindergarten vote.

  18. where’s the frickin’ shark that he should be tied to?

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