New look

I guess I never did get around to updating this site's appearance last year. There are of course, a few bugs, missing features and visual tweaks still. Safari is not displaying the comment editing buttons, but you can tell what they are by hovering your mouse over them. More new features to come over the week. Stay tuned…

Rest in peace, St. Augustine

[1998-2005] This weekend while I was in Toronto, my cats managed to open the screen door and get onto the balcony. When I came home, the youngest one was nowhere to be found. Tuesday night I found him huddled and shaking under a bush. He died Wednesday evening from internal injuries (he fell two stories onto some rocks). I am taking a few days off. Please understand.

Pope to star in upcoming Star Wars film

Despite news stories that he is in ill health and receiving last rites, Pope John Paul II is starring in several action films this summer, including Lucas' newest effort as an ancient Jedi master. This summer, he is slated to appear in the next Harry Potter film, and finally, he will appear as The Thing in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. "The Pope isn't sick. Far from it," said Vatican insiders who described his manner as "spritely" and "looking rather buff". John Paul, or "Killer P" as the Cardinals refer to him, is spending Spring Break in Cancun with some…

Hells Yeah

I just want to thank all of you that have been giving that link on the left a click. This is now the #1 WordPress site thanks to all of you. Keep clicking. We're number one!

New look. Same crappy attitude

So I finally redesigned. Old stuff will be archived. We are starting from scratch. It is still a work in progress and there are many browser tweaks to come. Hack suggestions are always welcome. By the way, if you don't care for the photo on the upper right, hit reload. There are a few dozen in the queue.