Screw Tumblr. I’m back.

Thought it was more fun to post quickly to Tumblr, but it's not fun to write on Tumblr and I have been itching to write again. And take my own pictures again, instead of reposting others images. With that, I give you this d-bag who decided to park in a no parking spot in front of the local Pei Wei.

The Problem with Long Nails

Ever see women with ridiculously long nails? Grown to a length where they begin to curl into talons and turn yellowish? There are some men that grow them long too, but the majority are women. I've always wondered how these people get through their every day lives. Think about the things that would be difficult and painful, if not impossible to do with nails like that. Getting in and out of a taxi Sending a text message Zipping up a zipper Un/Lacing a corset Un/Hooking a bra Juggling axes Braiding hair Push-ups Jenga! Playing hockey Reading Braille Using a jackhammer…

Nothing to see here folks

In the interest of job preservation, I have never blogged about work. I'm going to tonight, but I am not pulling a Dooce. This is just something odd that happened today. My fiancée and I both work at the same agency, but on different floors. I went up after work to see what time she was leaving since it was well after 5:00. The janitor was curled up in a chair, moaning slowly like, "Ohhhhhhhhh, Ughhhhhhhhh…" as if in extreme pain. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. Me: "Miss, are you, OK?" Janitor: "Dammit! Can't you see…