Survey Results

Thank you for taking the poll! 1,240 of you responded. Here is how you responded: 48% of you want stripper poles 43% of you want polls brought back 47% of you want to use your Facebook logins 34% of you want to use the Google logins that were in the sidebar 18% of you are rockin' the OpenIDs 59% of you want more blog, fewer features 41% of you wants moar bukkit! 78% of you want a mix of posts and photos 18% of you want pictures only 3% of you can read 344 of you want more Zilla Girl…


So my site seems to have been compromised by clever spammers. Not sure how they got in, but they managed to insert hidden code into thousands of posts that I now have to manually remove. Somehow it is affecting my sidebar and footer as well. The site isn't showing any PHP errors, but the site hasn't been working since that spam appeared in my posts. Will keep working on this. Might be a few more days of downtime. Apologies! Meanwhile, enjoy the links. And we're back! So it turned out to be a plugin that borked on me. The spam…

Still Alive

I haven't forgotten about you, dear readers and I have several post ideas and tons of photos. I've just been traveling so much for work that I never get a free moment to blog. I also have more travel Monday and Tuesday, so please don't rob me.

Now you can send me pictures!

I get a lot of email from you readers. A lot a lot. Most of it is really entertaining and I'd say 50% of it is too naughty for this site to publish. That said, many of you want to send me pictures and links, but don't have my email address, and to minimize spam, I don't publish it. I've made a new contact form that lets you add pictures and links, leave me messages and even tell me if you love or hate the site. Because I care. And 'cause I really like the weird things you all send…

Mr Sensitive? You BET!

The other day I made a comment to someone that got an unanticipated response (I know, right, me saying something that bothers someone? how … odd).

I suggested that if superpowers were on the bartering table, I would see my way through to selling my soul. I mean, superpowers. Come on. Who wouldn’t want that. Even assuming that I’m not completely serious about bartering an unsubstantial, non-recordable and altogether magical essence for the concrete power to teleport, or shoot laser beams from my eyes, or whatever power I chose, it’s a good topic of conversation. It gets the ball rolling. From there we could have gone with ‘WHat would you sell your soul for’ or ‘What’s the nastiest place you had the sex in?’

Where’s the freaks?

Many of you have emailed me asking what happened to the Freak Watchers site. Well, it is temporarily down. The site was compromised some time this weekend by a rather unscrupulous hacker. Every time you went to the site, Career Builder came up within my domain. Career Builder! Ridiculous. So… the site will remain offline until I can get a spare day to rebuild it in Wordpress. In other news, Sarah Palin is a complete attention whore and should immediately start partying with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.

How not to eat sushi

I ate sushi at Katana in Royal Oak last night. Katana used to be a very trendy spot—almost pickup joint—with beautiful people and even more beautiful waitresses. Granted, I have not eaten there in six months and things seemed to have changed. At first I thought I was in a Sopranos episode. Every table save mine seemed to be populated by enormous, neckless Italian men with gold chains, striped shirts and ill-fitting jeans. Accompanying each brutish fellow was an over made-up woman with, shall we say, junk in the trunk? None of this was particularly interesting to me until Lizz…